D-Free. Her passive is great for a SSR. Is this Gohan as good as the best TUR’s now? FBpage. While Gohan is capable of dealing incredible Damage and tanking, he shines as a support Card. Ultimate Gohan is a transformation achieved by Son Gohan after Elder Kaiōshin unlocked his potential. The good thing was a first INT future Gohan on the 4th step. Finally I want to compare SSR SSJ3 Gohan to one of the best TUR’s Super Gogeta. Home. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. As you can see, it being spit causes a noticeable difference in damage. Press J to jump to the feed. He should be too fast … Remember, SSJ3 Gohan is a SSR, while Gogeta is a TUR. If you want to look at it simply, Gohan’s passive is a 156% boost to atk, rather than the assumed 120% people have a misconception on. 24 days ago. 40,000 x 1.6 (Half of the passive) = 64,000, 80,000 x 1.5 (12 Ki Multiplier) = 120,000, 120,000 x 1.6 (Second half of passive) = 192,000. That...is really broken and awesome. Even if he kept Supreme, but got the other boosts I listed, he would do 2,355,244 DPT on avg. The good thing was a first INT future Gohan on the 4th step. After his Zenkai Awakening, this prodigal son is ready to return to the big leagues. He becomes an offensive monster, 100% start of turn boost, then an additional 100% on Super, which gives him 300% ATK! ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack, When HP is 58% or more with an ally whose name includes ", *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. *INT SSJ3 Gohan (need him to buff Xeno Goku's damage reduction passive) *AGL Transforming SSJ Goku or TEQ SSJ3 Angel Goku (stun RNG abuse- will take several tries) Favor highly duped INT SSJ2 Angel Goku for friend supporters since he … This is Super Gogeta’s current peak ATK AVG. Best I've gotten with my PHY SSB Goku is around 40M as well. Gogeta (INT) (DOKKANED) Janemba (STR) (DOKKANED) Angel SSJ3 Goku (DOKKANED) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) (DOKKANED) Cooler (DOKKANED) Turles (DOKKANED) Ultra Instinct Goku (DOKKANED) Swagatron5000 = SSJ4 Goku X3 (DOKKANED) Omega Shenron (PHY) Super 17 Gogeta (INT) Janemba (STR) Kid Buu (INT) Ultra Instinct Goku SUPAH BEJITO (INT) 100% … share. Ki +2 atk/def 25% to all extreme. He's busted as fuck and as soon as I have more Int orbs he's getting them. DBZDOKKANTUBE. Yes I know, it’s hardly higher, but Super Gogeta is one of the best TUR’s in the game, that’s extremely impressive. Now let’s see the numbers when it’s separated. D-Free. I cannot see these cards never receiving a dokkan. As a TUR she'll be quite impressive. 1/120: INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +80%: Hyper Masenko Wave - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK for 9 turns Details: Full Power Unleashed - ATK & DEF +100%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +60% when performing a Super Attack: The only differences between his uniform and Goku's is that the sleeves are longer on his, his boots are a dark blue with yellowish stripes on the bottom edges and without the line running in the middle of the boots from top to bottom, and he also we… Could use some help. It’s similar to how units like LR Majin Vegeta or Full Power Freeza benefit so much from support units. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. im thinking it will only be 10% and 10%, that will fit with all the TUR dokkans. View all Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue LR Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Transforming Gotenks (INT) Buutenks Buu (Good/Evil) (TEC) Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) Future trunks (TEC) Goku (namek saga) Gohan SSJ2 LR Cell LR Vegeta … Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! So let’s add experience fighter being active for Gogeta when it wasn’t before, and let’s compare the ATK AVG’s. This is Gohan’s new AVG. On 25th December 2020 By . ultimate gohan vs janemba. Due to Gohan having Experienced fighters and now having Fierce battle, you would link him with Super Gogeta. Instead of combining Freeza’s 120% and the 40% to make 160%, he gets 1 instance of 120% atk boost, and another instance of a 40% atk boost. Tumblr. a good support for rainbows and Extreme Agi she is Agi Whis for Extreme teams. Gogeta (INT) (DOKKANED) Janemba (STR) (DOKKANED) Angel SSJ3 Goku (DOKKANED) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) (DOKKANED) Cooler (DOKKANED) Turles (DOKKANED) Ultra Instinct Goku (DOKKANED) Swagatron5000 = SSJ4 Goku X3 (DOKKANED) Omega Shenron (PHY) Super 17 Gogeta (INT) Janemba (STR) Kid Buu (INT) Ultra Instinct Goku SUPAH BEJITO (INT) 100% potential cards More and more great cards they make are staying as UR's. I did one multi got him and Pikkon and immediately SA10. No he isn’t. SS3 Gohan (Teen) can be a pretty tanky unit, he doesn’t need anything more than the natural lv.5 Dodge he gets for being an INT type. share. High chance to stun, useful for SBR, too. I disagree. Note: I am taking into account Gogeta’s Super effective multiplier, Gohan still beats him out. level 2. Freaking Super INT is getting way too broken...I love it. The only bad part of her is shes AGL, if she was like TEQ/PHY/STR, that would be even better. SSJ3 Goku was at least able injure Janemba when he landed a hit, and Gohan is anywhere from 5-10 times stronger than Goku. Super Saiyan 3 Gohan (Teen) 2108. No. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This ends up yielding more damage, and the difference is very noticeable when the card is heavily duped out. LR Int Gohan; LR Mighty Mask; LR Beerus; LR Goku & Frieza; Phys BrolyS; Phys SSJ3 Gotenks; 4x Teq Frieza; SSJ4 Goku; Turles; SSJB Vegito; Str Buu; Super 17; Int Janemba; SSJ4 Gogeta; Phys Vegeta; Phys Cooler; Int Ult Gohan; Phys SSJ Vegito; 2x Teq Zamasu; AGL … i don't think gohan is getting a total of 40% attack when he TURs. 40. -1 S.H. Despite appearing to be in his normal state, Gohan, in actuality, is using the power of Super Saiyan 2 without the burden the latter transformation places on his body. Reply. 1048. Language (Beta) × български Català Čeština Home. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 2249. Glad you got him in one multi, you plan on going for Trunks or Towa? Gohan is a self-sufficient nuker and support Card that is is going to be best alongside at least a few Super INT allies to maximize his Passive Skill. Super Saiyan 3 Gohan (Teen) 2746. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle 3 Year Anniversary . FBpage. Could use some help. Coming at 2,466,795. Will he be when he awakens? This is Gohan’s current peak ATK AVG. 1048. SP SSJ2 Youth Gohan PUR is a Fighter who references one of the most iconic incarnations of one of the most iconic characters from the anime, and his toolkit does an amazing job at replicating that. His SSJ3 Form seems insane, greatly raising ATK & DEF for 3 turns, which you can get a minimum of 100% DEF and 100% on SA multiplier. FREE INT SSJ3 GOKU & 100% STR KID GOHAN! - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Z Fighters - Kamehameha Hybrid Saiyans - Majin Buu Saga - Goku's Family - Siblings' Bond - Super Saiyans - Kamehameha Coming at 2,664,139. 24. Remember, SSJ3 Gohan is a SSR, while Gogeta is a TUR. This means he has two instances of x 1.6, rather than 1 instance of x 2.2. On 25th December 2020 By . I don't do free dupe comparisons. int transforming goku, the int gotenks, the god of sbr himself str vegeta. Sigh, now there's another super int card I have to get. DBZDOKKANTUBE. Arale Part2 When ? ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150% Whether you float this Card or keep it on the main rotation, Gohan is a great asset for many teams. Goku, meaning SS3 Gotenks is INT means inorder to Dokkan awaken [ SSJ3 Gotenks ] (/teq in. Mobile does those, I prefer full rainbow. Feb 25, 2018 - Goku turns into SSJ3 while fighting Kale and Caulifla, as seen in Dragon Ball Super episode 113. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tumblr. Super INT Thanks to Over in a Flash and Experienced Fighters SS3 Gohan (Teen) can link very well both with the Leader of the team, [Outshining Darkness] Super Gogeta , and [Saiyans Proof of Power] SS3 Bardock while also outputting an incredible amount of damage. 2020. He also dons a uniform greatly resembling that of Goku's early uniform, and states that he is inspired to wear it in the hopes that he will one day be as strong as he was. Coming at 1,542,884. "Bond of Master and Disciple" or "Hybrid Saiyans" Category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%: Explosive Dance: Raises ATK and causes immense damage to enemy: Rage Against Androids: ATK +100%; reduces damage received by 58%; Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30% per "Bond of Master and Disciple" Category ally attacking in the same turn; launches an additional Super … level 2. You keep saying when he becomes a TUR, But i sadly think some of these new cards we get will never dokkan'd. FREE INT SSJ3 GOKU & 100% STR KID GOHAN! Yes. Reply. With him being SSR only I would imagine it not being to hard to get dupes of him. She's definitely optimal I would think, over WT Cooler for sure. this is Goku when he first transforms into ssj3, and this is gotenks when he first transforms ssj3, if they fought who'd win? Community content is available under. Home. After his Zenkai Awakening, this prodigal son is ready to return to the big leagues. i also think it would be a more fair comparison to see how a potential TUR SSJ3 Gohan would do at the free dupe level compared to SSB Vegeta's free dupe level. It’s not a 120% boost. Hey guys, quick analysis on SSJ3 Gohan since I’m seeing way too many comments about him being not great or bad. Here’s a sample example of what I mean. The focus should be Critical, as always, but it’s true that this unit receives a huge ATK boost upon Super Attack, further investment in Additional is not a bad idea. FREE INT SSJ3 GOKU & 100% STR KID GOHAN! Dragon Bal. LR Int Gohan; LR Mighty Mask; LR Beerus; LR Goku & Frieza; Phys BrolyS; Phys SSJ3 Gotenks; 4x Teq Frieza; SSJ4 Goku; Turles; SSJB Vegito; Str Buu; Super 17; Int Janemba; SSJ4 Gogeta; Phys Vegeta; Phys Cooler; Int Ult Gohan; Phys SSJ Vegito; 2x Teq Zamasu; AGL Zamasu; Best Marketplace for Dokkan battle account Should I use Elder Kais/Grand Kais? It may not happen soon, but to think they'll stay as SSR's for the rest of the game seems incorrect to me. Currently SS3 Gohan (Teen) can be used on Super INT, "Rainbow Heroes", Hybrid Saiyans and Super Saiyan 3. Gohan’s Passive, base ATK, SA multiplier and links are going to change when he TURs. Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! SSJ3 Gohan now hits harder than even Super Gogeta. LEADER: Ultimate Gohan (STR) MEMBERS : LR SSJ2 Gohan (INT) LR SSJ Trunks (PHY) LR Goten & Trunks (AGL) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) SSJ3 Gotenks (TEQ) (ADULT) How the team should look / … Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. 2864. Best I've gotten with my PHY SSB Goku is around 40M as well. Arale Part2 When ? 24 days ago. Super Saiyan 3 Gohan (Teen) 2108. This is Gogeta’s new AVG. Contact. 1341. +50% atk to all extreme when you go below 30% only once, and heal to 100%. This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so that you can build your team. Home. Let’s give Gohan 1,000 more base ATK when he TURs, Immense, up his passive from 60% twice to 80% twice, and give him Fierce battle. ultimate gohan vs janemba. 2 minutes and 5 seconds at Lv is more than 400x stronger than SSJ3 Goku … Report Save. Half of it is during the start of turn, while the other half is on SA. DOKKANYoutuber List. Awesome! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 24. View all Freeza final form (angel) Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue LR Vegito SSJ4 Xeno Transforming Gotenks (INT) Buu (Good/Evil) (TEC) Ultimate Gohan (TEC) Buutenks Goku and Vegeta (angel) Kefla Vegito LR (TEQ) Gogeta LR (PHY) Beerus (PHY) Majin Vegeta Goku SSJ2 (Angel) Fused C-13 Coora (STR) Bardock Future Gohan (INT) Piccolo SSB (kaioken) Goku (STR) Zamasu (AGL) … 1/80: INT Type Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +60%: Hyper Masenko Wave - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK for 6 turns Details: Full-Power Clash - ATK & DEF +60%; plus an additional ATK +60% when performing a Super Attack: Still extremely impressive. SP SSJ2 Youth Gohan PUR is a Fighter who references one of the most iconic incarnations of one of the most iconic characters from the anime, and his toolkit does an amazing job at replicating that. Gohan’s Passive, base ATK, SA multiplier and links are going to change when he TURs. DOKKANYoutuber List. Report Save. FREE INT SSJ3 GOKU & 100% STR KID GOHAN! Fusion Vegeta blue SSJ God and Goku Red Super Saiyan God into Gogeta (DBZ Tenkaichi 3 mod) Richardrobinson98. SSJ3 Goku was at least able injure Janemba when he landed a hit, and Gohan is anywhere from 5-10 times stronger than Goku. Coming at 2,670,307. Teen Gotenks only got 20%, super gogeta only got 20%, super saiyan 4 goku only got 30%. I don't have dupes in my INT LR Gohan, nor do I have LR Gofrieza. the ssj3 broly have pfb instead of oiaf is kind of meh. Rainbowing units isn't really a good way to judge them. Because of its nature, the fact that realistically any unit with Over in a Flash can easily fit on it and the second part of SS3 Bardock’s Leader Skill opening up the team to pretty much any Super INT type, building a Super Saiyan 3 team is relatively easy, I will only list a few options. First thing I want to talk about is his passive. Gotta agree 100%. this is Goku when he first transforms into ssj3, and this is gotenks when he first transforms ssj3, if they fought who'd win? Let’s give Gohan 1,000 more base ATK when he TURs, Immense, up his passive from 60% twice to 80% twice, and give him Fierce battle. This card is probably the most busted SSR in the game, and will likely be one of the best TURs when he awakens. 1/80: INT Type Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +60%: Hyper Masenko Wave - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK for 6 turns Details: Full-Power Clash - ATK & DEF +60%; plus an additional ATK +60% when performing a … 10,000 (Base ATK) x 4 (Leader Skill) = 40,000, 75,000 x 2.2 (Combined passive) = 165,000. LEADER: Ultimate Gohan (STR) MEMBERS : LR SSJ2 Gohan (INT) LR SSJ Trunks (PHY) LR Goten & Trunks (AGL) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) SSJ3 Gotenks (TEQ) (ADULT) How the team should look / link! December. Compared to INT Gogeta's 2,664,139. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Future Gohan appears as a tall, stern, and muscular man. He also fits in extremely well with Cards that have the “Over in a Flash Ki” Link Skill, like in the Super Saiyan 3, Full Power, and Movie Heroes categories, etc. I don't think he'll get 20% to each either, it's just a hypothetical situation I used. 4. I sadly doubt he would get immense damage if he ever awakens, seeing that SSJ3 Adult Gotenks kept supreme damage. It'll probably be GSSR with all the new cards featured, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Contact. https://i.imgur.com/1BC5BC8.png -1 S.H. RSS. Fusion Vegeta blue SSJ God and Goku Red Super Saiyan God into Gogeta (DBZ Tenkaichi 3 mod) Richardrobinson98. So for example Super Buu the PHY support, gives a 40% atk boost. He’s an amazing card, and will be even more ridiculous when he TUR’s. https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Heroic_Warrior_Gohan_(Future)?oldid=1231920, ATK & DEF +100%; reduces damage received by 58% when HP is 58% or less; ", ATK +100%; reduces damage received by 58%; Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30% per ". No he isn’t. Dragon Bal. 2020. I don't have dupes in my INT LR Gohan, nor do I have LR Gofrieza. I’m going to pick random numbers and show you the difference between the multipliers being separated causes. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle 3 Year Anniversary . SSJ3 Goku is a great pick for shorter events like Super Battle Road or Virtual Dokkan Ultimate Clash. 4. Feb 25, 2018 - Goku turns into SSJ3 while fighting Kale and Caulifla, as seen in Dragon Ball Super episode … December. 2249. Both of their passives activate on SA, meaning the %ATK boost from supports fall on a separate phase during calculations. RSS. 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