In 1941, Shannon took a position at Bell Labs, where he had spent several prior summers. Dr. Marvin Minsky of M.I.T., who as a young theorist worked closely with Dr. Shannon, was struck by his enthusiasm and enterprise. Shannon’s most important paper, ‘A mathematical theory of communication,’ was published in 1948. Information theory is closely associated with a collection of pure and applied disciplines that have been investigated and reduced to engineering practice under a variety of rubrics throughout the world over the past half-century or more: adaptive systems, anticipatory systems, artificial intelligence, complex systems, complexity science, cybernetics, informatics, machine learning, along with systems sciences of many descriptions. T his equation was published in the 1949 book The Mathematical Theory of Communication, co-written by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver.An elegant way to … This task will allow us to propose, in Section 10, a formal reading of the concept of Shannon information, according to which the epistemic and the physical views are different possible models of the formalism. {\displaystyle q(x)} Of course, Babbagehad described the basic design of a stored program computer in the 180… ) The former quantity is a property of the probability distribution of a random variable and gives a limit on the rate at which data generated by independent samples with the given distribution can be reliably compressed. Shannon, who died in 2001 at … , Its impact has been crucial to the success of the Voyager missions to deep space, the invention of the compact disc, the feasibility of mobile phones and the development of the Internet. ) To treat them all on equal terms, Shannon decided to forget about exactly how each of these methods transmits a message and simply thought of them as ways of producing strings of symbo… ( While at M.I.T., he worked with Dr. Vannevar Bush on one of the early calculating machines, the "differential analyzer," which used a precisely honed system of shafts, gears, wheels and disks to solve equations in calculus. On April 30, 1916, American mathematician, electrical engineer, and cryptographer Claude Elwood Shannon was born, the “father of information theory “, whose groundbreaking work ushered in the Digital Revolution.Of course Shannon is famous for having founded information theory with one landmark paper published in 1948.But he is also credited with founding both digital computer and … An updated version entitled "A brief introduction to Shannon's information theory" is available on arXiv (2018). For example, if (X, Y) represents the position of a chess piece—X the row and Y the column, then the joint entropy of the row of the piece and the column of the piece will be the entropy of the position of the piece. They are, almost universally, unsuited to cryptographic use as they do not evade the deterministic nature of modern computer equipment and software. In what follows, an expression of the form p log p is considered by convention to be equal to zero whenever p = 0. Shannon's main result, the noisy-channel coding theorem showed that, in the limit of many channel uses, the rate of information that is asymptotically achievable is equal to the channel capacity, a quantity dependent merely on the statistics of the channel over which the messages are sent.[2]. 1 ( 1 For much of the 1950s Shannon spent his days at the lab dreaming up and then building machines himself. He was also the first recipient of the Harvey Prize (1972), the Kyoto Prize (1985), and the Shannon Award (1973). y The rate of a source of information is related to its redundancy and how well it can be compressed, the subject of source coding. x X x If we compress data in a manner that assumes Entropy is also commonly computed using the natural logarithm (base e, where e is Euler's number), which produces a measurement of entropy in nats per symbol and sometimes simplifies the analysis by avoiding the need to include extra constants in the formulas. It is often more coomfortble to use the notation , Information theory leads us to believe it is much more difficult to keep secrets than it might first appear. Shannon wanted to measure the amount of information you could transmit via various media. the channel is given by the condiation probability Work in this field made it possible to strip off and separate the unwanted noise from the desired seismic signal. There were a few mechanical analog computers that could be used to calculate trajectories and tide tables, but nothing that could be described as a digital computer. Shannon said that all information has a "source rate" that can be measured in bits per second and requires a transmission channel with a capacity equal to or greater than the source rate. p {\displaystyle P(y_{i}|x_{i},x_{i-1},x_{1-2},...,x_{1},y_{i-1},y_{1-2},...,y_{1}).} Consider the communications process over a discrete channel. However, as in any other cryptographic system, care must be used to correctly apply even information-theoretically secure methods; the Venona project was able to crack the one-time pads of the Soviet Union due to their improper reuse of key material. , Information theory and digital signal processing offer a major improvement of resolution and image clarity over previous analog methods. In the latter case, it took many years to find the methods Shannon's work proved were possible. , , . Much of the mathematics behind information theory with events of different probabilities were developed for the field of thermodynamics by Ludwig Boltzmann and J. Willard Gibbs. + . souhaitée]. If, however, each bit is independently equally likely to be 0 or 1, 1000 shannons of information (more often called bits) have been transmitted. Between these two extremes, information can be quantified as follows. x Shannon defined the quantity of information produced by a source--for example, the quantity in a message--by a formula similar to the equation that … When Shannon was a student electronic computers didn't exist. the mutual information, and the channel capacity of a noisy channel, including the promise of perfect loss-free communication given by the noisy-channel coding theorem; Data compression (source coding): There are two formulations for the compression problem: Error-correcting codes (channel coding): While data compression removes as much redundancy as possible, an error-correcting code adds just the right kind of redundancy (i.e., error correction) needed to transmit the data efficiently and faithfully across a noisy channel. {\displaystyle p(X)} However, these theorems only hold in the situation where one transmitting user wishes to communicate to one receiving user. Shannon approached research with a sense of curiosity, humor, and fun. = IEEE – All rights reserved. 1 , ( Information theory studies the transmission, processing, extraction, and utilization of information. − Next, Shannon set … i Information theory is the scientific study of the quantification, storage, and communication of information. Contact | Considered the founding father of the electronic communication age, Claude Shannon's work ushered in the Digital Revolution. ( Claude Shannon, American mathematician and electrical engineer who laid the theoretical foundations for digital circuits and information theory, a mathematical communication model. His theories laid the groundwork for the electronic communications networks that now lace the earth. Information theory is a broad and deep mathematical theory, with equally broad and deep applications, amongst which is the vital field of coding theory. A third class of information theory codes are cryptographic algorithms (both codes and ciphers). i Info. Accessibility | ZIP files), lossy data compression (e.g. And his ability to combine abstract thinking with a practical approach — he had a penchant for building machines — inspired a generation of computer scientists. There are many ways of sending messages: you could produce smoke signals, use Morse code, the telephone, or (in today's world) send an email. Channel coding is concerned with finding such nearly optimal codes that can be used to transmit data over a noisy channel with a small coding error at a rate near the channel capacity. Claude Elwood Shannon was an American mathematician, cryptographer, and electrical engineer, who garnered fame when he conceptualised information theory with the landmark paper, ‘Mathematical Theory of Communication’, which he put out in 1948. It is thus defined. x © Copyright 2021 . − Shannon died on Saturday, February 24, 2001 in Medford, Mass., after a long fight with Alzheimer's disease. Claude Shannon's information theory and Language Models Published on January 15, 2021 January 15, 2021 • 14 Likes • 1 Comments Namely, at time Concepts, methods and results from coding theory and information theory are widely used in cryptography and cryptanalysis. Turing's information unit, the ban, was used in the Ultra project, breaking the German Enigma machine code and hastening the end of World War II in Europe. x 2.- Shannon’s theory His war-time work on secret communication systems was used to build the system over which Roosevelt and Churchill communicated during the war. The theory has also found applications in other areas, including statistical inference,[1] cryptography, neurobiology,[2] perception,[3] linguistics, the evolution[4] and function[5] of molecular codes (bioinformatics), thermal physics,[6] quantum computing, black holes, information retrieval, intelligence gathering, plagiarism detection,[7] pattern recognition, anomaly detection[8] and even art creation. x A class of improved random number generators is termed cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generators, but even they require random seeds external to the software to work as intended. It's interesting how Information Theory, Las Vegas and Wall Street have been intertwined over the years., Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with too many examples from May 2020, Wikipedia articles with style issues from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This is often recalculated as the divergence from the product of the marginal distributions to the actual joint distribution: Mutual information is closely related to the log-likelihood ratio test in the context of contingency tables and the multinomial distribution and to Pearson's χ2 test: mutual information can be considered a statistic for assessing independence between a pair of variables, and has a well-specified asymptotic distribution. Ralph Hartley's 1928 paper, Transmission of Information, uses the word information as a measurable quantity, reflecting the receiver's ability to distinguish one sequence of symbols from any other, thus quantifying information as H = log Sn = n log S, where S was the number of possible symbols, and n the number of symbols in a transmission. | Intuitively, the entropy HX of a discrete random variable X is a measure of the amount of uncertainty associated with the value of X when only its distribution is known. The mutual information of X relative to Y is given by: where SI (Specific mutual Information) is the pointwise mutual information. A q These codes can be roughly subdivided into data compression (source coding) and error-correction (channel coding) techniques. . is the correct distribution, the Kullback–Leibler divergence is the number of average additional bits per datum necessary for compression. [14], Semioticians Doede Nauta and Winfried Nöth both considered Charles Sanders Peirce as having created a theory of information in his works on semiotics. Alan Turing in 1940 used similar ideas as part of the statistical analysis of the breaking of the German second world war Enigma ciphers. x Then the joint distribution of X and Y is completely determined by our channel and by our choice of f(x), the marginal distribution of messages we choose to send over the channel. x , See the article ban (unit) for a historical application. q Any process that generates successive messages can be considered a source of information. For the more general case of a process that is not necessarily stationary, the average rate is, that is, the limit of the joint entropy per symbol. In such a case the capacity is given by the Mutual information rate when there is no feedback availble and the Directed information rate in the case that either there is feedback or not [12] [13] (if there is no feedback the dircted informationj equals the mutual information). "That was really his discovery, and from it the whole communications revolution has sprung.". Pseudorandom number generators are widely available in computer language libraries and application programs. P y This is an introduction to Shannon's Information Theory. Il utilise notamment l'algèbre de Boole pour sa maîtrise soutenue en 1938 au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A basic property of this form of conditional entropy is that: Mutual information measures the amount of information that can be obtained about one random variable by observing another. Other important information theoretic quantities include Rényi entropy (a generalization of entropy), differential entropy (a generalization of quantities of information to continuous distributions), and the conditional mutual information. Claude Elwood Shannon was born on April 30, 1916 in Petoskey, Michigan. , , then the entropy, H, of X is defined:[9]. . Other units include the nat, which is based on the natural logarithm, and the decimal digit, which is based on the common logarithm. Yet, unfortunately, he is virtually unknown to the public. . While Shannon worked in a field for which no Nobel prize is offered, his work was richly rewarded by honors including the National Medal of Science (1966) and honorary degrees from Yale (1954), Michigan (1961), Princeton (1962), Edin- burgh (1964), Pittsburgh (1964), Northwestern (1970), Oxford (1978), East Anglia (1982), Carnegie-Mellon (1984), Tufts (1987), and the University of Pennsylvania (1991). i Other important applications of Information Theory are within the fields of cryptography, thermal physics, neurobiology or quantum computing, to name just a few. After graduation, Shannon moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to pursue his graduate studies. {\displaystyle P(y_{i}|x^{i},y^{i-1}).} Information Theory was not just a product of the work of Claude Shannon. Information theory often concerns itself with measures of information of the distributions associated with random variables. Il obtient un PhD en mathématiques au MIT en 19402. Information theoretic security refers to methods such as the one-time pad that are not vulnerable to such brute force attacks. If the source data symbols are identically distributed but not independent, the entropy of a message of length N will be less than N ⋅ H. If one transmits 1000 bits (0s and 1s), and the value of each of these bits is known to the receiver (has a specific value with certainty) ahead of transmission, it is clear that no information is transmitted. , − ∈ ( Shannon received both a master's degree in electrical engineering and his Ph.D. in mathematics from M.I.T. Claude Shannon: Claude Elwood Shannon, a mathematician born in Gaylord, Michigan (U.S.) in 1916, is credited with two important contributions to information technology: the application of Boolean theory to electronic switching, thus laying the groundwork for the digital computer, and developing the new field called information theory . P He created the field of Information Theory when he published a book "The Mathematical Theory… x Shown above are the equations … x As noted by Ioan James, Shannon biographer for the Royal Society, “So wide were its repercussions that the theory was described as one of humanity’s proudest and rarest creations, a general scientific theory that could profoundly and rapidly alter humanity’s view of the world.” Shannon went on to develop many other important ideas whose impact expanded well beyond the field of “information theory” spawned by his 1948 paper. ) Claude Shannon first proposed the information theory in 1948. Synopsis. Despite similar notation, joint entropy should not be confused with cross entropy. This innovation, credited as the advance that transformed circuit design “from an art to a science,” remains the basis for circuit and chip design to this day. Although it is sometimes used as a 'distance metric', KL divergence is not a true metric since it is not symmetric and does not satisfy the triangle inequality (making it a semi-quasimetric). , That is, knowing Y, we can save an average of I(X; Y) bits in encoding X compared to not knowing Y. The goal was to find the fundamental limits of communication operations and signal processing through an operation like data compression. Because of this, he is widely considered "the father of information theory". Shannon himself defined an important concept now called the unicity distance. 1961 (reprinted by Dover 1980). After attending primary and secondary school in his neighboring hometown of Gaylord, he earned bachelors degrees in both electrical engineering and mathematics from the University of Michigan. For stationary sources, these two expressions give the same result.[11]. Privacy & Opting Out of Cookies. This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 13:22. Ce domaine trouve son origine scientifique avec Claude Shannon qui en est le … − Communications over a channel—such as an ethernet cable—is the primary motivation of information theory. 0 For more information about Shannon and his impact, see the article by Michelle Effros and H. Vincent Poor, Claude Shannon: His Work and Its Legacy, Published with the permission of the EMS Newsletter: reprinted from N°103 (March 2017) pp.29-34. ) 47 (April 1928), pp 617-644; repr. The Kullback–Leibler divergence (or information divergence, information gain, or relative entropy) is a way of comparing two distributions: a "true" probability distribution In other words, an eavesdropper would not be able to improve his or her guess of the plaintext by gaining knowledge of the ciphertext but not of the key. If Alice knows the true distribution The unit of information was therefore the decimal digit, which has since sometimes been called the hartley in his honor as a unit or scale or measure of information. This equation gives the entropy in the units of "bits" (per symbol) because it uses a logarithm of base 2, and this base-2 measure of entropy has sometimes been called the shannon in his honor. Abstractly, information can be thought of as the resolution of uncertainty. is the distribution underlying some data, when, in reality, ) p i This division of coding theory into compression and transmission is justified by the information transmission theorems, or source–channel separation theorems that justify the use of bits as the universal currency for information in many contexts. It is common in information theory to speak of the "rate" or "entropy" of a language. for DSL). If is the set of all messages {x1, ..., xn} that X could be, and p(x) is the probability of some The entropy of a source that emits a sequence of N symbols that are independent and identically distributed (iid) is N ⋅ H bits (per message of N symbols). Nonsense! {\displaystyle p(x)} He gained his PhD from MIT in the subject, but he made substantial contributions to the theory and practice of computing. p Connections between information-theoretic entropy and thermodynamic entropy, including the important contributions by Rolf Landauer in the 1960s, are explored in Entropy in thermodynamics and information theory. Though analog computers like this turned out to be little more than footnotes in the history of the computer, Dr. Shannon quickly made his mark with digital electronics, a considerably more influential idea. A brute force attack can break systems based on asymmetric key algorithms or on most commonly used methods of symmetric key algorithms (sometimes called secret key algorithms), such as block ciphers. p In a blockbuster paper in 1948, Claude Shannon introduced the notion of a "bit" and laid the foundation for the information age. Claude Shannon wrote a master’s thesis that jump-started digital circuit design, and a decade later he wrote his seminal paper on information theory, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.”. → X {\displaystyle p(X)} | Coding theory is concerned with finding explicit methods, called codes, for increasing the efficiency and reducing the error rate of data communication over noisy channels to near the channel capacity. Under these constraints, we would like to maximize the rate of information, or the signal, we can communicate over the channel. ) , then Bob will be more surprised than Alice, on average, upon seeing the value of X. 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