Hex … Get more info about the color Laurel green on this page. This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. It's labeled as "light gray". It has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 60% and a lightness of 66.7%. The value in the place of GG is 80 which means it indicates a Green color. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog; Colors; Green Screen ; Green Screen Color Codes. RGB 124 252 0. I wanted to convert that to the colour name. Kelly Green. Hex #01796F RGB 1 121 111. The RGB values are (161, 186, 149) which means it is composed of 32% red, 38% green and 30% blue. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. Hex #D0F0C0 RGB 208 240 192. Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. #008b00 hex color red value is 0, green value is 139 and the blue value of its RGB is 0. Decimal : 11123357. Green is of course the color with max value of G (the value of FF in HEX system) and min values of R and B (values of 0), but many other mixtures with lesser amounts of G and higher of R and/or B look more or less greenish too. Hex #8A9A5B RGB 138 154 91. In the HSL color space #a9ba9d has a hue of 95° (degrees), 17% saturation and 67% lightness. The examples are red–cyan, green–magenta, and blue–yellow. A tone is produced by adding gray to any pure hue. Darken Laurel Green color produce below hex code #98a78d #87947d #76826d #656f5e #545d4e The hexadecimal color code #3d7254 is a medium dark shade of green-cyan. Save 10% on premium images with code ISTOCK10. Hex #50C878 RGB 80 220 100 . HEX #A9BA9D. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. This is my main blog, so it will be updated almost never, and only with useless nonsense. This page is part of The Hex Hub of The Color Spot at HTML Station.You can use a quick reference table to choose from among the many other color tables available or to see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3).. You can use different formats of this same … Complementary color schemes are created using two opposite colors on the color wheel. Frequently Asked Questions and other important information for Laurel Green. Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice. The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting. In the HSV/HSB scale, #A1BA95 has a hue of 101°, 20% saturation and a brightness value of 73%. Laurel Green. 2018 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Bigger Creative. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Its decimal value is 9487935 and the closest web-safe color … Hex #98FB98 RGB 152 251 152. Laurel green is a medium light hue of greenish gray similar to asparagus, but lighter. HTML, CSS or hex color code for Green Screen is #00b140. Army Green. In this example, #050604 is the darkest color, while #fafbf9 is the lightest one. In the RGB color model #3d7254 is comprised of 23.92% red, 44.71% green and 32.94% blue. HTML, CSS or hex color code for color "Green Screen" is #00b140. Also available as a Resene CoolColour. I am using python.Here is the last part of my code: index_max = scipy. This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users. Hex code #00b140: RGB: rgb(0,177,64) HSV: ( 141.69° , 1% , 177% ) Add a useful … The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:10 M:0 Y:11 K:30. The very first variations of Mosaic and Netscape Navigator utilized the X11 color names as the basis for their shade lists, as both started as X Home window System applications. Toggle navigation Color Codes. HTML, CSS or hex color code for Green Screen is #00b140. In the HSL color space #90c63f has a hue of 84° (degrees), 54% saturation and 51% lightness. HEX #7cfc00. Mint Green. Frequently Asked Questions and other important information for Laurel Green. The Trust In Pastels Color Scheme palette has 4 colors which are Laurel Green (#A2AC91), Dust Storm (#E5D1CB), Pale Chestnut (#E4B3B9) and Lilac (#C99DB9).. Tea Green. The similarity of colors can be determined by the name or using special formula to calculate … : blue, 00ff00, rgb 0 255 0, hsl 120 100 50. web-safe colors; W3C colors; color index; #a9ba9d basic color information . Army Green #8F9779 copied! In the HSV/HSB scale, #A0B29E has a hue of 114°, 11% saturation and a brightness value of 70%. In the HSV/HSB scale, #A1BA95 has a hue of 101°, 20% saturation and a brightness value of 73%. This color combination was created by user Keshav Naidu.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Hex: #77dd77. Lawn Green . Hex code : a9ba9d. Hex #29AB87 RGB 41 171 135. #b1c0a6 #bac7b0 #c2ceba #cbd5c4 #d4dcce. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 46.2% cyan, 0% magenta, 46.2% yellow and 13.3% black. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #008b00 hue: 0.33 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of 008b00 is 0.27. Here are the different color shades of Pastel green. This Hex code can be used as background color, Text Color, also for table color, and much more according to your need on a web page #32de84 copied! In the HSL color space #a9ba9d has a hue of 95° (degrees), 17% saturation and 67% lightness. Toggle navigation Color Codes. Color information #257D33 (or 0x257D33) is unknown color: approx Japanese Laurel.HEX triplet: 25, 7D and 33.RGB value is (37,125,51). Laurel Green #a9ba9d triplet de sortilège, rgb(169, 186, 157) - informations de couleur, les dégradés, les harmonies, les régimes, la description et la conversion en … Internet colors have a distinct colorimetric definition, sRGB, which associates the … When people from western culture see this color, Laurel green (#a6b39b), used in marketing and promotions, they might associate it with being simplistic, modern or futuristic, elegant, travel, and middle-ground. List of various shades of green along with their hex, RGB and CMYK color codes In this way, Green color is generated in the Hex Code. Asparagus #568203 copied! The color name of hex code #A0B29E is Laurel Green. The RGB values are (161, 186, 149) which means it is composed of 32% red, 38% green and 30% blue. Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 98+153+104=355 (47% of max value = 765).Red value is 98 (38.67% from 255 or 27.61% from 355); Green value is 153 (60.16% from 255 or 43.10% from 355); Blue value is 104 (41.02% from 255 or 29.30% from 355); Max … my program outputs hex values such as (#673429ff). my program outputs hex values such as (#673429ff). Toggle navigation Color Codes. Color name Cutty Sark, hex code #517271, contains symbol # and 6 letters or numbers.In a RGB color space, HEX #517271 is composed of 31.8% red, 44.7% green and 44.3% blue. This color has an approximate wavelength of 560.05 nm. The RGB values are (160, 178, 158) which means it is composed of 32% red, 36% green and 32% blue. Android Green #4B5320 copied! … The Power Pastels Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Puce (#CC859A), Desert Sand (#EECAB6), Champagne (#F7E1C9), Laurel Green (#B1C294) and Metallic Silver (#9EAEB2).. Laurel Green . Color information #257D33 (or 0x257D33) is unknown color: approx Japanese Laurel.HEX triplet: 25, 7D and 33.RGB value is (37,125,51). Hex … HTML, CSS or hex color code for color "Green Screen" is #00b140. #a9ba9d in CMYK color model, is composed of 9.1% cyan, 0% magenta, … Hex code: #a9ba9d: RGB: rgb(169,186,157) HSV: ( 95.17° , 0.16% , 186% ) Add a useful note/description about this color; Complementary Colors #748D63 #8EA47E. It has a hue angle of 95.2 degrees, a saturation of 17.4% and a lightness of 67.3%. Hex #00A572 RGB 0 165 114. Convert Pantone® PQ-15-6313TCX Laurel Green color into RGB, Hex, and CMYK values. Below are some color related to Green with changing the Hex code. Hex #50C878 RGB 80 220 100 . 93 results. Hex color #a3c2a0 is a variation of "Laurel green" because they look the same at a quick glance. The base green color's hex value in HTML is #008000. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image Shades of green include lime, chartreuse, forest green, olive, sea green, teal, spring green, and lawn green. Hex Color Green Laurel-Green-Color-Paint-Code-Swatch-Chart-Rgb-Html-Hex … Credit: i.pinimg.com. In the HSL color space #3d7254 has a hue of 146° (degrees), 30% saturation and 34% lightness. Moss Green. HTML, CSS or hex color code for color "Laurel green" is #a9ba9d. typically aren't associated with health care. In the HSV/HSB scale, #A0B29E has a hue of 114°, 11% saturation and a brightness value of 70%. Emerald Green. Who is Laurel Green … Hex code : a9ba9d. Pastel green. In the HSL color space #3d7254 has a hue of 146° (degrees), 30% saturation and 34% lightness. #008b00 hex color red value is 0, green value is 139 and the blue value of its RGB is 0. The Trust In Pastels Color Scheme palette has 4 colors which are Laurel Green (#A2AC91), Dust Storm (#E5D1CB), Pale Chestnut (#E4B3B9) and Lilac (#C99DB9).. Hex #D0F0C0 RGB 208 240 192. Laurel Green #a9ba9d triplet de sortilège, rgb(169, 186, 157) - informations de couleur, les dégradés, les harmonies, les régimes, la description et la conversion en CMYK, RGB, HSL, HSV, CIELAB, CIELUV, XXY, Hunter-Lab In the RGB color model #a9ba9d is comprised of 66.27% red, 72.94% green and 61.57% blue. Hex #A9BA9D RGB 169 186 157. All HTML Brand Sport #32de84 copied! Ford Laurel Green / #3d7254 Hex Color Code. Mint Green. Laurel Green. #a9ba9d hex color information (Laurel Green) e.g. How can I get the colour name? Hex Color Green Laurel-Green-Color-Paint-Code-Swatch-Chart-Rgb-Html-Hex … Credit: i.pinimg.com. The decimal RGB color code is rgb (169,186,157). HEX #7cfc00. Laurel Green. The base green color's hex value in HTML is #008000. A shade is achieved by adding black to any pure hue, while a tint is created by mixing white to any pure color. Shades of color Pastel green with the shade names and color codes. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:13 M:0 Y:20 K:27. Elle fait partie d'un groupe nommé "Reichsman" se composant des plus grand assassins nazis de Terre X, dont elle est la dernière représentante. HEX #A9BA9D. Complementary color schemes are created using two opposite colors on the color wheel. Color information #629968 (or 0x629968) is unknown color: approx Laurel.HEX triplet: 62, 99 and 68.RGB value is (98,153,104). In a RGB color space, hex #77dd77 (also known as Pastel green) is composed of 46.7% red, 86.7% green and 46.7% blue. The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of blue, teal, cyan, and similar colors. HEX #7cfc00. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #008b00 hue: 0.33 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of 008b00 is 0.27. I am using python.Here is the … Hex: #77dd77. Home; tumblr; Doodles; Photography; Digital Art; Drawing; Painting; Fibre Art; What is this website about? Siren X est le Double astral de Laurel Lance. Persian Green. Toggle navigation Color Codes. In a RGB color space, hex #77dd77 (also known as Pastel green) is composed of 46.7% red, 86.7% green and 46.7% blue. Its decimal value is 9487935 and the closest web-safe color code to it is #99cc33. Android Green Copy #4B5320 copied! Asparagus #568203 copied! Moss Green. Filter. Pine Green. Ford Laurel Green / #3d7254 Hex Color Code. Avocado #006A4E copied! All HTML Brand Sport #32de84 copied! Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. Android Green #4B5320 copied! Pastel green. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. In the RGB color model #a9ba9d is comprised of 66.27% red, 72.94% green and 61.57% blue. Army Green. This color combination was created by user Schemecolor. Its decimal value is 11123357. Hex color #a3c2a0 is a variation of "Laurel green" because they look the same at a quick glance. In the RGB color model #3d7254 is comprised of 23.92% red, 44.71% green and 32.94% blue. Toggle navigation Color Codes. GREEN color codes and shades of green for HTML, CSS and other development languages in Hex, RGB and named formats. #B09DBA #987EA4. Decimal : 11123357. ● #a9ba9d color description : Grayish green. When people spot this color, Laurel green (#a3c2a0), in advertising materials, they might associate it with being transparent, sleek, elegant, technology, and something classic. 93 results. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog ; Colors; Laurel green; RGB Color Code; Laurel green RGB color code is: rgb(169,186,157) Laurel green. RGB 124 252 0. RGB : 169, 186, 157. lighten Laurel Green color produce below hex code. Power Pastels Color Scheme The Power Pastels Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Puce (#CC859A), Desert Sand (#EECAB6), Champagne (#F7E1C9), Laurel Green (#B1C294) and Metallic Silver (#9EAEB2). Besides the basic colours, TradingView Pine also supports hexadecimal colour values.A hexadecimal colour defines a colour (and optionally its transparency) with so-called hexadecimal digits (TradingView Docs, n.d.).. Those digits are 3 to 4 pair of characters in the range from 00 to FF.It doesn't matter if they're in upper- or lowercase. Hex #4B5320 RGB 75 83 32. Hex code: #a9ba9d: RGB: rgb(169,186,157) HSV: ( 95.17° , 0.16% , 186% ) Colors … Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 37+125+51=213 (28% of max value = 765).Red value is 37 (14.84% from 255 or 17.37% from 213); Green value is 125 (49.22% from 255 or 58.69% from 213); Blue value is 51 (20.31% from 255 or 23.94% from … Here are the different color shades of Pastel green. In a RGB color space, HEX #90C63F is composed of 56.5% red, 77.6% green and 24.7% blue. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog; Colors ; Pastel green; Shades Chart; Shades of Color Pastel green. Kelly Green. It's labeled as "light gray". Lawn Green . The RGB values are (160, 178, 158) which means it is composed of 32% red, 36% green and 32% blue. RGB 124 252 0. The color name of hex code #A1BA95 is Laurel Green. This code is composed of a hexadecimal A9 red (169/256), a BA green (186/256) and a 9D blue component (157/256). Hex #29AB87 RGB 41 171 135. The color laurel green with hexadecimal color code #a9ba9d is a medium light shade of green. Artichoke Green #87A96B copied! The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:10 M:0 Y:11 K:30. In the RGB color model, hex triplet #a9ba9d has decimal index of: 11123357, is composed of 66.3% red, 72.9% green and 61.6% blue. Toggle navigation Color Codes. How can I get the colour name? #a9ba9d. Laurel Green → FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and other important information for Laurel Green. In this case, #abadaa is the less saturated color, while #9efa5d is the most saturated one. Army Green #8F9779 copied! Artichoke Green #87A96B copied! Color information #629968 (or 0x629968) is unknown color: approx Laurel.HEX triplet: 62, 99 and 68.RGB value is (98,153,104). #F967ED. ★ Palisades Park / 439 / Sherwood Green / HC-118. Filter. This is because complementary colors are … RGB 124 252 0. Hex code #98fb98: RGB: rgb(152,251,152) HSV: ( 120° , 0.39% , 251% ) Add a useful note/description about this color; Complementary Colors #36F736 #67F967. #77dd77 color hex could be obtained by blending In the CMYK color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 27% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 68% Yellow, and 22% key (black). The hexadecimal color code #3d7254 is a medium dark shade of green-cyan. RGB 169 186 157. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog; Colors ; Pastel green; Shades Chart; Shades of Color Pastel green. Details of other color codes including equivalent web … #Hexadecimal colours in TradingView Pine scripts. RGB : 169, 186, 157. lighten Laurel Green color produce below hex code. It has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 60% and a lightness of 66.7%. Get sample codes, similar colors and more in this page. Hex #29AB87 RGB 41 171 135 Laurel Green Codes: Hex #A9BA9D RGB 169 186 157 Moss Green Codes: Hex #8A9A5B RGB 138 154 91 Mint Green Codes: Hex #98FB98 RGB 152 251 152 Pine Green Codes: Hex #01796F RGB 1 121 111 Tea Green Codes: Hex #D0F0C0 RGB 208 240 192 Persian Green Codes: Hex #00A572 RGB 0 165 114 Army Green Codes: Hex #4B5320 RGB 75 83 32 Emerald Green Codes: Hex … Tea Green. In the CMYK color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 27% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 68% Yellow, and 22% key (black). This element has a border color of #a9ba9d. Emerald Green. This paragraph has a background color of #a9ba9d. Laurel green [#A9BA9D] Tints and Shades Laurel green #a9ba9d Shades Laurel Green . LRV: 31 : Colour pencil recipe: 165: 172: 270-Colour chart/range: Resene Multi-finish range (2008) Complementary colours: Resene Bermuda Grey: Resene Dutch White: Resene Holly: Colour notes: Resene Laurel is a distinctive bay tree green, worthy of acclaim. GREEN color codes and shades of green for HTML, CSS and other development languages in Hex, RGB and named formats. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:13 M:0 Y:20 K:27. Artichoke #4B6F44 copied! Closest websafe color is: #99cc99. … Hex color #a6b39b is related to "Laurel green" because of their close resemblance. The color laurel green with hexadecimal color code #a9ba9d is a medium light shade of green. Details of other color codes including equivalent web … Complementary or Opposite color for Laurel green (#A9BA9D) is #564562 and the nearest color name is Dark byzantium. Laurel green Color coordinates; Hex triplet: #A9BA9D: sRGB B (r, g, b) (169, 186, 157) CMYK H (c, m, y, k) (9, 0, 16, 27) HSV (h, s, v) (95°, 16%, 73%) Source: Maerz and Paul: ISCC–NBS descriptor: Moderate yellow green: B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred) Laurel green is a medium light hue of greenish gray similar to asparagus, but lighter. Hex #98FB98 RGB 152 251 152. In a RGB color space, hex #a9ba9d (also known as Laurel green) is composed of 66.3% red, 72.9% green and 61.6% blue. HEX #7cfc00. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog ; Colors; Laurel green; RGB Color Code; Laurel green RGB color code is: rgb(169,186,157) Laurel green. Persian Green. Pine Green. Artichoke #4B6F44 copied! Hex: #a9ba9d. The hexadecimal RGB code of Laurel Green color is #A9BA9D. Laurel green [#A9BA9D] Tints and Shades Laurel green #a9ba9d Shades Laurel green color code in RGB is rgb(169,186,157). The very first variations of Mosaic and Netscape Navigator utilized the X11 color names as the basis for their shade lists, as both started as X Home window System applications. #b1c0a6 #bac7b0 #c2ceba #cbd5c4 #d4dcce. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 9.1% cyan, 0% magenta, 15.6% yellow and 27.1% black. Lawngreen . RGB 169 186 157. The process color (four color CMYK) of #008b00 color hex … List of various shades of green along with their hex, RGB and CMYK color codes Hex #01796F RGB 1 121 111. HTML, CSS or hex color code for color "Pale green" is #98fb98. The color name of hex code #A1BA95 is Laurel Green. #77dd77 color hex could be obtained by blending Hex #00A572 RGB 0 165 114. So several systems for naming these green colors were created. It's labeled as "light gray". The color name of hex code #A0B29E is Laurel Green. #Hexadecimal colours in TradingView Pine scripts. Hex #A9BA9D RGB 169 186 157. Hex: #a9ba9d. This is my main blog, so it will be updated almost never, and only with useless nonsense. In the HSL color space #90c63f has a hue of 84° (degrees), 54% saturation and 51% lightness. Laurel Green → FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and other important information for Laurel Green. The hexadecimal color #a9ba9d has RGB values of R:169, G:186, B:157 and CMYK values of C:0.09, M:0, Y:0.16, K:0.27. Hex #29AB87 RGB 41 171 135 Laurel Green Codes: Hex #A9BA9D RGB 169 186 157 Moss Green Codes: Hex #8A9A5B RGB 138 154 91 Mint Green Codes: Hex #98FB98 RGB 152 251 152 Pine Green Codes: Hex #01796F RGB 1 121 111 Tea Green Codes: Hex #D0F0C0 RGB 208 240 192 Persian Green Codes: Hex #00A572 RGB 0 165 114 Army Green Codes: Hex #4B5320 RGB 75 83 32 Emerald Green Codes: Hex … Hex #8A9A5B RGB 138 154 91. Now it is ready to use in your HTML code or CSS code. Below, you can see how #a9ba9d is perceived by people affected by a color vision deficiency. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. C'est la troisième version de Laurel Lance. Top; All; Color picker; Contact; Blog; Colors; Green Screen ; Green Screen Color Codes. Complementary or Opposite color for Laurel green (#A9BA9D) is #564562 and the nearest color name is Dark byzantium. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 46.2% cyan, 0% magenta, 46.2% yellow and 13.3% black. This color combination was created by user Schemecolor.The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Shop for Pantone® PQ-15-6313TCX Laurel Green samples and products on Pantone. Laurel green color code in RGB is rgb(169,186,157). #a9ba9d color hex could be obtained by blending #ffffff with #53753b. Choose the color according to your needs, click on the copy button to copy the Hex code. 13 févr. Choose the color according to your needs, click on the copy button to copy the Hex code. Shades of green include lime, chartreuse, forest green, olive, sea green, teal, spring green, and lawn green. When people spot this color, Laurel green (#a3c2a0), in advertising materials, they might associate it with being transparent, sleek, elegant, technology, and something classic.Shades of "light gray". The examples are red–cyan, green–magenta, and blue–yellow. Hex #4B5320 RGB 75 83 32. Laurel green / #a9ba9d Hex Color Code. #FB98F3. Color space information #058509 | Japanese Laurel. Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. Shades of color Pastel green with the shade names and color codes. Darken Laurel Green color produce below hex code #98a78d #87947d #76826d #656f5e #545d4e In the RGB color model, hex triplet #a9ba9d has decimal index of: 11123357, is composed of 66.3% red, 72.9% green and 61.6% blue. #a9ba9d. Besides the basic colours, TradingView Pine also supports hexadecimal colour values.A hexadecimal colour defines a colour (and optionally its transparency) with so-called hexadecimal digits (TradingView Docs, n.d.).. Those digits are 3 to 4 pair of characters in the range from 00 to FF.It doesn't matter if they're in upper- or lowercase. Lawngreen . Home; tumblr; Doodles; Photography; Digital Art; Drawing; Painting; Fibre Art; What is this website about? In a RGB color space, HEX #90C63F is composed of 56.5% red, 77.6% green and 24.7% blue. Laurel Green. #a9ba9d hex color information (Laurel Green) e.g. Below are some color related to Green with changing the Hex code. Get sample codes, similar colors and more in this page. The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of blue, teal, cyan, and similar colors. Get more info about the color Laurel green on this page. Below, you can see some colors close to #a9ba9d. I wanted to convert that to the colour name. The process color (four color CMYK) of #008b00 color hex is 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.45. Hex values: #6E8D71 LAB: 55.64-16.78: 11.43 : CMYK: 22: 0: 20: 45; Approx. In the CMYK color model (used in the printing process), the composition is 29% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 1% Yellow, and 55% key (black). Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 9.1% cyan, 0% magenta, 15.6% yellow and 27.1% black. In a RGB color space, hex #a9ba9d (also known as Laurel green) is composed of 66.3% red, 72.9% green and 61.6% blue. : blue, 00ff00, rgb 0 255 0, hsl 120 100 50. web-safe colors; W3C colors; color index; #a9ba9d basic color information . Pure color RGB color model # a9ba9d color name of hex code can see how a9ba9d... The value in the HSL color space, hex # 90c63f has a hue of 101°, 20 saturation. Important information for Laurel green is a medium dark shade of green-cyan colors! The decimal RGB color space # a9ba9d RGB, hex, and similar colors and more this... 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