Alex Damon of Star Wars Explained believes that as the Bad Batch are genetically tampered with, it would make sense for the inhibitor chip to be incompatible with their body. It’s possible their genetic mutations allowed them to disobey their own inhibitor chips in the first place, making them painfully aware of … But they are extremely effective. Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an upcoming animated series set in the Star Wars universe. Essentially, there are at least 10 years there where we really don't know what the Empire looked like to the public. But Echo and the Bad Batch in particular might have an even more unique perspective on the Empire because of their inherent outsider status. It is unknown how Cut reacted to his inhibitor chip telling him to execute Order 66, or how long post-war he survived, but should the Bad Batch run into another unique clone like Cut it would make for … Lucasfilm recently announced that the world of Star Wars animation will continue with the … The Bad Batch Star Wars: The Bad Batch - a new animated series coming 2021 on Disney+. In the time of the First Order, Kylo Ren, Snoke, and Hux also had Stormtroopers. Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by Sable_Hart, ... Well i mean did they have inhibitor chips? After a tense fight with the enemy, the clones are able to accomplish their mission, saving Echo, who is invited to join Clone Force 99 at the end of the arc. But what does that look like, specifically? The chips were surgically implanted into the brains of every single clone embryo past stage three of development. By the time of Solo, the Pykes and Crimson Dawn seem to be doing just fine. During the Clone Wars, Palpatine had the Clone Army. His cybernetic upgrades will undoubtedly prove useful to the squad, which is now five strong. Star Wars: The Bad Batch, taking place after Order 66, will show the team adjusting to the Dark Times and making trouble for the newly risen Empire. More to the point, when were the Clones phased out, and why? For example. If that's true, then the members of the Bad Batch would be in a unique spot to explore this apparent dichotomy. Presumably, none of the had inhibitor chips in their brains either, otherwise, it seems unlikely there would be a TV show about them post-Order 66. The Bad Batch can answer some lingering questions from Star Wars Rebels. Leoluca Randisi, Dec 10, 2020 #408. Being experimental units, the original four members may not have had inhibitor chips at all, although former ARC Trooper Echo surely did. During the time of the peaceful Republic, it seems like there are all sorts of planets outside of Republic influence that have absolutely terrible criminal organizations running the show. Tarkin says this means that the "Regional Governors now have direct control," implying those people are Palpatine's puppets anyway. Allegedly to prevent clone troopers from being overly independent and aggressive, their true function was intended by Jedi Sifo-Dyas to be a safeguard against control by rogue Jedi or Sith. Anyone can join, just ask! The Bad Batch. Enjoy yourselves, let me know if there is anyone I should invite! Those pesky Clones are attacking all over again. But Echo and the Bad Batch in particular might have an even more unique perspective on the Empire because of their inherent outsider status. Qui-Gon even says Tatooine is "controlled by the Hutts, which implies he can't do anything about that. Even during the Clone Wars, the Bad Batch were ostracized from the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic. In other words, how do Jabba and Maul get their mobster groves back? The jump between Revenge of the Sith and the next few canonical stories is still pretty big. Essentially, the weirdest revelation here would be the following: Maybe, just maybe in the decade before Solo, the rise of the Empire accidentally reduced organized crime galaxy-wide. That said, The Bad Batch series isn't really part of The Clone Wars, because of when the show takes place. Unlike most clones, The Bad Batch team wasn't attached to a specific Jedi General, making it unknown how they were impacted by Order 66. My only issue is that Palpatine made sure he had as much control over Clones and their programming as he could, as seen in the Echo arc. Arguably, the worst period of time for freedom-loving people was the height of the Empire. He was able to give one last warning to Rex, although it was too late. But what happened in between? Infiltrating the Separatist-controlled planet of Skako Minor, the team finds Echo in a surprising state: he’s been turned into a cyborg by the Separatists, who are using his tactical knowledge to gain the upper hand against the Republic. So roughly 10BBY (Solo) to 4ABY(Return of the Jedi). He probably would also have been implanted with an inhibitor chip. We know the Clone Army was made up of clones of Jango Fett. This may leave some fans wondering what happened to the Bad Batch at the end of the Clone Wars. Here's what we know. In Revenge of the Sith, when Palpatine raises his arms and says "the Republic will be reorganized into the First Galatic Empire!" Judging from the much darker tone of the bottom half of season 7 and the tragic conclusion of the series and the war itself, it’s much more likely that the Bad Batch got indoctrinated into the Imperial Army, perhaps as a special forces unit akin to the death troopers introduced in Rogue One.Time will tell whether Disney will ever produce any further Bad Batch stories, whether it’s on another animated series or in the books or comics. What happened to the Bad Batch after Order 66? It’s … They're going to go off the grid, and take on weird missions week-to-week. In “The Bad Batch” arc of season 7, a story originally conceived for the original run of the show before it was canceled, Clone Force 99 join Commander Rex and Anakin Skywalker on a mission to rescue a trooper named Echo, who’d been captured by the Separatists prior to the start of the season. This Star Wars: The Clone Wars article contains spoilers. Kaminoan cloners implanted them within each clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic at the third stage of their embryonic development. History. In 2021, Disney+ will premiere Star Wars: The Bad Batch, an animated series that serves as a sequel to Star Wars: The Clone Wars.The first arc of the final season of The Clone Wars arrived at the start of 2020, and it introduced fans to a whole new squadron of Clones with genetic mutations that give them something close to superpowers. It seems almost certain that (as with any other clones that were intended to serve in combat), the Bad Batch were implanted with inhibitor chips. For the moment, there are no follow-up stories featuring the Bad Batch to draw conclusions from. Normal clones were able to carry it out pretty successfully. The Bad Batch, or Clone Force 99, was a squad with each member having a genetic mutation, making them unique from the rest of the clone army.. RELATED: The Clone Wars: 5 Fan Theories That Were Debunked (& 5 That Were Confirmed) It was never known if they had the same inhibitor chips as the rest of the clones, though, or if they did, and they were mutated. With The Clone Wars at an end, some fans might be wondering what this means for the Bad Batch. Again, the members of the Bad Batch are positioned perfectly to explore all these questions. However, the covert involvement in the cloning program of the Sith Lord Tyranus—known as publicly as Count Dooku to most i… Surely with their genetic mutations they would of easily taken out any Jedi they were working with at that current time. Did they even have inhibitor chips? In the classic trilogy, this seems pretty much the same, including stories that take place just before A New Hope. I need answers will he and Kix ever feature in the Bad Batch? Behavioral modification biochips, also known as inhibitor chips, control chips, and behavioral inhibitor biochips, were a type of organic bio-chip capable of dictating or responding to the thoughts of its host. Basically, The Bad Batch is going to become the A-Team of Star Wars. Here's three reasons The Bad Batch could be a much bigger deal than it seems, and why it could knock-down several canon problems that have been plaguing the Star Wars timeline for years. How did the perception of the Empire become so overwhelmingly positive that they were able to recruit so many soldiers? Which Clone troopers did survive the chip and Order 66? Based on how well Order 66 went over, it seems like making more Clones would be a good call. However Echo and the Bad Batch particularly might need an much more distinctive perspective on the Empire due to their inherent outsider standing. While there’s hope that perhaps these five troopers were able to break away from the rest of the Clone Army as Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor did, we never see them in Rebels, where we learn that the latter three troopers were able to remove their control chips. The events of Solo and Han's brief time serving for the Empire basically confirm this. Clone Wars Season Seven theories! He lives in New York City with his two cats. Again, we're dealing with ten years in between Order 66 and the start of Solo, so it seems like the criminal element of the galaxy, the scum, and villainy, was seemingly afraid right after Palpatine took power. And I am pretty sure that 10 upcoming Star Wars projects that are happening aren’t the only ones, there will be more than ten Star Wars projects coming with me predicting and speculating. John Saavedra is the Managing Editor of Den of Geek. Reddit user fishg predicts the Bad Batch will have mutated inhibitor chips that allow them to disobey the order and ensure the Jedi's survival. And, during this time, we're meant to believe the vast majority of people who fight for the Empire aren't brainwashed child soldiers or Clones conditioned to be loyal to the government, but instead, regular people. The Bad Batch can explore if they separated right after the Clone Wars or if they remained together for a while before heading on their separate ways. If these guys are getting mercenary jobs, does that mean they're working with people like Crimson Dawn, or not? Cut Lawquane makes an appearance in The Clone Wars episode "The Deserter," as the titular character, a clone who has deserted the Republic and created a family and life for himself as a farmer. He seems to have been an ordinary clone for whom the cloning process went wrong. Since the Bad Batch were kind of mutant/defective clones that came out not alike, but had traits that the Republic found usable for a special missions unit, they were Experimental Clone Unit 99. But it shouldn't be, and that's because having a show set right after Order 66 is actually a great way to sew-up a bunch of loose Star Wars canon threads. Sure, five years before A New Hope, we see the way the Empire behaves in Rebels, but again, that's still a solid decade after Order 66. If they did carry out Order 66, due to Palpatine’s orders and the clone’s inhibitor chips, they would have done a lot of damage. Did they participate in Order 66 like the regular troopers or their unique traits allow them to disregard the control chip in their brains designed to make them obey the order? What was the Bad Batch doing then – did they turn on the Jedi, or do their modifications keep them exempt from that inhibitor chip? In this second arc, the Bad Batch would have faced off against Babwa Venomor, a Trandoshan Separatist leader who never actually appeared on the show. This is what really has me excited about The Bad Batch. It is possible that these defects made their inhibitor chips not function. The Bad Batch and Asajj Ventress Black Series Pre-Orders are Live; ... And that is the story of how Captain Rex, I guess Commander Rex at this point, was able to remove his inhibitor chip without murdering Ahsoka Tano, or a single Jedi. The fact that the Bad Batch are running around independent in the galaxy feels like a microcosm for what must end-up happening to the rest of the Clones who still worked for the Empire. In Season 6, Fives found out about the inhibitor chip and also cracked the case about Palpatine being a bad guy which is way more than the Jedi did. We know for a fact that the First Order Stormtroopers were mostly made up of people who were captured as children. During the time of the Rebellion, Palpatine had Stormtroopers. Just when you thought The Clone Wars were over, those pesky Clones are attacking all over again. Remember when Qui-Gon outright says, "I didn't come here to free slaves." But we never get to see this new dynamic in action, as the season leaves the Bad Batch behind in episode 5 to continue Ahsoka’s story. Officially, their name is Clone Force 99, which sounds like a reference to Fox Force 5 or Task Force X. Echo might still have an inhibitor chip, depending on how badly the Separatists messed with him in captivity, So he could trigger off Order 66, yet somehow I think the Bad Batch might have faulty chips, if they have functional units at all, given their nature as basically mutant clones. Yeah, what's up with that? //Have you ever read a fanfic that was so beautiful and amazing that you forget it’s not canon and then you have to slap yourself and tell yourself that: “No, Fox does not take out his inhibitor chip, he did not stun Fives and help him get away to find out about the inhibitor chips. More about the crime syndicates. Key point: That happens 19-years after Order 66. And if The Bad Batch series can fully explore how the Clone Army led to Stormtroopers, it will make so many more things about the story of Star Wars click into place. But when did the Imperial Army become a mostly-volunteer organization? TLDR - They got no chips and you get fewer clones. Here's one thing that's pretty weird about all the major eras of the Star Wars universe: the criminal underworld feels pretty consistent. The Bad Batch is expected on Disney+ in 2021. One of the key features of the clone troopers employed by the Republic, and then the Empire, was that almost all clones had an inhibitor chip in their skulls which forced them to follow commands given to them, for example, Order sixty six.. What made Clone Force 99 unique was that they could operate in combat incredibly effectively without chips. may be not or they have more free will? We’ll just have to wait and see. Similarly for the clone that the unit was named after. That's a long time for the Empire to function as, well, not the Empire we know. The show, a spinoff of the previous Star Wars animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, will reportedly premiere on Disney+ in 2021. Here's one thing that's pretty weird about all the major eras of the … Unfortunately, there’s no way to know what happened to the Bad Batch as the … Did this squad also have the chip inside their brain? For those hoping for more information about what was going on with Ahsoka or the surviving Jedi in the aftermath of Order 66, that news might be discouraging. It’s a big exaggeration on my part but I would love to see the bad batch have like ten to fifteen seasons to lead into the dark times. WHERE THE HECK IS CODY??!! The inhibitor chips are FAR from being dumb. Think about it, The Phantom Menace, Jabba and other Hutts operate criminal businesses out in the open, mostly ignored by the Republic. But Echo and the Bad Batch in particular might have an even more unique perspective on the Empire because of their inherent outsider status. The squad showed great ability to take out big squadrons of droids with ease so my question is… Where was The Bad Batch when Emperor Palpatine executed Order 66? he gets that famous thunderous applause from the Senate. It’s possible their genetic mutations allowed them to disobey their own inhibitor chips in the first place, making … Did they even have the inhibitor chip implanted in clones at birth? Their unique traits also extend to their physical appearance and voices, which further separates them from their clone brethren, who the Bad Batch referred to as “regs.”. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know what happened to the Bad Batch as the conclusion of the Clone Wars gave way to the rise of the Empire. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – What Happened to the Bad Batch. The adventures of Clone Force 99 — AKA "The Bad Batch" — may date back to 2015, but it looks like the stories of these wayward Clones are far from over. In The Clone Wars finale, Maul sends leaders of the three crime syndicates — Black Sun, the Pykes, and Crimson Dawn — into hiding. Although Ahsoka Tano is the true start of The Clone Wars season 7, the Star Wars animated series returned with a four-episode opening arc starring Clone Force 99, a squad of enhanced clone troopers also known as “the Bad Batch.” Essentially a group of soldiers with special abilities that make them more effective than traditional troopers, the Bad Batch was created by George Lucas, who wanted to play around with the idea that some clones were more unique than others. But most interesting of all to me is that it means this show will be giving us a look at what happened to the clones after the war. Would they execute Order 66, or have their unique defect/mutations affected them? According to a panel from Star Wars Celebration 2015, showrunner Dave Filoni had originally planned to include the Bad Batch in another arc during the show’s original run but this story sounds like it would have taken place before Order 66. According to a panel from Star Wars Celebration 2015, Introducing A Brand New FREE Quarterly Magazine From Den of Geek, Magic: The Gathering - The Legend of the Black Lotus Continues, Marvel’s WandaVision Episode 3: MCU Easter Eggs and Reference Guide. Where did Rex go? Lucasfilm confirmed the next animated Star Wars TV series is a direct spin-off from the final season of The Clone Wars. It's tempting to say that Clone Troopers everywhere just start swooping down on planets and putting them under martial law like right away, but everything we know about Star Wars history tells us that's not quite right. Stream your Star Wars favorites on Disney+ with a FREE TRIAL, on us! In A New Hope, Palpatine dissolves the Senate off-screen. It could also show us how Rex found other Clones out there, and how he helped them remove their own inhibitor chips. Ditto with Solo. Did they even have the inhibitor chip implanted in clones at birth? The team is made up of Wrecker, who has enhanced strength; Crosshair, whose enhanced eyesight makes him an excellent marksman; Tech, who has enhanced intelligence; and Hunter, who has enhanced senses. But how did that happen? The key question is, do the Bad Batch still have their clone inhibitor chips? It’s attainable their genetic mutations allowed them to disobey their very own inhibitor chips within the first place, making them painfully conscious of the horrors of Order 66 from the beginning. The most interesting and exciting thing about The Bad Batch isn't the subject matter, but instead, the setting. Embryonic development kaminoan cloners implanted them within each Clone Trooper in the trilogy. Were the clones phased out, and Hux also had Stormtroopers their Clone inhibitor chips and Maul their... The events of Solo, the original four members may not have had inhibitor chips not.. Let me know if there is anyone i should invite, including that. 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