Arkham City. Somehow, Bane gained the loyalty of many of the guards and the staff of the prison who managed to provide him with some Venom. The Joker had Commissioner Gordon kidnapped and taken to the Medical Facility where Bane was being held drained of Venom and was left withered and helpless. Upon his arrival in Arkham City, and having no love for his fellow inmates, Bane started an undercover fight club and challenged anyone brave enough to take him on in hand-to-hand combat. [39][40][41] This version of the character is known for using body doubles in situations that may endanger his own life. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bane about to throw Batman out of the window. Waller used the riot to try to send her troops to retrieve Bane, and Batman tried to stop Bane's escape, but they both failed. Bane was held in Stone Ridge Penitentiary. In The Batman Strikes! I will break you Batman. A childhood of intense deprivation resulted in a histrionic streak that had fixated him on destroying Batman in order to seek worldwide approval. JovianStorm December 27, 2020 7:30 AM 5 collects Detective Comics #612-#614, #616-621 and Annual #3 (#615 is part of a three-issue crossover with Batman).These are all from the Alan Grant/Norm Breyfogle/Steve Mitchell Batman team, … Before he could unlock the Sionis crypt, a lightning bolt struck him, blasting the door open and hurling Roman head-first into a nearby stone. Poison Ivy manages to stop Black Mask by trapping him inside a mutated pitcher plant, its digestive juices dissolving his body as fast as his ring could regenerate it. Weight When discussing the Titan Project in public, Bane's involvement was kept secret, and he was referred to only as "Patient X". Batman outside the Krank Co. Toy Factory, located at Amusement Mile in Arkham City. Imprisoned from birth to serve his dead father's sentence, Bane was raised inside the horrific environment of a Santa Prisca prison. Bane Poison Ivy waded into the fight, and claimed that Batman was worth more to her in the hands of Penguin or Catwoman than Bane. But he had one weakness: his crippling addiction to the performance-enhacing drug/supersoldier serum, Venom. But upon seeing how the drug cartels had used Venom to devastate his country, and killed countless innocent lives including children, Bane decided to renew his war on Venom and all who supplied it. Bane then barely declared that he must find the Bat Man, which caused Batman to sarcastically tell him good luck with his goal. Bane,despite his massive flame, possesses agility greater than that of normal humans. They all failed to beat his incredible strength. Bane's next objective was to destroy Peña Dura, which implied that he's slowly becoming the fearsome leader of men that he used to be. Imagine seeing The Church of the Mask run to the edges of society by June. During this time, Bane was forced against his will to be a human guinea pig for the Titan Project. Bane, and most of Blackgates prisoners, escaped. The original and currently dominant image is of a highly intelligent homicidal maniac … After being struck by the Batmobile and knocked off Arkham Island, Bane washed ashore, was quickly recaptured, and brought back to Arkham by the GCPD after the Joker's takeover. Not satisfied with simply killing Batman, Bane opted to prolong his adversary's pain and broke his back over his knee. Increase your efforts.". The rafters pinned Black Mask's face into the pile of burning toys, and although Batman and Robin were able to tow him out of the fire, Sionis' mask had been burned onto his face. In the comics, the Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied. Black Mask later becomes the leader of a cult, whose trademark is ritual scarring, until Batman and the Huntress dissolve it by defeating and imprisoning Black Mask in Blackgate Penitentiary, though the crime lord escapes before the city is made a part of the country again. I will make this city kneel before me and then I will leave it in ashes. [19], In Teen Titans Rebirth, Damian Wayne keeps Black Mask locked up in his secret prison[20] after learning about his involvement in the destruction of the Arab restaurant Tarbooshes.[21]. Determined to exact vengeance on the Dark Knight and conquer all of Gotham, Bane concocted a scheme to weaken Batman physically and mentally as well as weaken his resolve. Bane’s time in Peña Dura had affected him so greatly to the point that he had sought to make Gotham experience the same situation that the inmates did. Sionis then returns to crime after an unspecified breakout, evidently retaining most of his Pre-Crisis history. Batman:Vengeance of Bane#1(January,1993). After the battle, Batman confronted Bane about the Titan and Bane revealed that he had never intended to destroy it all, rather keep all that remained for himself instead. Bane's single-minded quest would only be interrupted briefly when he later attended Two-Face's court as a juror in the trial to convict the Joker's death. On Venom, Bane does not appear significantly different, though he is a few inches taller, more heavily muscled, and much stronger. However, the Joker had heard of the club and sent a member of his crew with a surprise in Bane's arena: the. Allied with reporter Arturo Rodriguez, Black Mask begins a campaign to discredit Batman; while Rodriguez slams Batman in the press, Black Mask commits a series of murders disguised as the Dark Knight. First Appearance Catwoman, also known as Selina Kyle in the comic book series, is known for having a disheartening past that plays into her often confused character. Then the "bruja"! Bane remained in hiding for the first part of the brutal night of Christmas Eve and made his plans. But upon returning to his homeland, Bane observed that his country was embroiled in a bloody turf war between the various cartels and drug lords (amped up on Venom), which had killed countless innocent lives including children. Despite his violent surroundings, Bane trained his body and mind to perfection, read any book that he could get his hands on, toned his body in the prison's gym, and even received a classical education from some of the prison inmates, including a Jesuit priest. Batman then angrily destroyed the computers and all the other evidence, warned Alfred that Bane knew who he was, and to remain hidden in the Batcave. Bane also took full advantage of Bird's connections to the Gotham criminal underworld to smuggle in massive amounts of Venom, the chemical that allowed Bane to increase his strength and adrenaline. Circe, now Roman's fiancée, then broke up with him in front of his entire staff. After a brief fight, Azrael was able to stop Bane thanks to some assistance from Aaron Cash by cutting off his Titan supply. Black Mask (Roman Sionis) is a fictional supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. After he heard from his right-hand man, Bird, who had previously worked with the Gotham criminal underworld, that there were rumors of a Bat-like creature who protected the city of Gotham, Bane believed this to be the same creature that plagued his nightmares and that it was fate that he and this 'Bat' creature would meet. He viciously threw him to the ground and tried to kill him, even though Batman had saved him from cardiac arrest. Detective Comics - DC's longest-running still-published comic series (though not longest number in issue number, as Action Comics overtook it in the 70s when Detective Comics was occasionally bi-monthly). Bane is rumored to have super-human size and strength. Shiva responded by stunning Bane with inside knowledge of his plans which regarded the TN-1 formula. Bane wears gauntlets with tubes attached to them, as well. When the elevator door to the Penthouse opened, Bane tore Batman from the elevator roof, beat him, brought him to the Joker, and reluctantly gave them one minute to talk (which was due to the Joker's threat of detonating the Royal Hotel first while Batman, Bane, and himself were still inside when Bane attempted to kill Batman first). In fact, while a normal person under the effects of Titan is turned into a raging, psychotic beast, Bane (due to his extreme intelligence and will, and his previous usage of Venom and the TN-1) retained much of his intelligence and personality. City Black Mask (Roman Sionis) is a fictional supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. As Black Mask returns to continue torturing the Spoiler for entertainment, he finds that she has escaped and subsequently tracks her down. Bane wore a similar luchador mask as the one in Arkham Origins. In this new timeline, Roman Sionis is re-established as Black Mask, and his history with the False Face Society remains somewhat intact. Batman escaped the ambush with a new gadget that briefly electrocuted his foes. The mask is such a Game-Breaker that … He did this by staging a breakout at Arkham, releasing all of it's prisoners as well as it's super villains, including his old ally/foe the Joker. While he was in prison, Amanda Waller was still interested in Bane for her Task Force X and started developing an upgraded Venom System in several labs thoughout Gotham. However, the plans ended before they could begin due to Batman tracking the prisoner down and beating him and his allies into submission before he left them to be picked up by the GCPD as part of a favor to Captain Gordon. Origins TN-1 It’s one example of … You've merely adapted the dark. Asking her why she was really there, Shiva remained elusive which prompted Bane to try and threaten her. Bane talking to Batman at the Krank Co. Toy Factory in Arkham City. Joker Bird League of Assassins Penelope Young Bane eventually ordered Bird to keep an eye out for Batman and fought him while he was delivering Venom supplies, and anticipated that Batman would attempt to interfere with the Venom shipments. Although still recovering from the Fear Toxin's hallucinations, the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow released Bane, who went off to confront Batman. The others were. Bane is believed to be traveling with a large group of his fellow escapees. Bane is believed to be traveling with a large group of mercenaries who refer to themselves only as “Followers”, Most notable is his chief subordinate Code-named Angel “Bird” Vallelunga, also a Pena Duro escapee. While no records have been found to substantiate this, rumors alleged that Bane was born and raised within the prison walls - a seemingly impossible feat in the all-male penitentiary. - Bane has a rocket launcher. Bane came to Arkham City in search of the twelve remaining containers of Titan. Per the events of The New 52, Roman Sionis' ebony black mask possesses hypnosis-like mind controlling abilities that extend through the material of the masks that his henchmen wear, rendering them directly under his control. Titan Compound, abundant in supply at the Joker's base of operations (the Sionis Steel Mill). He controls a large portion of Gotham's criminal underworld until the city is destroyed by an earthquake in the "No Man's Land" story arc. It had a lot of power, unlimited ammo (although it could only fire one rocket at a time), potential for large splash damage, a long range, and effectiveness against far-away Heroes and groups of Elites. Arkham Origins Blackgate. He cannot be deterred form what he sets his mind to. Before long, Bane came to have complete control over the prison population and became its self proclaimed ruler. Bane watched as all of Batman's enemies systematically wore him down with his body's limit reaching its all time low and his mental state deteriorating. Black Mask reappears as a crimelord in "The Cult" storyline, having given up his vendetta against Bruce Wayne. And once he was weakened, he would finish him off. This story retconned the information where Charles Sionis was his father. At some point before or during the events of Arkham Origins, Bane met one of his rivals, Shiva, whom he was immediately suspicious of. He wers a black and white luchador mask, a thick padded leather jacket covering a single Venom tube, and leather pants with boots. Sonyggers BTFO… 120393927: Who remembers the Annoying Orange comics based on the show? Batman tried to get away from Bane, but the brute chased after him in a crazed rage, and saw him as a flaming bat monster. But Bane compensated that by possessing unlimited sprinting, had opposing Elite's marked, melee from Elites and Heroes was suicidal, he could perform a smash attack that knocked Joker's Elites to the ground (It did, however, stun friendly Elites temporally), could perform a quick execution to the Heroes with ease, and had a larger amount of health than the Elites, the Heroes, and Joker. Bane's teddy bear, Osito, could be seen in Hugo Strange's Vault in Arkham City. When Richard was in the hospital and dying of old age, Roman sneaked into the hospital disguised as a nurse and poisoned his father in order to gain complete control over the False Face Society, though he does leave his father's signature mask on his corpse. After breaking through the blast door, Bane was confronted by the guards who tried to stop him, but were unable to get past his bulletproof skin. Bane then made it his mission to not only conquer Batman, but Gotham itself, and build up his own criminal empire to achieve the peace that he had longed for at last. Bane served as the secondary antagonist in Arkham Origins, a minor antagonist in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, a cameo in Arkham Origins Blackgate, and an easter egg in Batman: Arkham Knight. [volume & issue needed], Black Mask was subsequently sent to Arkham Asylum, where he remained behind bars until the international terrorist Ra's al Ghul freed all of its inmates. [14] Black Mask later resurfaces to re-assemble the False Face Society, coming into conflict with the Mad Hatter while doing so (who considers Black Mask an enemy due to their similar mind control abilities). During the ensuing battle, the Arkham Knight cut Bane's throat, immolated him with an exploding propane tanker, and pumped multiple bullets into his skull, which apparently killed him. Deprived of the compound, he was almost totally unresponsive in every way, approaching catatonia. He killed Joker's goons even when he was still in an alliance with Joker and he killed people with his bare hands without a care in the world. Joker revealed that he had understood Batman and his code of ethics and had made it his new mission in life to make the hero give up his one rule by forcing him to take a life. Bane was one of the eight assassins that was hired by Joker, under the guise of the city's biggest mob boss, Black Mask, to kill Batman for fifty million dollars on Christmas Eve. Bane begged Batman to cut him down, in the hopes of getting revenge on Dr. Young, but, before he could do so, Joker activated Bane's chemical storage tank, infused him with Titan in order to defeat Batman, and returned his immense strength to him. Bane then asked if he could be let out, but Batman refused, and cited that aside from Bane's attempt at double-crossing him, there were still several things that he still had to take care of in Arkham City. Later, after disposing of all containers of the Titan with his Explosive Gel, Batman returned to the toy factory to check on Bane's progress. Although Batman is eventually able to save Fox, Black Mask manages to evade capture. Specifically, the former had it around the point where Wayne said to her "you just ran out of time" in a loop, implying that Bane managed to deduce Batman's true identity at least in part to Batman saying a similar phrase just as the GCPD choppers arrived. After the shooting, Selina Kyle passes the mantle of Catwoman to her friend Holly, who is soon arrested for Sionis' murder. Bane's father was a revolutionary mercenary who opposed the Santa Prisca government, but was eventually caught and sentenced to life in prison. This version of the character dons a black metallic mask, and is allied with the Penguin and the Great White Shark in an alliance known as "the Blacks and Whites". Moments after Roman's birth, the doctor carelessly dropped him on his head, and his parents covered up the entire incident so that their high society friends would not find out. 1.9 Becoming Black Bat 2 Controversy 3 Gallery 4 Costume & equipment 5 Training and abilities 6 Language skills 7 In other media 8 Trivia 9 External links A child prodigy; Cassandra Cain was conceived and trained from … Individual is deemed extremely dangerous – and is as cunning as he is physically strong. Cruel, and very confident in his strength, he was not above using trickery and power to achieve his goals, and was shown to be able to think of somewhat intricate plans that would end up taking out all his enemies. Black Mask then attempts to use his abilities on Batman, but fails and is forced to escape the asylum. Black Mask then becomes the overlord of Gotham's underworld, gathering enough financial resources to purchase an Amazo android and a large supply of kryptonite. Bane commanded absolute loyalty from his men and he was perfectly willing to sacrifice them in pursuit of his own goals. Roman Sionis/Black Mask is featured in the Batman: Arkham video game franchise, voiced by Nolan North (in Arkham City) and by Brian Bloom (in subsequent appearances). Bane had many powerful melee takedowns, had speed that terrified his adversaries and possessed an enormous endurance, which made him the most powerful character in Arkham Origins. Joker then fired on his chopper with his assault rifle after he boarded out of irritation that Bane had called a retreat, and Bane retaliated by shooting at the Joker with a rocket launcher, which nearly killed him from being knocked off the balcony by the explosion. But before they let him go, the Arkham Knight told Bane all of Batman's secrets (his secret identity, the real identity of the other members of the Bat Family, all of Batman's gadgets, etc.). After he was dragged a distance, Bane knocked over the APC, and the Arkham Knight came flying out of it. Freeze and Clayface to claim the bounty on the Rogues. Black Mask demands the young man to "make his bones" first by crashing a masquerade ball being held at Wayne Manor. Even with his iron-forged will, Bane still suffered under the new toxin's effects: visions of bats. Attempting to block any angle that Bane might have, Batman apprehended many of his mercenaries throughout the city, including Bird, who had previously attempted to seize control of My Alibi, a well known nightclub that was rife with corruption and was connected to the Gotham criminal underworld. He is commonly depicted as a brutal and ruthless crime lord in Gotham City who has a fixation with masks and derives sadistic pleasure from the act of torture. Bane also poured much of his resources into uncovering Batman's true identity and studied the hero extensively within the research facility of his hideout, and eventually came extremely close to deducing who Batman really was. Abuse case I have long waited for this... Batman... down Profile: the substance... Soon begins interfering with Black Mask will kill Batman his dead father 's business and! And does an extra 2d6 damage of the three post-credit scenes, Bane started fighting his addiction... Stun him, Bane was born and raised within the prison walls who is soon arrested Sionis! 16, Black Mask appeared the same as he did in Arkham City Gordon... Allege Bane was shown to have an average physical build with Ivy 's help, was... 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