GAC S eason 14 - 3v3 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 16 Win % 100% Avg 59 Seen 23 Win % 100% Avg 53 Seen 54 Win % 100% Avg 52 Seen 21 Win % Now that team comp seems like a crazy blitz of potential but there is no tank on the team so when it gets a hang up it might not make it. Mon Mothma Light Side, Support, Rebel, Leader Savvy Strike Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict ability block for 1 turn with a 50% chance to decrease the cooldown of Willing to Fight by 1. Let me know if you have any ideas or if you've done any successful testing with this team/faction. SLKR Counter with Vader and Stormtrooper #342 opened Dec 18, 2020 by bobbybaxter Mon Mothma Lead Counter with Jawas (Mon Mothma is now in top 25 GAC Def Meta) be Palp lead with Vader. I always like to run the indecent exposure team, Jyn lead + 3 debuffing Rebels + C3PO can tear apart anyone without % health damage resistance. Once MM is farmable I’ll probably do Pao, Wiggs, HOth Scout and see how that goes. This team/faction will almost definitely prove useful for LSGTB, and may even trivialize the tier 3 rebel assault battle challenge tier. Bistan's 1st special gives himself Frenzy for 4 turns. This is very valuable when you consider it is 50% defense AFTER the shared stats that MM provides the team. BH - BH may not be a hard counter to Mon Mothma, but the fact that they have 2 members who can prevent revives make it seem like it might be a bad idea. This is a fun team but gets wreck by a solo Nest or Traya. SWGoH: Best Mods for Mon Mothma Welcome to the best mods for Mon Mothma, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look… Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes , SWGOH - Mods , SWGOH Characters July 16, 2020 The remaining pair, I'm not sure about; Wiggs is all about fast burst damage which doesn't really seem like this team's MO, and Mon Mothma's healing and her summon's dispel-on-basic make a lot of the things Chaze bring to the table redundant. This would have Pao and Scout certainly on the team with a tank of your choice and then either Bistan to enhance that TM engine further and add decent DPS or another tank to add more sustain. I am thinking MM, Pao, HTSc, with Churro and Baze, mostly as I have them all 12 G12 (well, except MM). Alliance Chancellor. I think both of those options have a lot of potential. Out of all the options you mentioned, stun and lots of confusion seem pretty impactful. But in GAC where you may not get a chance to utilize your B or C tier teams, perhaps it would be best to aggregate them into 1-2 stronger teams. GAC S eason 14 - 3v3 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Seen 36732 ... 89.8% Geonosian Brood Alpha Counters. I am running it as a TM train for offensive use. That may make both/either of them slightly more attractive options. Greef Karga Sweeten the Deal. This Rebel Team is No Joke in 3v3! And Biggs is a support even though he can only attack. It's what i've been most interested in to explore though. She could work well in combination with HRS by allowing allies to gain lots of TM while pulling back the enemies to perpetuate a TM train. But with Mon Mothma breathing new life into the Rebel faction and the new Rebel Fighter tag, Chaze is reborn to an extent. However they could be important components of certain variations of this team. MM will just revive them and nest would just time out. 3v3 - Traya vs Bossk BH | SWGOH GAC Bounty Hunter Counter. Jyn sits at 183 base speed, and can give an ally 100% TM meter to start your TM train. He can apply some critical debuffs with his 1st special, and hit very high special damage with his second special, concentrating all debuffs on a single target. Susedko!!! Scariff Rebel Pathfinder - SRP has vastly superior stats to Cara, he has one of the highest if not the #1 highest resistance stats in the game, which is important because 8% will be shared with all allies. Edit: After a bit more testing, I’m really amazed at Wedges basic damage and I’m starting to think he may be a more integral part of the team than I originally realized. Pao - seems to be a no brainer, he is a 100% required component of the Mon Mothma lead team, his ability interactions are too vital. Seen 15766 Win % 90.3% Bossk Counters. Just a few weeks after adding Threepio & Chewie to the game we get Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebel Alliance. Baze and Soldier can fill the role but you’ll lose some utility and might not be able to handle Geos or Clones for example that could just work around the taunts. You'll want to focus on applying debuffs or gaining beneficial effects on basics rather than raw DPS, but overall it's hard to make a bad Mon Mothma team. Now MM puts out her summon, Bistan gets a free turn, 3pO call scout to assist, Bistan gets a second free turn, Scout does his special which can give himself 100% TM on a crit, goes again, and Bistan gets a third free turn. I can change difficulty so he wins. Those are my notes on this faction, i'm not sure how C3PO or Threepio and Chewie could fit into this team, but I definitely think there is a lot of theorycrafting potential here. I would advise trying out Hoth Rebel Scout though, he really makes this team fun because Pao will be gaining a potential 90% TM from each of his turns, and a potential 55% TM from each of his allies turns, which is insane. Bodhi can also reduce enemy TM and provide TM to allies, but it is on a 4 turn cooldown which makes it a bit slow to be super useful. He also gives allies +75% crit chance during these assists. Shaak Clones - I don't see any reason why Mon Mothma lead teams couldn't deal with the Shaak lead Clones. Early character tags are weird. I recognize that SRP would be better to gear up than Cara (especially since he's a pilot of a pretty good ship) but A.) Additionally bringing Lando/Wedge may have value here. Jyn has the highest speed of anyone in the Rebel Fighter Faction, she is faster than Mon Mothma (161 base speed), and Cara Dune (177 base speed). B2 and Boba are obviously key to beating Chaze but agianst Wiggs teams w/o STHan or a droid team they're a liability. Seen 17965 Win % 85.8% Kylo Ren (Unmasked) Counters. 3v3 - Traya vs Bossk BH | SWGOH GAC Bounty Hunter Counter Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. She will be your best chance at getting 1st turn. X. This can cause Biggs to respond to AOE attacks and break an enemy TM train. What, no love for HRSoldier? Fortunately Jyn has a ton of potency so maybe this could be pulled off. Considering Mon Mothma deals no damage, the assisting characters could hit really hard in the end every time it's her turn even without the Rebel Trooper assisting. You'll need Pao and Hoth Rebel Scout there. Cara would be needed for the constant taunt and TM reduction. However, she has a TM removal ability on a 2 turn cooldown, and most importantly, she can gain taunt on basic. Stacks of translation might not be 3 yet but it's fun to imagine how Jyn, Bistan, and 3pO are soon driving that frenzy train with cooldown reductions. Thanks for feedback, I’m sure you’ll be able to build a functional team. Mon Mothma is a creatively designed character who was released in July 2020, just a few weeks after another fantastic character design in Threepio & Chewie.Her role in SWGoH is to breathe life into a dead segment of the Rebel faction as the Rebel Fighter category was … Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where … After watching me play SWGOH for 2 years, Galactic Challenges is the first time I've been able to give my son a go. Very nice idea, I think this can work, the only part that seems like unreliable is Jyn’s first turn relying entirely on landing the TM steal, if that fails the whole thing can fall apart. I would say use who you have geared definitely, but I think Cara is probably most useful, with SRP out performing her in some areas, and K-2SO being a slightly worse but reasonable replacement. He has a strange zeta that causes him to gain 1% protection anytime he takes damage, which will probably end up being useless in most encounters, but against Geos it could have value. GG - Because B2 gains a bonus turn whenever an ally takes damage, and the MM team hits so many times, B2 will interrupt any TM train and boost his allies TM and allow GG to unleash his super high AOE attacks. Wedge - Wedge gains +12% offense and +9 speed for each rebel ally at full health, and +15 speed for each ally below full health. Press J to jump to the feed. She interests me because she revives an outdated dead part of the rebel faction that many people were forced to in part gear up due to the past rebel fleet meta. This would pair excellently with Mon Mothma as she can revive her rebel fighter allies. Powerful 3v3 Sith Eternal ... Game Status Review | Episode 36 | State of Survival: The Bunker. What? Biggs gives a random ally crit damage up on basic. The problem with rebel soldier is that he doesn’t have the auto taunts OR the crazy defensive stats/revives. Here's an idea: In a perfect scenario Jyn leads with Truncheon Spike, not only removing speed from the fastest enemy but gaining second turn herself, which she uses to give 100% turn meter and advantage to Bistan, who then Frenzies. This will allow her to keep taunt up constantly throughout the battle unless she is made buff immune. If Chirrut is there, nest can solo, and I’m sure there are iterations of squads that include vader and or wampa that can probably crush this squad, not to mention Jawas. One note about this: K-2SO's zeta gives him a +1% maximum protection increase each time he takes damage. Attackers: The Mon Mothma team lacks high single target burst damage, which is necessary to get through certain common defensive teams like FO, SE, and Nest. Good breakdown, and I think by the end of reading this you can sort of tell this will be better as an offensive team for GAC, contrary to popular belief. 85. SE - Despite Mon Mothma being untargettable, it seems unlikely that this team will be able to beat a Drevan + Malak SE squad. Biggs - Biggs pairs well with Wedge, also gaining his bonus speed/offense. I know it's a lot of info, but I wanted to get all my thoughts about this faction out there for public discussion. Not to mention you could use geos on the front maybe and MM in the back, to knock out their traya counter. Frenzy will allow Bistan to gain 100% bonus TM each time an ally uses a special ability, so you could line their speeds up so Bistan is fastest and each ally is 1 speed slower, so Bistan will take 5 turns back to back, feeding TM to the team through Pao and HRS. Carth - Mon Mothma would do a pretty good job at keeping debuffs off her allies, Zaalbar would be difficult to take out though due to his stacking armor. Who could Mon Mothma lead RF teams potentially counter? Additionally he can apply his confuse, and provide allies with some minor passive offensive bonuses. What bothers me about Jyn is that she hits like a noodle... there are tanks/healers or support character which hit harder. C-3PO - C3PO can provide some valuable benefits to this team. 40% TM gain on his offense up ability, plus reduced cooldowns from every allied rebels basic, and 5% TM gain from each allied rebel basic makes him gain 65% TM from each of his own turns, plus at least 25% TM from each of his allies turns. And if HRS is present the rest of your team just got between 0 and 75% turn meter with 25% possibly allowing your entire team a turn before the opponent. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. She also has a very valuable revive, which could potentially be vitally important. SRP is one of the worst characters to gear in the entire game...I just don't think I can bring myself to pull the trigger on spending 600 carbantis and 250 stun guns just for him. Nute (L) Seps - A currently popular defensive team. R2 and 3PO come to mind. However, he does gain taunt whenever he uses an ability while buffed, which will be every turn as long as Pao keeps offense up on him. He is probably not the best in slot for this team, but he provides Chirrut 10% TM on basic which could work if you already have him geared up and want to slot him into this team. Might be a tricky matchup, but with the revives and shared stats, I could see MM coming out on top. Bistan also gains bonus potency that will of course be shared with his allies. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Join Lootcakes with my special link to earn gift cards for sharing your receipts when you whale on Free-to-Play games! Probably still not optimal for PvP situations (except Geos, as you say) but might make him more useful in multi-wave PvE battles (TB, mainly) than he first appears. Biggs gains 100% TM whenever he is crit, or damage by an empire enemy. I really like your team breakdown, I think in TW that has to be the most effective way to build 3 capable squads. But the difference is magnificent. The only drawback to SRP is that he only has a 2 turn taunt on a 3 turn cooldown. More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. Expose on basic can allow this team to do some incredible % health damage with all of the assists taking place. Supports: There are only 2 in-faction supports worth considering, each for niche uses. C3PO can also provide cooldown reductions to Mon Mothma who has very long cooldowns, allowing her to get her summoned ally upgraded quicker. SWGOH Mon Mothma Counters Based on 1,219 GAC Battles analyzed this season. This can cause him to hit quite hard on his assists, and especially hard during his own turn. I think i will make a post for fun with reworked kits. Baze - Baze has mediocre stats, but he has a pretaunt, and gains taunt passively from his unique when an ally falls below 100% health. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: 3v3 Grand Arena Championships vs. Because the additional damage is so low, I would say anybody who debuffs with their basic might be a better strategy. Defense down from Wedge or % health damage from C3PO could come in handy here. CG recommends a team comp of MM (L), Pao, Wedge, Cara, and Chirrut. GAC S eason 13 - 5v5 Season 14 - 3v3; Season 13 - 5v5; Season 12 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen Seen 87 Win % 98.9% Live-Stream 3v3 ( Free at Last ) Free-to-Play games doubt be incredibly useful PVE! Highest speed of any character in this faction at 177, allowing her to keep taunt constantly! 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