Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. 2. A Louisiana man serving a life sentence for stealing a pair of hedge clippers in 1997 was paroled on Thursday, after spending more than two decades in From Cambridge English Corpus The term translates as 'sea hedges,' within which a mariner may become trapped at … In October lift all it is desired to save, and lay them close together in a slanting direction, at an angle of about 45 degree, in a warm, mellow soil at the foot of a wall or hedge, where, in hard weather, shelter can easily be given. Flying fences consist of a hedge with or without a post and rail, and with or without a ditch on one or both sides; consequently a horse has to jump both high and wide to clear them. Generally he hedged his bets by portraying children as little adults. Examples of hedge in a sentence, how to use it. The Word "Hedge" in Example Sentences - Page 1. stile in the hedge, follow the edge of the wood. Once over the stile in the hedge, follow the edge of the wood. We had better get under the lee of the hed Sentences Mobile. 31. hedge definition is - a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees. Former Och-Ziff Executive Sentenced to Prison Michael Leslie Cohen, who worked for the New York-based hedge fund now named Sculptor Capital Management, was sentenced to three months The hedge had reached a height of around eight feet, and getting rather spindly around the edges. Who can invest in a hedge fund is really up to the manager of the fund. We do have dishwashers and fax machines, gardens and cordless hedge trimmers. Forming a hedge around the moat, the prickly shrubs provided even more protection for the king’s castle. 100 examples: The limited available evidence suggests that, while there is a positive… This will create a very dense, prickly evergreen hedge, which is shade tolerant, retaining the bright variegation even in the shade. The group gathers around the wall of bushes, better known as a hedge to humans, and discusses what this could be and what they should do. 97 examples: He tried to save a ropy secondary bank, which is now called a hedge fund, and… thorny hedge along the boundary of your property can put thieves off. A hedge is an investment that protects your finances from a risky situation. Indeed in 1864 he was recognized as leader of the radicals after his reply to Dr Hedge's address to the graduating students of the Divinity School on Anti-Supernaturalism in the Pulpit. He liked to teeter on the edge, He 's supposed to stay behind the hedge. It is semi-evergreen and can be pruned as a hedge or left to grow up to 8 feet as a screen. And he's trimmed the hedge by the front porch. derivative instruments do not qualify for hedge accounting. 2. A Black Louisiana man will spend the rest of his life in prison for stealing hedge clippers, after the Louisiana Supreme Court denied his request to have his sentence overturned last week. It will be evident that the "put" is a hedge against prices falling, and the " call " a hedge against their rising. Compound-Complex Sentences with “hedge” Sentence types can also be combined. A vaguely humanoid form presented itself on the other side of a thin hedge that had been grown on that side of the path. Hedging is done to minimize or offset the chance that your assets will lose value. Soon Hammie, the squirrel (Steve Carell), finds a mysterious hedge that wasn't there before hibernation. Here, opposite a barn, go left at a footpath sign, on a grassy headland, with a hedge on the left. Take the open path around the Conifer Lawn and nestling along the hornbeam hedge are a number of different Daphnes. Other things being equal, the broker would be better off if he could hedge with equal ease against all his risks. A hedge between keeps friendship green. In Scotland the opening up of the country by the construction of practicable roads, and the enclosing and subdividing of farms by hedge and ditch, was now in active progress. stile in the corner of the field, where the hedge bends sharply to the left for a short distance. b. Nail trimmers that resemble tiny hedge clippers allow groomers the best angles for trimming nails, especially dew claws. The sticky honeydew excreted by the aphid makes hedge trimming a messy task. willow twigs have been planted to form a hedge on the bank side. This includes hedge trimmers, lawn mower etc. hedge clipper in a sentence - Use "hedge clipper" in a sentence 1. Some of the maintenance work, such as hedge trimming, is already being carried out extensively by contractors. '. A leap from a hedge is better than the prayer of a bishop. It provides a hedge against an inherently uncertain future. Bryant was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 1997 for stealing the hedge clippers from a residential garage. This sentence displays that a bat could technically be called a bird, but the hedge loosely speaking signifies that a bat has fringe membership in the category "bird". Fair Wayne Bryant was convicted in 1997 of stealing hedge clippers and sentenced to life. The fair market value of securities held by a hedge fund is the basis for calculating its performance. If you have thousands or millions or even billions of dollars to invest in a hedge fund you still want to look closely before you invest. To create the mooring lay-by, the channel would be widened on the offside of the canal, the footpath diverted and hedge replanted. Hawthorn has been for many centuries a favourite park and hedge plant in Europe, and numerous varieties have been developed by cultivation; these differ in the form of the leaf, the white, pink or red, single or double flowers, and the yellow, orange or red fruit. You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance. A Black man in Louisiana serving life in prison for stealing hedge clippers more than two decades ago was granted parole — months after the state's Supreme Court declined to review his sentence. The tsar did great damage to Evelyn's beautiful gardens, and, it is said, made it one of his amusements to ride in a wheelbarrow along a thick holly hedge planted especially by the owner. 3. What does hedge mean? bushes or shrubs that form a boundary as they grow closely together in a row. Man Sentenced to Life Over Theft of Hedge Clippers Is Granted Parole. 2. 'The data appear to support the assumption of significant differences between the two groups of students. Everyday Hedges . If possible, visit the hedge fund offices to get a feel for how professional the manager and their practices are. Updated 8:24 PM ET, Fri October 16, 2020 . It turned right with gorse bushes in the hedge giving extra color. This statement was released the day after Black Monday as Greenspan wanted to simply and firmly reassure the markets that the Fed would be there with liquidity. Hedge definition is - a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees. Willow twigs have been planted to form a hedge on the bank side. Hedges can also allow speakers and writers to introduce or eliminate ambiguity in meaning and typicality as a category member. carpentry on the roof timbers, build pig gates, dig gardens, stonewall, coppicing and hedge laying. hedge in a sentence. 271+24 sentence examples: 1. Many investors consider hedge funds investment portfolios because they include a wide range of investment opportunities. Does Tyson really wish to take some hedge clippers to King's hair? perimeter hedge is now scheduled to start in November. 2. Such a standard is likely to cover hedge accounting as well as the reporting of gains and losses on financial instruments. The measure would also hedge … 271+24 sentence examples: 1. He used shears for the top, to get it good and level, and hedge trimmers for the sides. Hedge funds, EIS, taper relief have created a perfect storm of private wealth to invest in more risky ventures. Then, go to hall that is south of the Hedge Mage. During the battle, Falkland was killed charging alone through a gap in a hedge lined with parliamentarian musketeers. For instance, in 1990 hedge funds were pulling in less than $50 billion per year and now they account for about $1.7 trillion in investments. The original impetus for the study of hedges came from the work of Heider (1971), Alston (1964), Ross (1970), and Bolinger (1972). unkempt hedges leading to another hedge across the far end. In the linguistic sub-fields of applied linguistics and pragmatics, a hedge is a word or phrase used in a sentence to express ambiguity, probability, or indecisiveness about the remainder of the sentence, rather than full accuracy, certainty, or decisiveness. I have knelt at the feet of great teachers, but I have also knelt at the twisty branches of the hawthorn hedge. 2. verb. Examples of Hedge in a sentence. Tall mixed species hedge forms the northern boundary with scrub encroachment, including elm which is dying out. rustle he heard a rustling noise in the hedge on the roadside. 147 104 He led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush. The definition of a hedge is a boundary or fence formed by closely planted bushes or trees. Last night I picked a whole box of blackberries from the wild brambles that grow over the hedge. Such hedge words are unnecessary if the police report indeed shows that a burglary occurred and if the medical report lists a heart attack as the cause of the diplomat's death. In academic writing, the use of hedging language is crucial to increase the credibility of your work. Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Most stores hedge their sales bets by catering to the mid-section of society in order to ensure their profit margins. Carell has won many awards for his work, including a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Michael Scott on The Office. At its head are the remains of a camp, connected with the Giant's Hedge, a raised earthwork which extends for 7 m. For instance, the clipping of a hedge or the lopping of a tree will cause to develop numerous buds which may have been dormant for years. 2 Vodafone's shares fell on fears that hedge funds that had bought the bonds were short-selling Vodafone. In any case, the second sentence above would certainly make more sense if it were written another way. The lance points projected in a bristling hedge in front. We also have pictures of some of them in our hedge picture gallery. Their villages, however, are often of substantial appearance: with houses of untrimmed stones, occasionally with two storeys, built on hills, and invariably defended by a bank, a stone wall or a hedge. 3. Dictionary ! A Louisiana man whose life sentence for attempting to steal hedge clippers in 1997 drew a national spotlight to the state’s habitual offender law has been granted parole, according to … He led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush. Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge. Hedge fund definition is - an investing group usually in the form of a limited partnership that employs speculative techniques in the hope of obtaining large capital gains. His sentence appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court. Apart from a few exceptions, all the hedge funds participating in the Greenwich Associates study saw their compliance costs rise in 2005. A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a lawn, garden, field, or road. I have seen a very pretty hedge of the Hemlock Spruce near Philadelphia. A Louisiana man serving a life sentence for stealing a pair of hedge clippers in 1997 was paroled on Thursday, after spending more than two decades in prison for his crime. Buying a house will be a hedge against inflation. In cutting, the hedge (as indeed all hedge s) should be XVI. His voice work appears in a number of animated films such as Over the Hedge and Despicable Me. Black man serving life sentence for stealing hedge clippers granted parole in Louisiana. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. A " high hedge " is a line of two or more evergreens with a height of more than two meters above ground level. He walked out of prison later that day after serving more … China, India Some investors buy gold to hedge against accelerating inflation. Jim was having a good old go at the spring flowering heathers, by using a pair of hedge clippers to do the pruning. A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary. It would prove, I think, a good evergreen hedge plant where the dangerous poison of our own Yew makes its use impossible in any place to which horses or cattle have access. In smaller country gardens the enclosure or outer fence is often a hedge, and there is possibly no space enclosed by walls, but some divisional wall having a suitable aspect is utilized for the growth of peaches, apricots, &c., and the hedge merely separates the garden from a paddock used for grazing. Try to make the support high enough so that you don't have to use the hedge trimmer above shoulder height. hedge fund in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary Examples of hedge fund He tried to save a ropy secondary bank, which is now called a hedge fund, and reduced interest rates three times in two weeks. For example, when you buy life insurance to support your family in the case of your death, this is a hedge. In jumping an ordinary hedge or ditch at moderate speed, there is of course a moment of time during which the horse is on his hind legs, and in theory the rider should then lean forward, but, in practice, this position is so momentary, and the lash out of the hind legs in the spring is so powerful, that it is best not to lean forward at all, because of the difficulty, if not impossibility, of getting back in time for the reverse movement, when the rider should be preparing to render the horse some assistance with the bridle as his feet touch the ground. Garden waste: grass cuttings, leaves, hedge clippings, twigs, cut flowers, pot plants without pots. (Besides, what is an 'apparent heart attack'?) We will be removing hawthorn from the chalk grasslands and laying a hedge. The author then points out the great advantages of enclosure; recommends " quycksettynge, dychynge and hedgeyng "; and gives particular directions about settes, and the method of training a hedge, as well as concerning the planting and management of trees. Then he heard a rustling noise in the hedge on the roadside. He hid the bicyc In the process, they name the hedge Steve. hawthorn hedge opposite MGM Garden & Leisure. Memory-based resolution of in-sentence scopes of hedge cues. hedge bindweed With the plants come those animals that depend on them. Supporting Walls: The back side of your cold frame will normally be up against a wall, fence or hedge, so you only need enough material for three low supporting walls. The Board of Pardons and Committee on Parole voted Thursday to release Fair Wayne Bryant, 63, records show. The global hedge funds play a crucial role here. The index, compiled from a basket of 13 hedge funds, has risen by 13.8 per cent this year. We crossed the track, and went through the wide hedge gap along the wide grass path passing a young copse on our right. In this post, we discuss hedging in academic writing and look at some examples of hedging sentences. Hedge and large bindweed were still in flower as was Self-heal, Red clover and Cat's-ear. ‘Tall shrubs, hedges, or vine-covered fences make a detached patio private.’. CK 1 282002 The cat crept under the hedge . The answer is that though the ratios between the prices of the various grades alter, the prices of all of them move generally together, and that the " futures " of the Exchange at least provide a hedge against the latter movements. All Rights Reserved. How To Use Hedge In A Sentence? At Castlewellan it is planted in a shady border near a large Yew hedge, in peat, leaf soil, and loam in equal proportions. If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it. Sentence Examples. A thorn hedge faced the field at this point. He put off his wooden shoes and pushed aside the twigs of the hedge until he had made a peep hole. All hedges on banks, banks and doubles must be ridden at slowly; they are usually of such a size as to make flying them impossible, or at least undesirable. the tax levied upon salt varied extremely in different parts of the country, and a strong preventive staff was required to be stationed along a continuous barrier hedge, which almost cut the peninsula into two fiscal sections. Examples of hedge in a sentence: 1. Work out the width of your car, its tonnage and then calculate the equivalent tonnage in the cornish ' hedge '. 2. Hedge fund definition is - an investing group usually in the form of a limited partnership that employs speculative techniques in the hope of obtaining large capital gains. That act of simple burglary wouldn't normally lead to a life sentence. Examples of hedge fund in a sentence, how to use it. Look at the hedge fund manager's background, experience in hedge funds, their history of success and failure with funds, and anything else you could learn. Fair Wayne Bryant, 62, was convicted in 1997 for stealing hedge clippers and ordered to spend the rest of his life in prison in Louisiana. It's similar to home insurance. be cut short, a hedge of young shoots is inevitable. Annual pruning, to which the hawthorn is particularly amenable, is necessary if the hedge is to maintain its compactness and sturdiness. Fair Wayne Bryant, 63, was sentenced in 1997 to life in prison for stealing hedge clippers, court records show. A complex sentence with “hedge” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. passable impression of a traditional low, wide hedge. It can be done through various financial instruments such as forward contracts, futures, options, etc. Credibility of your death, this is partly because of the path which he had known from a.. 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