What can be learned from successful examples of large‐scale commercial agriculture's role in incentivising more sustainable forms of production? View Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. Beyond solutionist science for the Anthropocene: To navigate the contentious atmosphere of solar geoengineering. Similarly, an inclusive education agenda focusing on quality pre‐ and post‐primary education that promotes enrolment, retention and relevance to emerging job markets will be critical. Asking such fundamental questions more routinely could lead to innovative problem framings and solutions (Chappell et al., 2013), and addressing these will be critical for the success of any credible, long‐term strategies aiming to promote sustainable and socially just development (Fischer et al., 2012). During each session, questions were iteratively debated, rephrased as necessary, and grouped into ‘gold’, ‘silver’ and ‘bronze’ categories (‘gold’ being the most highly ranked, followed by ‘silver’ and ‘bronze’) by discussion, followed by general consensus or voting by show of hands. Under what conditions do elites become committed to the reduction of poverty and inequality? How can marine resources located outside of sovereign exclusive economic areas be used sustainably and equitably? Of particular importance is that a substantial number of the submitted questions (102) went beyond the initially prescribed themes and specifically challenged the appropriateness of current development institutions and policies, or the epistemological foundations of development itself. Which are the most dynamic sectors for ‘decent’ work in different rural and urban contexts and what transferable lessons can be learnt for job creation? Allowing participants to think outside of pre‐determined thematic boxes might raise issues that scrutinise broader concepts of development and their underlining assumptions. Although poverty remains a key priority, it is increasingly being paired with ‘sustainability’. What effective policy mechanisms can lower‐ and middle‐income countries adopt to ensure multinational companies comply with tax obligations? • Social Development Sustainable concepts … Structural change, social policy, and politics, Gender, Armed Conflict and the Search for Peace, Gender Equality. It is, therefore, critical to make efforts to increase the engagement of as varied a set of stakeholders as possible, especially from the Global South. Participants continued to refine and reformulate the previously shortlisted questions, removed overlapping questions and further reduced the number of questions from 240 to 162 (Fig. How can the circumstances of asylum seekers and refugees living in lower‐ and middle‐income countries be improved? To this end, a total of 35 academics and representatives of non‐governmental (NGOs) and international organisations with a diverse set of expertise (Appendix 1) took part in a consultative exercise to collaboratively identify 100 questions that have not yet been satisfactorily addressed and that are of critical importance for the new development agenda. An additional five institutions, including governmental agencies, academic institutions and NGOs based in the United Kingdom, Finland, South Africa and Mali contributed questions but chose to remain anonymous. What are the most promising agricultural technological innovations and how can they be effectively shared and implemented? How can resource dependent economies diversify and/or become more resilient? Small‐scale farmers whose markets serve the needs of urban areas also form a large proportion of the world's poor and hungry, highlighting areas for both conflict and conciliation between socioeconomic and environmental concerns. One of the main challenges is to ensure efficient and effective allocation of resources. Although individuals and organisations based in Africa, Latin America and Asia‐Pacific proposed about a quarter of all questions submitted to the consultation, we witnessed relatively low response rates (~5%) from the wide range of organisations and individuals that were invited to take part during the consultation phase. What systems of Universal Health Coverage are most effective at providing quality health care for all? Good research questions: Address significant … During the consultation phase, 705 individuals from 109 organisations based in 34 countries (Appendix 1) were involved in the formulation of 704 questions. Implementing the “Sustainable Development Goals”: towards addressing three key governance challenges—collective action, trade-offs, and accountability. Competing normative assumptions around social justice. How can natural resource extraction and exploitation support inclusive, accountable and broad‐based development? What are the most effective ways to encourage women's political participation in contexts of resistance to gender equality? The definition and creation of spaces for economic and political interactions, and decision‐making processes, are central to the relationship between states and citizens and to the capacity of states and other actors to achieve their goals (Grindle, 2004). The event was attended by 50 practitioners and academics, who collectively formulated a series of questions that fed into the consultation process. While civil society and the empowerment of marginalised populations are recognised as key for development, questions on new actors, including the private sector and emerging economic powers, feature heavily in this shortlist: the complex and contested role of middle‐income countries as donors and partners, as well as recipients of aid, is one such example (Alonso et al., 2014). Institutions based in Europe and North America contributed 74% of questions, while organisations in Latin America, Africa and Australasia accounted for 22% of submitted questions. This article presents the results of a consultative exercise to collaboratively identify 100 research questions of critical importance for the post‐2015 international development … The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) and the Stern Review (2007) have drawn attention to the links between environmental health, human wellbeing and the quality of the economy. The workshop, summarized in this … Those considered unlikely to make it to the final shortlist by the group were excluded and poorly‐formulated questions were redrafted for further discussion. It requires collaboration between researchers with different fields … Will China Change International Development As We Know It? Over the last two decades, globalisation and a reconfiguration of the global political economy that has strengthened the role of both private actors and emerging sovereign actors such as China and India, have reshaped international co‐operation frameworks and dramatically changed the context in which development stakeholders operate. This provided a framework for questions to directly address the post‐2015 discussion and feed into some of the major areas identified globally. The two‐day workshop was organised into a series of parallel thematic sessions and a final plenary session. Meeting current and future food needs while reducing pressures on land and natural resources is one of society's greatest challenges (Godfray et al., 2010), yet unequal access to land remains one of the greatest causes of poverty, human insecurity and conflict. The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015, an international framework for disaster resilience endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2005, links natural disasters to loss of life, and loss of social, economic and environmental assets (UNISDR, 2005). Current and recent research topics in international development, include: A development … Prior to the workshop, each participant was requested to submit between 10 and 20 questions. Research on Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) at Oxford seeks to develop advanced knowledge on the challenges and opportunities for developing more sustainable … Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), United States, Africa Research Institute, United Kingdom, Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom, British NGOs for Overseas Development (BOND), United Kingdom, Building and Social Housing Foundation, United Kingdom, Bureau of Integrated Rural Development, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, CARE International, United Kingdom and Ethiopia, Catholic Aid Agency for England and Wales (CAFOD), United Kingdom, Centre for Engineering and Industrial Design (CIDESI), Mexico, Centre for HIV Prevention and Research, Kenya, Centre for the Development of People, Ghana, Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Eonómica y Social (CERES), Bolivia, Clash International, Ghana and United States, Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo, Colombia, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Germany, Foundation Adamfo Ghana, The Netherlands and United Kingdom, International Institute for Environment and Development, United Kingdom, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal, International Civil Society Centre, Germany, International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) Network, United States, India and Uganda, International HIV/AIDs Alliance, United Kingdom, International NGO Training and Research Centre, United Kingdom, International Rescue Committee, United States, Irise International, United Kingdom and Uganda, London International Development Centre (LIDC), United Kingdom, Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC), The Netherlands, Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom, Pan African Institute for Development ‐ West Africa (PAID‐WA), Cameroon, Planet Earth Institute, United Kingdom and Angola, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP), Peru, Recrear International Youth Organisation, Canada, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health International, United Kingdom, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), United Kingdom, Secretariat of the International Land Coalition, Italy, The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom, The Postharvest Education Foundation, United States, UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (UKCDS), United Kingdom, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bolivia, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Argentina, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Slovakia, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Kyrgystan, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Switzerland, Universidad Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil, University College London, United Kingdom, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO), United Kingdom, Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), The Philippines. What are the barriers to the full realisation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) rights and how can they be overcome? 2019 Dec;9 ... A group of 348 global and local experts in ECD-related research were identified and invited to generate research questions. For example, well‐established concerns about the rights of women, and of vulnerable groups such as poor workers, small‐scale farmers, people with disabilities, children and ethnic minorities feature alongside emerging issues, including the role of business in protecting human rights, and information and communication technologies as tools for empowerment and social integration. Winning the SDG battle in cities: how an integrated information ecosystem can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals. Engagement fatigue, unease with similar contemporary consultation efforts and a lack of immediate benefits relative to the investments in terms of time and intellectual commitment might also have played a role. The inclusion of long‐standing questions in the shortlist highlights the intractability of certain issues and the necessity for them to remain central in future research agendas. What are the most cost‐effective approaches of sustainably increasing the agriculture productivity and incomes of small‐scale farmers? The Practice of Human Capital Development Process and Poverty Reduction: Consequences for Sustainable Development Goals in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. On the second day of the workshop, the sessions considered two or three of the nine themes jointly. Building Development Studies for the New Millennium. Can multinational companies foster institutional change and sustainable development in emerging countries? A political‐ philosophical exchange, Theory and Policy in International Development: Human development and capability approach and the Millennium Development Goals, Capacity for Development: New solutions to old problems, Varieties of Participation in Democratic Governance, Migration, Development and the “Migration and Development Nexus”, Base Sustainable Development Goals on Science, Sustainable Development for People and Planet, Food Security: The challenge of feeding 9 billion people, Good Enough Governance: Poverty reduction and reform in developing countries, Neoliberal Environments: False promises and unnatural consequences, Mineral‐rents and the Financing of Social Policy, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2014: Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, Conceptualising the CSR and Development Debate. What are the most effective approaches for the delivery of locally appropriate, affordable and high quality education for children and young people with disabilities? How can the prominence and momentum of South‐South co‐operation be maximised and what will its impact on development practices and discourses be? Sustainability & Sustainable Development. Inclusiveness and representation in consultative processes depend on a large number of factors, including methodological design, mobilised resources and convocation capacity, and are notoriously difficult to achieve. What are the most effective ways to recognise and address the unequal burden of unpaid care work and facilitate women's participation in paid employment? Deforestation, land degradation, biodiversity loss and natural resource overexploitation exacerbate poverty and deepen inequalities (MEA, 2005), as do natural disasters such as floods, droughts, storms and landslides (Wisner et al., 2004). In May 2014, SIID organised a workshop in collaboration with the United Kingdom's membership body of international development NGOs (BOND) and the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences (UKCDS). In one sense, these questions constitute a key outcome of the consultation. Changing population dynamics present major challenges to development policy and practice. Indeed, a substantial number of questions did not fit any of the initial 11 themes and generally focused on broader issues around the politics, practices and institutions of development itself and the need to rethink and reform them. Cooperative Enterprises and Sustainable Development in Post-Crisis Nepal: A Social Responsibility Perspective on Women’s Employment and Empowerment. Learn more about SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development: The oceans cover more than 70 per cent of the surface of our planet and … How can we better integrate human dignity and respect into development policy and practice? How can the accountability and capacity of parliaments be strengthened in low‐ and middle‐income countries? This was done to identify and prevent thematic overlaps and to ensure, as much as possible, that each thematic session discussed a more balanced number of questions. What can be done to build socioeconomic resilience of the emerging middle classes in lower‐ and middle‐income countries? a minimum number of experts in each of the nine sections (three), of whom 14 were women and 16 were men. What mechanisms would ensure a faster transition to a sustainable, carbon‐free global economy? As blockchain has trust, openness and transparency built into its design, its benefits are wide-ranging and impact multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable development require the active participation of all sectors of society and all types of people. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, What are the most effective methods and programmes for engaging men and boys as allies in combating all forms of violence against women and girls? But, perhaps more centrally, we believe that these questions can act as starting points for debate, research and collaboration between academics, practitioners and policy‐makers. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. How can the expansion of small and medium enterprises in lower‐income countries be best supported? The final shortlist is grouped into nine thematic areas and was selected by 21 representatives of international and non‐governmental organisations and consultancies, and 14 academics with diverse disciplinary expertise from an initial pool of 704 questions submitted by 110 organisations based in 34 countries. The first phase of the project used three approaches to arrive at an initial set of candidate questions: Individuals submitting questions were encouraged to discuss ideas with colleagues and formulate questions arising from these conversations using the criteria set out by Sutherland et al. What is sustainable development? Such initiatives, however, may have adverse unintended consequences and pay too little attention to questions of distribution and inequality (Peet, Watts and Robbins, 2010). These problems are further compounded by the increasing impacts of climate change with clear ramifications for natural systems and societies around the globe (IPCC, 2014). Additional questions were submitted by directly‐invited individuals (16%), the remaining authors of this article (10%) and BOND/UKCDS workshop attendees (8%) (Table 1). Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Avoidance of conflicts and trade‐offs: A challenge for the policy integration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Co‐production exercises such as this one should, therefore, be considered jointly with more fundamental critiques of development paradigms and institutional frameworks. The Role of Systems Thinking in the Practice of Implementing Sustainable Development Goals. Inequality is … How can local governments with limited budgets respond to the needs of fast growing metropolitan areas? What are the most effective approaches to ensure that the combined burden of non‐communicable and communicable diseases is addressed in lower‐ and middle‐ income countries? How do public perceptions of climate change impact on actions at the individual level? How can architecture, urban design and planning address social sustainability most effectively and contribute to the creation of social equality and inclusion? We thus contribute to the provision for our future. This new focus on ‘green growth’, or indeed alternative measures of economic progress, and the awareness of our globalised and interconnected world have led to a re‐evaluation of the role of industrialised countries as bearers of shared responsibilities in the implementation of both policy reforms and practical actions (Sachs, 2012; Wisor, 2012), and to an emphasis on the universality of development concerns, strategies and solutions. How do different actors and agencies deal with conflicts between competing rights’ categories and rights’ holders, and how can these conflicts be addressed? Making the Most of Knowledge for Development and Development Studies. No shortlist can cover all possible development issues where further research is needed (nor could one expect full agreement on an exclusive list). JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. Eight of these sections consisted of questions submitted under the original 11 ‘World We Want’ themes. 5 questions about climate change 5 talks • 6:06 In the scope of Countdown, TED's initiative to accelerate solutions to climate change, the TED team collaborated with scientists and the creative studio Giant Ant to prepare five short animations explaining concepts and answering important questions … identified by the ‘World We Want’ campaign to individual questions but also provided an option to create new categories if participants felt that none of the themes was applicable. Given that questions often cut across themes, the nine groupings chosen and the order in which the questions appear represent only one convenient way of categorising questions. For business, committing to sustainable development … A culture-centered, participatory approach to defining “development” in rural Ecuador. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable … Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. What are the consequences for development outcomes of the shift from national sovereignty to global governance? What happens to national NGOs and civil society after international aid is declining or withdrawn? Global research priorities to accelerate programming to improve early childhood development in the sustainable development era: a CHNRI exercise J Glob Health. International transdisciplinary research initiatives, such as Future Earth,11 In spite of progress on many aspects of economic and social development, inequalities of different kinds remain a persistent feature within and between societies. To ensure as broad a set of views as possible during the shortlisting process, four criteria were considered when selecting workshop participants: (i) thematic expertise, (ii) institutional affiliation, (iii) geographic location and experience, and (iv) gender. Environmental Sustainability; Food Security, Land and Agriculture; Energy and Natural Resources, Governance, Rights and Participation; Conflict, Population Dynamics and Urbanisation; Economic Growth, Employment and the Private Sector; Development Politics, Practices and Institutions. Blockchain is fundamentally a technology of trust, but transformative possibilities to benefit society more broadly are emerging. Learn about our remote access options. Managing Crop tradeoffs: A methodology for comparing the water footprint and nutrient density of crops for food system sustainability. Reducing discrimination and exclusion, and monitoring progress towards more inclusive societies, are essential elements of the post‐2015 agenda (World We Want, 2013). 1A) (this was the process adopted by Sutherland et al., 2013). Which type of policies or strategies carried out by expanding middle‐income countries have proven to be more effective for the promotion of a more inclusive and equitable economic growth? Influencing the socio‐economic status and family dynamics of those who stay in their Area is now a concept! Labour most effectively promote children 's rights and promote lifelong learning opportunities youth. Under Sustainable development Goals ”: towards addressing three key governance challenges—collective,... Biodiversity and Simultaneously Secure Livelihoods in a priority Conservation Area the two‐day workshop organised... 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