Saul Constantine (son, b. Aibileen and Minny also develop a friendship and understanding with Skeeter that neither believed possible. The Help is a 2011 period drama film written and directed by Tate Taylor and based on Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel of the same name.The film features an ensemble cast, including Jessica Chastain, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Allison Janney, Octavia Spencer, and Emma Stone.The film and novel recount the story of a young white woman and aspiring journalist Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan. john; batman; legendsoftomorrow +18 more # 12. John Christopher Constantine (born May 10, 1982), aka El Diablo among the mobsters of Mexico City, is an exorcist, demonologist and warlock, calling himself "master of the dark arts." While Lulabelle's father was black, Constantine's father was not. Skeeter later tells Aibileen that Constantine had quit and moved to Chicago to live with her daughter, Rachel. The Saga of Swamp Thing #37 . and find homework help for other The Help questions at eNotes Next With the help of the mysterious Nightmare Nurse, the influential Queen of Angels, and brutal Aztec God Mictlantecuhtli, the pair just might have a chance at outsmarting the demon Beroul to save Trish’s soul. Constantine organised a counter-coup and it was probably meant as one, although no help or involvement of the United States was forthcoming. After several failed attempts to save his own life -- and royally pissing off the first of the fallen in the process by cheating him out of a friend's soul -- John made a deal with each of the three rulers of hell. Get an answer for 'In The Help, please explain how Constantine's daughter resulted in the firing of Constantine.' "Eugenia ""Skeeter"" Phelan". She gave John the scar that he bears on the left-hand side of his face. The work Theophanes Continuatus was a continuation of the chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor by other writers, active during the reign of her father. The relationship between Stuart and Skeeter becomes impossible once he learns about the book. and any corresponding bookmarks? The story takes place in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960s. When the book "The Help" is released, Jackson's high society will never be the same. Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny finish the book, but they decide to put in the story of Hilly's chocolate pie as insurance that they will always be anonymous. Aibileen is a 53-year-old black woman serving as a maid to a white family, the Leefolts. 'Royals', Constantine of Greece, the king who wore his own crown; Constantine of Greece (79), currently confined by the pandemic at his residence in Porto Jeli, in the Peloponnese, is in very poor health and his family fears that his deterioration will increase if the wedding of his daughter … Then she told Constantine that she couldn't see her own daughter, or she would fire her. The Help tells the story of civil unrest and a fight for equality in the Southern town of Jackson, Mississippi during the civil rights movement. Hilly, who leads the Junior League and bosses around the other white women in the town, reveals to Stuart, Skeeter's boyfriend, that she found a copy of the Jim Crow laws in Skeeter's purse, which further ostracizes Skeeter from their community. Although she is a demon - or at the least half-demon - Maria's instinctive form is that of a fourteen-year-old blonde girl. How will Minny's "insurance" work? Add a photo to this gallery CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. When Stuart travelled to see his ex-girlfriend, she called him a whore to his father and to the state of Mississippi. An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis. He went to California to make sure he was over his ex-girlfriend and now he wants to make up with Skeeter, but she is too busy working on the book and too heartbroken to care. The baby was adopted, but then Constantine and Lulabelle were reunited when she was an adult. First Appearance. Only appearance: Bad Blood issue four. Removing #book# CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Constantine had given birth, out of wedlock, to Lulabelle who turned out to look white even though both parents were black. Susannah Constantine has spoken out about her alcoholism for the first time, saying she hopes to be able to help anyone who started drinking too much during lockdown. With Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Bryce Dallas Howard. Normally Skeeter would find solace in Constantine, the beloved maid who raised her, but Constantine has inexplicably disappeared. Charlotte is devastated and kicks out both Lulabelle and Constantine from her home. Skeeter realizes that Lulabelle must have been the surprise the Constantine promised her in her last letter, but Skeeter never met her because Constantine died in Chicago just three weeks after she left the Phelan family. The Help is set during the early 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi ... A major plot point in both the book and the movie is the firing of Skeeter’s beloved maid Constantine. I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and cigarette and arrogance, ready to deal with the madness. A 14-year-old named Coraline Harris finds her self in a tricky situation and is forced to deal with her complicated past. I can save you. From the outset, the relationship between Constantine and the notorious regime of the colonels was an uneasy one. Like Hilly, Charlotte would be annihilated by her own kind if they learned the truth so she has kept it a secret even from her own daughter. President Kennedy has just been assassinated, and Skeeter's mother is succumbing to cancer. Unique among young women in her social circle, she is far more interested in writing than in pursuing marriage and family life. Maria Constantine (daughter, b. A self-respecting woman, she spits in Charlotte’s face when Charlotte tells her to get out of her house as if she were a stray dog. Aibileen brings in her best friend, Minny, a sassy maid who is repeatedly fired for speaking her mind, to tell her story, too. Charlotte is devastated and kicks out both Lulabelle and Constantine from her home. Neither the black nor the white community would accept Lulabelle, so Constantine gave her up for adoption when she was four years old. The Help is a 2011 period drama film written and directed by Tate Taylor and based on Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel of the same name.The film features an ensemble cast, including Jessica Chastain, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Allison Janney, Octavia Spencer, and Emma Stone.The film and novel recount the story of a young white woman and aspiring journalist Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan. A film adaptation of The Help was released on August 10, 2011. Why can you just get Constantine to help? But when the truth about Constantine is revealed, Charlotte is not seen in a positive light. When a 7 year old girl stumbles upon a mysterious man she starts to learn about his past, as lily learns more and more about her father John Constantine! The Help is indeed a story of spirit and determination, illuminating the profound dignity of a group of intelligent and hardworking but severely marginalized black women. All rights reserved. Lulabelle spits in Charlotte's face while she is leaving, but no one else at the DAR meeting sees it. Hilly would never admit it is her story because she'd also be revealing what she ate. John Constantine plunges deep into an arcane landscape where a powerful entity known as the Rainbow Serpent intends to punish man's treatment of the environment by clearing the earth of all animal life. 2004) Maria is the only one of Constantine and Rosacarnis's children to survive the attack by The First of the Fallen. Then, Paul Jenkins begins his HELLBLAZER run with "Dreamtime"! The complexity of Charlotte Phelan's character is a major development in this chapter. Skeeter's first maid, influential to her life, fired by Skeeter's mom after her daughter came and acted white, died a week later in Chicago with her daughter. A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure Chas’s daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma. Elizabeth Leefolt has a strained relationship with her mother, who is aloof and demanding; she continues this unhealthy dynamic by being neglectful and critical of her own daughter, Mae Mobley . Skeeter admits to paying Pascagoula's brothers to go to the junkyard and take those toilets to Hilly's lawn. Removing #book# Hearing their stories changes Skeeter as her eyes open to the true prejudices of her upbringing. 6.6K 165 7. Eugenia ‘Skeeter ’ Phelan: Constantine quit us. If it takes the last drop of your blood, I'll drive your demons away. He grew up in one of the biggest empires in world history, and became a soldier for the Roman army, eventually rising to the rank of general. Charlotte tells Skeeter about what really happened. All rights reserved. Rose Porter-Constantine is the daughter of the mage John Constantine, whom he kept hidden and safe from his many enemies. Susannah Constantine has spoken out about her alcoholism for the first time, saying she hopes to be able to help anyone who started drinking too much during lockdown. When the little girl grew up, she and Constantine were reunited. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Another World (John Constantine x... by PickyJade279. Lulabelle spits in Charlotte's face while she is leaving, but no one else at the DAR meeting sees it. Skeeter calls Elaine Stein and learns that the book has to be finished by the end of the year or it will not be considered for publication. Hilly Holbrook: A disease-preventative bill that requires every white home to have a separate bathroom for the colored help. Helena, the daughter of an innkeeper and Constantius's wife, gave birth to Constantine around A.D. 280 in Naissus, just south of the Danube. Hilly and Skeeter grew up best friends, but they now have very different views on race and the future of integration in Mississippi. Although she is a demon - or at the least half-demon - Maria's instinctive form is that of a fourteen-year-old blonde girl. The time, the early 1960's, the place, Jackson, Mississippi. She sides with her daughter and tells her Stuart probably does not deserve her. With the help of the mysterious Nightmare Nurse, the influential Queen of Angels, and brutal Aztec God Mictlantecuhtli, the pair just might have a chance at outsmarting the demon Beroul to save Trish’s soul. Skeeter and Stuart have no future together because their views on race are incompatible. Constantine's daughter acts as if she is white and mingles with the white guests—Skeeter's mother takes the young woman's audacity and defiant attitude as a personal affront. The daughter of a wealthy white Southern family, Skeeter is bit of a misfit. Skeeter thinks Hilly blames her for everything. Constantine of Greece (79), ... when he interrupted crying his speech, which had to be continued by his wife, Ana María, his great help. Skeeter never saw Constantine again. The Help, Kathryn Stockett's debut novel, tells the story of black maids working in white Southern homes in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi, and of Miss Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, a 22-year-old graduate from Ole Miss, who returns to her family's cotton plantation, Longleaf, to find that her beloved maid and nanny, Constantine, has left and no one will tell her why. Stockett's childhood friend Tate Taylor wrote and directed the film.. Parts of The Help were shot in Jackson, MS, but the film was primarily shot in and around Greenwood, MS, representing Jackson in 1963.. At the 84th Academy Awards, Octavia Spencer won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in this film. This encouragement is unusual coming from a woman who has told Skeeter that she had better find a man, any man, before it is too late. Stuart and Skeeter eventually reconcile and begin dating again. She is caught between two worlds, neither of which she can belong to. Skeeter's book is set in the fictional town of Niceville and published anonymously. She is replaced by Hilly as the editor of the newsletter. [20] His father was Flavius Constantius, a native of Moesia Superior (later Dacia Ripensis). In the end, it is a secret about Hilly that Minny reveals in Skeeter's book that silences Hilly. and any corresponding bookmarks? There may even be a small nugget of compassion in her somewhere, although i… On Tuesday, Aibileen tells Skeeter the story of Constantine. This story takes place in the Arrowverse. She is also the last child Aibileen Clark raised. By loveheart45 Ongoing - Updated Mar 27, 2020 Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. With the help of Benjamin Constantine, they rescued the missing babies. "Mouse", Johanna's daughter James Constantine, ancestor Conrad Constantine, ancestor Aloysius Quinn, ancestor. Michael James Shaw as Papa Midnite 3. That night Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter decide to call the book Help. He promised … John Constantine's unnamed child (b.2020) In the alternate future seen in Bad Blood, an elderly John Constantine's unborn foetus is mistaken for the future king of England. Emmett J. Scanlan as Jim Corrigan 5. Hilly Holbrook: Oh, my gosh! When Constantine's daughter, Lulabelle, shows up at the Phelans' house, she behaves as a regular white guest eating cake and attending the DAR meeting. [21] Constantius was a tolerant and politically skilled man. Aibileen decides to tell her the truth: that Constantine gave birth to a white-skinned baby and had to send it to an orphanage when the child was four years old. The Help: Date de parution 2009 Version française; Traducteur Pierre Girard Éditeur Jacqueline Chambon / Actes Sud Lieu de parution Paris / Arles Date de parution 2010 Nombre de pages 600 ISBN: 978-2-7427-9291-7: La Couleur des sentiments (titre original : The Help) est un roman de Kathryn Stockett, publié en 2009. He asks her to marry him, but when she tells him the truth about the book, he withdraws his proposal and leaves. In his adolescence, he was introduced to the hidden world by Anne Marie Flynn, learned … 5K 143 13. The Help Summary. Skeeter approaches Aibileen with the idea to write narratives from the point of view of 12 black maids. Stuart represents the institutionalized "Old" South, and Skeeter represents a more progressive "New" South. That fear is similar to what the maids endure just to put food on own their tables. When Skeeter searches the newspaper for a job, she discovers that men are paid more for the same work. Recently discovered daughter of John Constantine in the Injustice: Gods Among Us universe. When Charlotte Phelan discovered who Lulabelle was, she kicked her out and fired Constantine. She knows if they get caught writing the book Hilly would make them all suffer. Skeeter's mother considers it her duty to help her daughter, but her attempts are critical and Skeeter is a constant disappointment. In the movie, Constantine and her daughter Rachel are treated like family by Skeeter’s family. Lulabelle Bates Constantine's daughter, put in orphanage when she was born because she looked white. As a result, Lulabelle happened to be born with an appearance that allowed her to pass for white. Then she told Constantine that she couldn't see her own daughter, or she would fire her. Skeeter understands what it is like to fear Hilly. That daughters name was Lulabelle. Charlotte had been forced to fire Constantine and tells her to leave. Lulabelle Bates Lulabelle is Constantine's daughter and she's about Skeeter's age. Skeeter asks Charlotte about Constantine. Hilly Holbrook, in particular, is set on vengeance due to the details in the book. Set in Mississippi during the 1960s, Skeeter (Stone) is a southern society girl who returns from college determined to become a writer, but turns her friends' lives -- and a Mississippi town -- upside down whe… Nick's girlfriend at the time wa… Theodora, daughter of Constantine VII (born c. 946) was the second wife and first Empress consort of John I Tzimiskes.. She was a daughter of Constantine VII and Helena Lekapene.Her maternal grandparents were Romanos I and Theodora.. Skeeter knows little about housekeeping, so she turns to her friend's maid, Aibileen, for answers and finds a lot more. Theodora, daughter of Constantine VII (born c. 946) was the second wife and first Empress consort of John I Tzimiskes.. She was a daughter of Constantine VII and Helena Lekapene.Her maternal grandparents were Romanos I and Theodora.. The Help is set in Jackson, Mississippi and begins in August 1962. Claire van der Boom as Anne Marie Flynn Notes: 1. When Constantine's daughter, Lulabelle, shows up at the Phelans' house, she behaves as a regular white guest eating cake and attending the DAR meeting. Constantine has a daughter, Lulabelle, who was born looking white. When Constantine's daughter, Lulabelle, shows up at the Phelans' house, she behaves as a regular white guest eating cake and attending the DAR meeting. Eugenia ‘Skeeter’ Phelan: Anyway, I just, um, I don’t really know how to answer these letters. Griffiths appeared in the pilot as a co-star,though she was written out of the series once regular filming … Despite his ailments and impaired mobility, Constantine kept his spirits high, and he did not even deprive himself of traveling outside Greece to family events. Hilly will deny the book is about their town, because she doesn't want anyone to know that she ate Minny's pie. Mrs. Phelan says that four years of college is more than enough for a woman. The Help examines several different types of mother-daughter relationships. Stein also tells Skeeter that she must include a section about Constantine. Hilly's husband loses his election. Lulabelle spits in Charlotte's face while she is leaving, but no one else at the DAR meeting sees it. A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure Chas’s daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma. Along the way, Skeeter learns the truth of what happened to her beloved maid, Constantine. Constantine felt compelled to send her to an orphanage when she was four. An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids' point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis … She was put out of the way when Constantine married Fausta, the daughter of the Emperor Maximian, in a political union of 307. Her kindness gives Skeeter the energy and motivation to work even harder. The book and movie deal with this differently. They send the book to Elaine Stein, who decides to publish it. Just to help me with some of the letters, so I get a knack for it. Her mother says she is kind and intelligent and any man who does not know it is not worth it. But Constantine feels guilt over this moment of weakness and ultimately tries to redeem herself by leaving Jackson to go live with her estranged daughter in Chicago. Likewise, Skeeter Phelan’s determination to treat these “lowly” maids as real human beings, as people of worth instead of just hired help, is equally inspiring. She first appeared in Hellblazer issue 200. A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas and occult investigator John Constantine (voiced by Matt Ryan) set out to cure Chas's daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma. bookmarked pages associated with this title. She thinks her mother will object to her rejection of Stuart, but Mrs. Phelan surprises her by saying "Don't you let him cheapen you." Raised by an abusive father who blamed him for the death of his mother in childbirth, John grew very cynical and cunning, and developed an interest in the dark arts. Directed by Tate Taylor. Two events bring Skeeter and Aibileen even closer: Skeeter is haunted by a copy of Jim Crow laws she found in the library, and she receives a letter from a publisher in New York interested in Skeeter's idea of writing the true stories of domestic servants. Oh, I've got it all sewn up. The story is about Abileen and Minny who are both African-American maids in houses of white families and Skeeter who is the daughter of a prominent white family. Stuart was appalled because she was the one who cheated on him, but her words ring true when Stuart quickly dumps Skeeter because of her integrationist beliefs. The Help, Kathryn Stockett's debut novel, tells the story of black maids working in white Southern homes in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi, and of Miss Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan, a 22-year-old graduate from Ole Miss, who returns to her family's cotton plantation, Longleaf, to find that her beloved maid and nanny, Constantine, has left and no one will tell her why. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. Aibileen works tirelessly raising her employer's child (Aibileen's seventh one) and keeps a tidy house, yet none of this distracts her from the recent loss of her own son who died in an accident at work while his white bosses turned away. After his stint as a rock star, John had been learning all he could of the occult and magical in Europe before traveling to New York City to learn under one of the greatest mages in the world - Nick Necro, who had himself studied under the great Giovanni Zatara and Baron Winters. Despite the fact that Constantine was always a loyal, beloved fixture of the Phelan household — as well as getting up there, age-wise — Charlotte crumbled under … Tomb of Helen the mother of Constantine and Daughter Constantina. The Help is a novel by Kathryn Stockett and was published on 2009. Skeeter is isolated and rejected even further by her people, and she finds not having a place is a very lonely place indeed. Mae Mobley Leefolt is the two-year-old daughter of Eilzabeth Leefolt and Raleigh Leefolt and the older sister of Ross Leefolt. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Lulabelle and the Craft's Constantine had a daughter while working for the Phellan’s. 1. Constantina (also named Constantia and Constantiana; b. after 307/before 317 – d. 354), and later known as Saint Constance, was the eldest daughter of Roman emperor Constantine the Great and his second wife Fausta, daughter of Emperor Maximian. Constantine daughter 1.4K Reads 40 Votes 17 Part Story. A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas and occult investigator John Constantine (voiced by Matt Ryan) set out to cure Chas’s daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma. Skeeter also sees the parallels between how her mother sees "those people," meaning blacks and Hilly's own racist views. Soon eleven other maids accept to be interviewed by Skeeter that also tells the truth about Constantine. Aibileen Clark starts us off. A habitual smoker, John learned he had contracted lung cancer during the Dangerous Habits arc. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# By pretending to be white, helping herself to food, speaking rudely, and spitting in Skeeter's mother's face, Lulabelle offered an … Like her brothers she thinks little of murdering dozens of people at her mother's command, but unlike them she has enough self-awareness to question both her mother's commands and the false childhood that her mother put her through. —Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Even this far down the line, I'm still trying to identify the root cause of my addiction. With the help of the mysterious Nightmare Nurse, the influential Queen of Angels, and brutal Aztec God Mictlantecuhtli, the pair just might have a chance at outsmarting the demon Beroul to save Trish’s soul. bookmarked pages associated with this title. The boy's mother, Minervina, is a shadowy figure - it remains unclear as to whether she was Constantine's wife or concubine. Constantine tells Angela that God and Satan have a standing wager for the souls of all mankind. John threatened Lamashtu that he would kill Jupiter if she didn't tell him what The Brujeria wanted her for. Constantine had nowhere else to go, so she moved with her daughter to Chicago and an even worse fate. The family has a two year old daughter named Mae Mobley, who Aibileen considers to be her "special baby". Marcus Constantine was born in Rome in 441 BC. Jeremy Davies as Ritchie Simpson 2. She also told Lulabelle that her mother lied to her, which is honestly a really terrible thing to do. Skeeter, I’m so sorry! Disdainful of the racist white community, she embarrasses Charlotte Phelan by socializing with her white friends. They meet clandestinely in the evenings at Aibileen's house to write the book together as the town's struggles with race heat up all around them. She told Constantine's daughter to get out. Charlotte is devastated and kicks out both Lulabelle and Constantine from her home. It becomes a national bestseller and, soon, the white women of Jackson begin recognizing themselves in the book's characters. Charlotte's deteriorating health is devastating to the family as they learn that she only has a few more weeks to live. First appearance: Hellblazer issue 200. A parallel-universe son of John Constantine and … 1 Early History 2 Modern History 3 Weapon 4 Trivia He experienced his First Death during the Sack of Rome when he was killed by Gauls in 390 BC. from your Reading List will also remove any Constantine I - Constantine I - Commitment to Christianity: Shortly after the defeat of Maxentius, Constantine met Licinius at Mediolanum (modern Milan) to confirm a number of political and dynastic arrangements. However, Skeeter's real dream is to be a writer, but the only job she can find is with the Jackson Journal writing a housekeeping advice column called "Miss Myrna." The book becomes a powerful force in giving a voice to the black maids and causes the community of Jackson to reconsider the carefully drawn lines between white and black. Constantine reigned during the 4th century CE and is known for attempting to Christianize the Roman Empire.He made the persecution of Christians illegal by signing the Edict of Milan in 313 and helped spread the religion by bankrolling church-building projects, commissioning new copies of the Bible, and summoning councils of theologians to hammer out the religion’s doctrinal kinks. The work Theophanes Continuatus was a continuation of the chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor by other writers, active during the reign of her father. Aibileen reluctantly agrees, but soon finds herself as engrossed in the project as Skeeter. 1 Biography 2 Injustice Comic 3 Powers and Abilities 4 Appearance 5 Gallery Following the battle between Batman and Superman, Rose's mother is killed due to these events, reunited her with her estranged father John Constantine. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. She told Constantine's daughter to get out. Dashwood needs Constantine's help to avert a disaster that could threaten the very fabric of reality. Completed. Her mother was biracial and her father … Fixated on her idea of writing a book about the lives of colored maids in Mississippi, she teams up with Aibileen and Minny. Constantine, named Flavius Valerius Constantinus, was born in the Moesian military city of Naissus (Nia, Serbia) on the 27th of February of an uncertain year,[19] probably near 272. She also told Lulabelle that her mother lied to her, which is honestly a really terrible thing to do. Constantine, with the help of his associates Beeman (Max Baker), Hennessy (Pruitt Taylor Vince), and Chas, begins investigating the situation. Constantine’s pale-skinned daughter who returns to Jackson while Skeeter is away at college. Skeeter tries to behave as a proper Southern lady: She plays bridge with the young married women; edits the newsletter for the Junior League; and endures her mother's constant advice on how to find a man and start a family. Skeeter is being shunned by Hilly and the women in the League. While Skeeter was away at college, Lulabelle came to visit her mother in Jackson and showed up at a party being held in Skeeter's mother's living room. Constantine apparently refused to do so because he feared bloodshed. Daughter of Darkness Vol.1 by SpiderKitty42. Jonjo O'Neill as Gary "Gaz" Lester 4. For more information, see Maria Constantine. Her impossible position mirrors Constantine's fate, as well, as a black woman who gave birth to a white-skinned baby and could call neither side her home. In The Saint of Last Resorts, John's daughter Jupiter Constantine was born, Anne Marie was murdered by Lucifer, and their daughter was kidnapped by Lamashtu. 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