Phrase Example; A; acid rain: Acid rain is very harmful to the environment. Disposing of waste illegally by not using bins or official recycling centres, civic amenity sites or landfills. It might be a source of water for springs and wells and then used for drinking water. Poisonous or harmful to the body (ecotoxic relates to damage to the environment). Carbon Monoxide alarms can be used as a backup to provide a warning to householders in the event of a dangerous build up of carbon monoxide. Pemission to emit to the atmosphere, one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent, during a specific trading period. In this guide, getting rid of waste by discarding it into a bin and, when it is collected, by incincerating it or sending it to landfill. Another word for environment. Actions to save fuels, for example better building design, changing production processes, developing better transport policies, using better road vehicles and using insulation and double glazing in homes. See also greenhouse effect and global warming. Examples include standing charges for bin collections or gas supply. See also sustainable tourism. A statement about the expected effects on the environment of a proposed project or development such as a new road or waste water treatment plant, including how any severe effects on the environment will be addressed. Yellowtail: game fish of southern California and Mexico having a yellow tail fin. Permission granted by a local authority for new buildings or for extensions, once nobody objects to the plans. The pollution peak in the ''City of Light'' has been in the news for days now. In this guide, matter from living, or once-living, things. The EPA reviews licences and, with local authorities, monitors landfills around the country for emissions. The harmful release of oil into the environment, usually through water, which is very difficult to clean up and often kills birds, fish and other wildlife. Examples include oil-based paints, car batteries, weed killers, bleach and waste electrical and electronic devices. (Source: US EPA), Sudden spurts of algal growth, which can affect water quality adversely and indicate potentially hazardous changes in local water chemistry. the carbon cycle noun. An international treaty joined by 192 countries that has the goal of preventing ‘dangerous’ human interference with the climate system and sets general rules for tackling climate change. The Government’s campaign to change how people in Ireland think about climate change and encourage us to change how we behave. The area occupied by a community or species (group of animals or plants), such as a forest floor, desert or sea shore. Energy from renewable resources such as wind power, solar energy or biomass. Carbon monoxide is toxic when inhaled because it combines with your blood and prevents oxygen from getting to your organs. The pattern of weather in a particular region over a set period of time, usually 30 years. Ionising radiation includes ultraviolet rays, radon gas and X-rays. See also renewable energy. They are food for fish and small aquatic animals. Places that start with Y Use the below list to find different terms pertaining to words that start with the letter Y. A rating given to electrical appliances such as ovens, washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators according to how much energy they use. Benefits of a property, such as nearby playgrounds, swimming pools, community centres or parks. All types of energy derived from biomass, including biofuels. The payment usually funds projects that generate energy from renewable sources such as wind or flowing water. A wheelie bin used in certain local authorities to collect waste that cannot be recycled or composted. Another word for environment: surroundings, setting, conditions, situation, medium | Collins English Thesaurus A community of organisms that depend on each other and the environment they inhabit. A rich soil-like material produced from decayed plants and other organic matter, such as food and animal waste, that decomposes (breaks down) naturally. Highly toxic chemicals that can be formed in small amounts from forest fires or volcanoes but more often are produced unintentionally from industrial activities and from incinerating waste and burning fossil fuels. Instead of getting stuck in negativity, find positive words that start with Y to describe a person, place, feeling, action or thing and use them all the time. An aspect of waste management that involves reducing the amount of waste we produce and minimising the potential harm to human health or the environment from packaging or ingredients in products. The following are a couple of examples of words starting with Y. Tibetan farmers use a yak to pull the plow on the field. See also global warming, and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. A change in the climate of a region over time due to natural forces or human activity. See also ecosystem, habitat and organism. Carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere and used by plants. None are great, but here is the best I could come up with. Start a Jam and invite your friends and classmates to join! In the context of the atmosphere, gases or particles released into the air that can contribute to global warming or poor air quality. See also UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. An international agreement signed in Japan in 1997, attached to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. quake: short for earthquake. An illegal method of getting rid of household waste, possibly in an attempt to save on bin charges, that releases levels of pollutants into the air, so harming air quality and risking the health of those burning the waste and of their neighbours. A measure of the amount of carbon dioxide you produce through your lifestyle every day, for example through driving or using electrical appliances and lighting. quicksand: a goopy sand that occurs near many bodies of water. A material is said to be radioactive if it emits radiation. A poisonous substance that can either be natural (produced by plants, animals or bacteria) or manufactured. You can check your understanding by doing the Environment Vocabulary Quiz. We've got them all. They can affect water quality adversely by lowering the dissolved oxygen in the water. You can find over 180 nouns starting with y from this wordmom list. This page lists all the words which start with 'environmental' Word Game Helper. Do you like talking about environmental issues like pollution, wildlife protection and endangered species, climate change, renewable energy, etc? The process of deliberately allowing food, garden and other suitable organic wastes to break down naturally over time to produce compost. Ratings are on a scale from A to G, with A-rated appliances using the least energy and G-rated needing the most. A design, usually of a building, that includes environmentally-friendly features such as solar panels, skylights or recycled building materials. Z Zero emissions. Starting with y or prefix "y", and ending with y. Carbon Monoxide has no smell, taste or colour. ablation. The reduction of trees in a wood or forest due to natural forces or human activity such as burning or logging. Liquid wastes from communities, which may be a mixture of domestic effluent from homes and liquid waste from industry. These gases absorb radiation emitted naturally from the ground, so slowing down the loss of energy from Earth. You're at a café in Paris with your colleagues when they start discussing the latest pic de pollution (peek dö po-lu-see-an), the pollution peak, which occurs when a threshold in poor air quality is crossed. See carbon offset. Waste collected after a consumer has disposed of it, for example sweet wrappers or packaging from small electronic goods such as mobile phones or MP3 players. Ireland has two World Heritage Sites: the pre-historic sites of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth in Co. Meath and Skellig Michael, a religious settlement from the 7 th century off the coast of Co. Cork. See also bring bank, recycling centre and WEEE. See also composting. A voluntary international label that identifies appliances that meet certain standards of energy efficiency. The use of fossil fuels for energy is increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is believed to contribute to global warming. See also greenhouse gases and photosynthesis. Y yellow rain A powdery, poisonous, yellow substance reported dropping from the air in the eastern parts of China and Asia and found to be the excrement of wild honeybees contaminated by … The less energy an appliance uses, the better it is for the environment and the more you will save on your bill. The scheme trains and offers grants to community organisations to carry out work such as attic insulation, draught proofing, installing lagging jackets and so on. Common words start with letter 'y'. A public or private facility that accepts recyclable and non-recyclable materials such as garden and household waste and certain hazardous wastes such as paints, batteries and electrical and electronic devices. A measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, especially climate change, often reported as the units of tonnes (or kg) of carbon dioxide each of us produces over a given period of time. CFL bulbs will completely replace filament bulbs in Ireland by 1 September 2012. The management of waste collection, handling, processing, storage and transport from where it is produced to where it is finally disposed. An engine, motor or other energy source that does not produce any gas or release any harmful gases directly into the environment. the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers ... energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment. Under the agreement, which has been in force in Ireland since 2005, industrialised countries promised to reduce their combined greenhouse gas emissions to at least 5 percent below 1990 levels over the period 2008-2012. A natural or man-made site that has outstanding universal value and meets at least one of 10 conditions decided by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Air is made up of a number of gases, mostly nitrogen and oxygen and, in smaller amounts, water vapour, carbon dioxide and argon and other trace gases. The National Adult Literacy Agency(NALA) has developed an A – Z guide containing over 100 explanations of common environmental terms. Liquid transport fuels made from biomass. List of 16 words that start with y and end in y. It includes a website,, which has carbon calculators that can calculate the carbon foootprint of individuals, businesses and local authorities. The thin protective layer of gas 10 to 50km above the Earth that acts as a filter for ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. (Source: US EPA). (Source: US EPA), A corrosive solution with a Ph of less than 7 (Source: US EPA). If a person is exposed to carbon monoxide over a period, it can cause illness and even death. Air pollution consisting of smoke and fog, which occurs in large urban and industrial areas and is mainly caused by the action of sunlight on burned fuels, mostly from car exhausts. There are no terms starting with the letter X. Y There are no terms starting with the letter Y. Energy harnessed from the wind at wind farms and converted to power. Reducing the degree of intensity of , or eliminating, pollution. These tables provide the word or phrase in the left column and an example of how to use the term(s) in the righthand column to provide context. Preserving or protecting animals and resources such as minerals, water and plants through planned action (such as breeding endangered species) or non-action (such as not letting taps run unnecessarily). Source: National Adult Literacy Agency, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate Wexford, Y35 W821 Tel. Material from plants or animals that can be used to create compost because it will decompose naturally over time. Use any of them. Poisonous gases that can harm people and the environment. An engine or machine, usually mounted on a towe, that captures the force of the wind and converts it to electricity. Being unable to heat a home to a safe and comfortable level because of low household income or having to spend more than 10% of household income to heat a home to a comfortable level because the home is not energy efficient. For more information, see the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland or freephone 1800 250 204. A site that is specially designed to dispose of waste and operates with a licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Air pollution occurs when harmful chemicals and particles are emitted to the air – due to human activity or natural forces – at a concentration that interferes with human health or welfare or that harms the environment in other ways. It covers a six-year period and states the local authority’s goals for a range of areas such as maintaining and improving roads and parks, preserving and enhancing amenities (such as playgrounds or swimming pools), zoning land for homes, businesses, factories and farming and providing services and facilities such as waste disposal and sewerage. Words are listed in alphabetical order: Yabbering Start With Y and End In Y. Starts from Y - Science Glossary / Terms / Dictionary Definitions - Yield - The energy released by a nuclear explosion. Add length, starts with, ends in, origins, and more with word search filters. Gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, which tend to trap heat radiating from the Earth’s surface, so causing warming in the lower atmosphere. 10 years ago. Additional definitions have been sourced from the European Environment Agency and the US Environmental Protection Agency. Learn More » nonterminal For English-language learners, vocabulary related to environmental issues can be challenging.Tables sectioned according to types of environmental issues can help. Smog can cause eye irritations and breathing problems and damage plant life. A highly poisonous, odourless, tasteless and colourless gas that is formed when carbon material burns without enough oxygen. Source(s): environmental science words starting q: Word lists are in the order of the most common words and most searched. A vehicle such as a car or small van that is scrapped and sent for recycling. A panel fixed to the roof of a building that uses special cells to collect energy from the sun and convert it to electricity to heat the building and/or power the lights, appliances or equipment. A list of words that start with Environmental (words with the prefix Environmental). Sharing a car to a destination to reduce fuel use, pollution and travel costs. the energy that is transferred as electromagnetic waves, such as visible light and infrared waves, an area in which water travels downward to become part of an aquifer, the process of returning land to its original condition after mining is completed, the process of recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap; the process of reusing some items, the reestablishment and development of trees in a forest land, energy from sources that are constantly being formed, the maximum number of offspring that a given organism can produce, an artificial body of water that usually forms behind a dam, in biology, the ability of an organism to tolerate a chemical or disease-causing agent, the scientific assessment, study, and management of risk; a scientific estimation of the likelihood of negative effects that may result from exposure to a specific hazard, a flowing network of rivers and streams draining a river basin, a cud-chewing mammal that has a three- or four-chambered stomach; examples include sheep, goats, and cattle, describes an area of open land that is often used for farming, a measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a given amount of liquid, a maritime habitat characterized by grasses, sedges, and other plants that have adapted to continual, periodic flooding; salt marshes are found primarily throughout the temperate and subarctic regions, the group of individuals or events selected to represent a statistical population, a plain full of grasses and scattered trees and shrubs; found in tropical and subtropical habitats and mainly in regions with a dry climate, such as East Africa, a pollutant that forms in the atmosphere by chemical reaction with primary air pollutants, natural components in the air, or both, the process by which one community replaces another community that has been partially or totally destroyed, a set of symptoms, such as headache, fatigue, eye irritation, and dizziness, that may affect workers in modern, airtight office buildings; believed to be caused by indoor pollutants, the melting or fusing of ore in order to separate impurities from pure metal, urban air pollution composed of a mixture of smoke and fog produced from industrial pollutants and burning fuels, a discarded solid material, such as garbage, refuse, or sludges, any change in the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of materials or products to reduce their amount or toxicity before they become municipal solid waste; also the reuse of products or materials, a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to product fertile offspring; also the level of classification below genus and above subspecies, the collection and classification of data that are in the form of numbers, the layer of the atmosphere that lies between the troposphere and the mesosphere and in which temperature increases as altitude increases; contains the ozone layer, the sinking of regions of the ground surface with little or no horizontal movement, a mining method in which ore is extracted from beneath the ground surface, a natural depression or a human-made excavation that serves as a disposal facility that holds an accumulation of wastes, a mining method in which soil and rocks are removed to reach underlying coal or minerals, all the bodies of fresh water, salt water, ice, and snow that are found above the ground, the percentage of newborn individuals in a population that can be expected to survive in a given age, the condition in which human needs are met in such a way that a human population can survive indefinitely, a relationship in which two different organisms live in close association with each other, a region of evergreen, coniferous forest below the arctic and subarctic tundra regions, a block of lithosphere that consists of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle; also called lithospheric plate, a forest (or biome) that is characterized by trees that shed their leaves in the fall, a community (or biome) that is dominated by grasses, has few trees, and is characterized by cold winters and rainfall that is intermediate between that of a forest and a desert, a forest community (or biome), characterized by cool, humid weather and abundant rainfall, where tree branches are draped with mosses, tree trunks are covered with lichens, and the forest floor is covered with ferns, the atmospheric condition in which warm air traps cooler air near Earth's surface, a temperature increase in a body of water that is caused by human activity and that has a harmful effect on water quality and on the ability of that body of water to support life, a species that has been identified to be likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future, the surface layer of the soil, which is usually richer in organic matter than the subsoil is, the study of toxic substances, including their nature, effects, detection, methods of treatment, and exposure control, one of the steps in a food chain or food pyramid; examples include producers and primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers, a forest or jungle near the equator that is characterized by large amounts of rain and little variation in temperature and that contains the greatest known diversity of organisms on Earth, the lowest layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature drops at a constant rate as altitude increases; the part of the atmosphere where weather conditions exist, a treeless plaint that is located in the Arctic or Antarctic and that is characterized by very low winter temperatures; short, cool summers; and vegetation that consists of grasses, lichens, and perennial herbs, a foliage layer that is beneath and shaded by the main canopy of a forest, an increase in the ratio or density of people living in urban areas rather than in rural areas, the rapid spread of a city into adjoining suburbs and rural areas, a principle or standard that an individual considers to be important, a factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis, in biology, any agent, such as a plasmid or a virus, that can incorporate foreign DNA and transfer that DNA from one organism to another, an intermediate host that transfers a pathogen or a parasite to another organism, an animal that has a backbone, includes mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, water than contains wastes from homes or industry, the continuous movement of water between the atmosphere, the land, and the oceans, contamination of water by waste matter or other material that is harmful to organisms that are exposed to the water, the areas of land that is drained by a water system, the short-term state of the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, and visibility, an area of land that is periodically underwater or whose soil contains a great deal of moisture, a region that is not cultivated and that is not inhabited by humans, the amount of crops produced per unit area. 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