It’s good every once in a while to add freshwater aquarium salt in the water if there are no live plants in your tank, because these animals typically live in brackish water. The spiny softshell turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtle species in North America. Unfortunately, there are some pet owners that are more concerned about the display of the aquarium rather than the necessities of the animals that live in it. Make sure the water is always crystal-clear and has a good filtration system. They can be distinguished from other turtle species by their carapace. They are fried and eaten whole. I had to trick my turtle by putting softshell pellets in combination with chicken liver. If you already have a fish tank, reevaluate it: These turtles dry their shells every once in awhile for health purposes, so your turtle must have something to climb out of the water. My daughter caught a soft shell turtle on the river bank and its now a pet but it won't eat and hardly moves around i'm very worried my daughter tried to let him swim but the current was to strong. So 55 would be good if both turtles are small. hey is it ok if I feed the turtle freezes and dried blood worms or no?? Take a rock and rub it on your skin and if it bothers your skin then it will bother your softshells aswell. That's overcrowding and their growth have been stunted because of that. 10 inches in height? If the water hasn't sat out in 24 hours, then buy dechlorinating formula from any fish store, or I guess walmart since it is late. I really want to help, but turtles lay eggs in the sand; they don't give birth like animals. We humans make mistakes, but it's our animals that always have to pay for them. I have a small cage I keep him in now but what kind of water do I get him?? Width is more important than depth when it comes to size, but your turtle would get more out of life by swimming in deep water from time to time. Dead fish (or any other corpse found in water). This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. After months of rejections, one day he unexpectedly ate the bug, and has been eating grubs and crickets since then (the movement now gets his attention). Any help? They're at least 5 months old. Might look at my other hubs if you want an example of a good baby spiny softshell habitat. The Trionychidae are a taxonomic family of a number of turtle genera, commonly known as softshell turtles.The family was erected by Leopold Fitzinger in 1826. Soft-shell turtles are the largest freshwater turtles in the world, with the nearly extinct Swinhoe's softshell weighing up to 136 Kilogram. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. I feel so bad for the baby turtle I never thought that my RES was goin to do that! Anything bigger than twenty is fine, or even better depending on how long you keep the turtle. It is also very entertaining to watch them burrow and peak their heads out from the sand. There are different creative ways of setting up an aquarium for a baby softs hell turtle. 10 gallons is fine for a short while, but they really should be in 20 gallons filled mostly with water. Smaller softshell turtles such as the spiny, smooth, and Chinese softshell turtles can thrive in tanks with a capacity of 75 to 100 gallons. Seven inches over the basking area (shallow area) may be a good distance, but be your own judge and see how the turtle reacts to it. I have a 3 year RES in a 55galon tank and I just got a baby spiny I put the baby spiny inside the tank and my RES bit half of the baby spiny shell of you think it's goin to survive? The average diet of a baby softshell turtle in the wild consists of: Here are alternative foods in case you cannot provide all or any of the above: These items can be purchased from any aquarium store. Or are you talking about water depth? tropical fish community aquarium which I've modified to house two baby aquatic turtles. These turtles love sand. I made a mistake once that ended the life of a turtle; it was a really gruesome death and to this day it brings me to tears thinking about it. To me, this setup (above) is the best kind of environment, but not necessary. They are aquatic so they should always have access to water they can fully submerge themselves in. I would start letting them go in the nearest pond once it's spring (if you can bring them out of hibernation safely). Great work man! Stay alert for erratic activity, eye irritation (closing eyes a lot), scratches, weight loss or gain, and strange curves progressing on the edges of their shells. Most species of softshell turtles live in Asia, but the spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera; previously Trionyx spiniferus) lives in North America. Choosing Your Softshell Turtle . Softshells include some of the world's largest freshwater turtles… You want your turtle to explore every once in a while for the sake of exercise and enjoyment. They are very healthy and thats exactly whet I feed my 3 inch baby turtle. There are different shaped 20 gallons, like a 20 gal. Metabolic bone disease is the result of calcium and Vitamin D3 deficiency, causing irregular shell shape. Most people naturally put these creatures in aquariums, but a large tub or plastic pool is also acceptable, as long as it is at least twenty gallons in volume. They also usually sleep buried mostly or entirely in the sand, but only if it is in shallow water. Thankyou for the info, I was wondering if they like to be with other softshells or are they more loneers? There is so many opinions and even websites and youtube videos that will say they they do not bask, do not need uvb/uva. He looks about the size of your baby. Do what you think is best for the turtle. Baby slider turtles for sale are cheap, easy to care for, and quite inquisitive. Wha? I'm sorry for your loss. If you ever place a turtle in water, make sure the water is dechlorinated. Do you recommend a filter? My turtle went its first five months of life not eating anything that moved, but every once in a while I’d put a small insect near where he usually sits in the shallow area. By the way, 9 baby turtles in a 10 gallon? I don't know how long they can stay out of the water. By burying themselves, they not only have a feeling of security (reduced stress), but they typically catch live prey this way, thus preparing them for adulthood. Dried, I'm not sure about. Creating a Habitat for a Soft Shelled Turtle Decide which animals will live in your tank. The turtle should definetly be able to submerge itself completely underwater despite the type of setup. Calcium sulfa blocks can also help give your turtle all the calcium it requires without specific foods. Because soft-shelled turtles can be aggressive, you should not put them in tanks with other turtles or animals. We have several unique Florida Softshell turtles for sale at incredibly low prices. Soon I took the liver out of the equation and he started eating the pellets alone. They do not reach sexual maturity until eight years. As far as I know, all turtles need UVB and UVA light. . I replace half the water every week and have a filter running at all times. Provide the turtle shallow water, adequate space, clean water, a healthy diet, twelve hours of UVB, and a sense of security with sand to ensure the health of the baby softshell turtle. They should have a little blubber on their limbs when retracted. Make sure to clean the water regularly, especially if you have a ton of guppies and ghost shrimp. I know it's right to let him home but I love him and I want to keep him.. Could I be able to keep him?? Eric Milne from Pauma Valley, California on March 25, 2012: I have a Florida soft shell in a 55 gallon tank was wondering if I could put a spiny soft shell in there too? They're excellent swimmers and do well in mostly water tanks, with … He's always sticking his head under that brown arch and catching guppies. they are babies, im worried! If a shallow area for them to rest in is not available, the turtle will ultimately drown. Smooth Softshells make very good community turtles. Plummer, M. V. 1977. Also - how often should I change the water? The female also may show dark grey mottling, or … Baby Florida Softshell Turtle Apalone ferox Captive Bred Babies Approximate Size: 2 To 3 Inches Adorable Turtle With Pointed Snouts For Digging In Sand Feeding On Turtle Pellets, Shrimp, Krill And … Such as salmonella?? When choosing any baby Spiny … Um, a few questions. Hey, does it have to have a deep part? Length? Albino slider turtles … But do not think feeding them raw hamburger and cooked ham is okay. By cage you mean aquarium, right? Sometimes they can live in pairs, but only with enough space and minimal bullying. 20 gallons per turtle, and that is while they are juvenile, not yet adult size. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Scientific name: Apalone ferox We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. These turtles have to get twelve hours of natural sunlight or UVB radiation per day. i have two eastern spiny softshell turtles and one of them is giving birth i placed her in a tub by herself with the baby attached i do not know how to care for these some guided help will be very helpful please what do i do?? You want your turtle to be able to swim for a few seconds without bumping into something.There is the opposite side of the spectrum by having the aquarium too bland. It’s perfect because he is able to bury himself and breathe while having the option to go into deeper water to explore. I have cross-referenced too many sites to remember and have learned through my experience of how to take care of such a fragile creature. We have 3 softies and hatched them due to an awful accident. These are the important necessities of the baby softshell turtle, and anyone who cannot afford or wishes not to provide all these crucial requirements should not keep this animal. You should be able to find my address in my info. A newborn is about the size of a half-dollar (give or take), and a healthy baby grows very gradually. Use those items you've bought and keep him for a bit, as long as you are meeting every one of his needs (as listed above). A soft-shell and what was sold at the local tropical fish store as a "button turtle… mariekbloch (author) on September 04, 2014: In the wild they have nothing to do with each other, at least until they reach sexual maturity. Turtles can go a long time without food when necessary, so if you are having trouble getting it to eat any of these foods, it’ll just take time. For a baby softshell, look at my other hub about their setup--I have the perfect setup explained. Also, UVB cannot get past most glass, so even if the window is open, it will most likely not penetrate the aquarium. With no caves, crevasses, sand, or plants, it would be a boring world, especially without guppies or other smaller animals that can serve as meals and entertainment. This one survived to become a pet … It does not have to crawl completely out of water, just shallow enough to dry its shell. The key to a good setup is providing the turtle options. If this turtle was bought, it would be best to hand it over to a wildlife sanctuary and they will most likely relocate it to its natural environment. Its real name is Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) and it is caused by poor diet and/or insufficient lighting.. They're certainly small enough that you can keep them in small separate tanks for now. Any lower can prevent the turtle from eating by preparing itself for hibernation. For a baby softshell turtle, I used Tupperware filled with sand as his shallow area. Your turtle is the one who has to live in there, so make it interesting and roomy. I would watch them like a hawk for the first few days and see how they do. They aren't moving but they don't look dead to me either. We have several amazing captive-bred Spiny Softshell turtles for sale at the lowest possible prices. Freezed bloodworms, yes. How To Care For Baby Softshell. Because of this, members of the latter genus resemble the North American box turtles, … I found 9 softshell turtles in my pool about 5 months ago. Here is a video of the unboxing of the new turtle baby or hatchling!! Sorry for late response. A newborn baby has a size of around half a dollar, and they might grow on a gradual basis quite quickly. If the word UVB is nowhere on the box, then it does not have UVB rays. The nesting sites are at risk of predation from … Captive bred baby spiny softshell turtle … The larger the turtle, the larger the tank needs to be. The Logician from now on on June 28, 2011: Marie Hurt from New Orleans, LA on May 29, 2011: What a beautiful turtle and it seems like you are taking such great care of it. Metabolic Bone Disease "Soft-shell syndrome" Softshell syndrome is a major killer of young turtles, especially aquatics. Some special aspects of the husbandry of soft-shell turtles (Reptilia, Testudinae, Trionichidae) at the Moscow Zoo. I think all turtles to a degree have that chance, but I don't really know. As long as you wash your hands after handling her, I wouldn't worry about it. baby softshell turtle. Don't forget to buy some of our extremely nutritious turtle … It is a 20 gallon tank that I feel I could modify for him. mariekbloch (author) on November 25, 2012: In the low 50s in the tank or outside? Hey guys! Also be wary of how close the light is placed over the habitat. A calcium sulfa block is something to place in the water to provide additional nutrition also. If the tank is in the 50s, then yeah, I'd say they're hibernating if not dead, but they will die if it gets lower than that. I also have a thermometer stuck to the aquarium so I always know the temperature at a glance. Filteration is very important for turtles in general. mariekbloch (author) on October 14, 2011: They love sand, but you can have smooth rocks mixed in like I did. I currently do not have a filter for the tank. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Take it to an animal shelter or something and see what they can do. 0 0. i have a spiny soft shell bout the size of a half-dollar and a painter the size of a dime can i put them in a 20gallon tank 4 now, I have a spiny softshell turtle the size of a half dollar and a painter turtle the size of a penny what do I do. If you use rocks you wanna make sure they are smooth because there shells are more sensitve then most turtles and can cause serious injury or infection. If you are thinking about purchasing or catching one, you need to be prepared and informed on what you are getting yourself into. He also has the option of getting out of the water by climbing up a reptile hammock (meant for lizards) that is stationed by suction cups. ! … Can i use artificial plants with my soft shell turtle. When you buy a turtle … My husband found one of therlse and. But I would research this first, because I have never hibernated a turtle before, because it is so dangerous. If you think a softshell turtle is a good fit for you, get your turtle from a … Do not purchase a bulb that says it is meant for plants and assume it has UVB radiation. I had no idea how best to care for him and this is fantastic! Always keep the water crystal clear. My turtle can be under the UVB light or he can go into the shade. These are quick swimmers with huge appetites. So fish flakes or fish pellets will not satisfy their needs. Do not let the turtle go if it is not from the area. These animals need to eat a varied diet mixed with natural foods they would find in the wild and/or healthy alternatives made for their specific needs. 7th Annual Reptile Symposium on Captive Reproduction & Husbandry, Dallas, TX, p. 54-58. Good luck. For the past fifteen months, I have raised an eastern spiny softshell turtle since the day it hatched. I would argue that if you really loved him, you would let him go eventually. I don't understand your question. Thanks for commenting! Having a baby spiny softshell turtle is probably one of the hardest things to have as a pet in your home. Where it was was not safe or close to any water so we brought home did our research and set up a little tank for the guy but I noticed a red Dot on the bottom of his belly is that normal my husband thinks it's cuz he found him crawling on concrete and gravel and he was really leathery so he'd be out there for a while what could it be. If we are talking about a 20 gallon tank and your turtle is four inches wide, then space would have to be high priority when designing your aquarium. My turtle rarely basked, but always give your turtle the option to do so, regardless. long is what I know. LIVE WEBCAM WITH BABY TURTLES IN AN AQUARIUM Local time; Location: ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, Vermont, United States Source: ECHO Leahy Center Info: Live streaming webcam showing softshell and map turtles in an aquarium at the ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Vermont, United States The turtles … How high to put your water? Ok my turtle loves his worms for Peale who where having the same problem, I found a soft shell turtle in a lake I was wondering if a 10 gallon tank would be good for him he is about 4 mounts old, also i was wondering how often do I feed him for some reason he does not like to eat fish I am trying worms but he will eat strawberry’s I don’t Know if that’s ok last thing is my tank is clear and he try’s to swim through the walls Thank you. My turtle also has guppies to catch. . Also, I only know how to care for babies, not adults. Unlike in other turtles, in the spiny softshell turtle, the sex of the hatchlings is not determined by temperature variations; it is determined by genetics. What plants are okay to place with my softie? I have been searching for more information since we happened upon a baby softshell while canoeing. Anonymous. . If the temperature is right and you keep up on maintenance, then I think it could work. The setup is kind of explained in this article. Softshell turtles are a large group of reptiles in the family Trionychidae. Dear blogger, I would try feeding it little green pellets called ReptoMin by TetraFauna. I am assuming you caught a spiny also. Thank you. It took a lot of research and diligent care to learn what I know now, and for those of you who are also looking up information, this article will cut your search short. My turtle always dug plants up and they’d either die or they got in his way while hunting, so I gave up on plants (at least in this setup). Try browsing the Turtles Index if … These are active aquatic reptiles who hunt for prey incessantly. What Does a Soft Shell Turtle Aquarium Need? Of course, it depends on the size of the aquarium and the size of the animal. The baby softshell turtle is one of the hardest turtles to keep as a pet. Unlike most other turtles, their shell is soft, … Florida Softshell Turtles for Sale in the United States. I would not think one being spiny and the other being soft would make a difference, but again, watch them closely and have a back up plan just in case. It happens to all of us at some point. The first idea that comes to my mind are those who want to clutter up the aquarium with lots of decorative plants and colorful accessories that fill up a third of the space. When you buy a turtle from us, you automatically receive our 100% live arrival guarantee. They may also bury themselves at the bottom of deep water, but they enjoy having their shells buried while breathing normally in the air. Can I keep my baby eastern spiny softshell turtle in 10 inches tank? The best setup would have enough room for the turtle to swim and explore. They may fight over food. I purchased a soft shell turtle about a month ago to add to my 29 gal. i recently bought a 90 gallon for her full of sand and a piece of drift wood. Less than a 20-gallon tank is fine for a temporary solution, but you’ll eventually need to upgrade to a 20-gallon (a 20-gallon breeder is the best choice, something like 30x12x12). I can't help if I don't know all the facts.I suggest emailing me telling me everything that has happened. . Very nice! I've been keeping them in a 10 gallon tank. Some might think to place the aquarium in front of a window, but the sun will not touch the aquarium for twelve hours. My friend told me they might be hibernating due to the drop in temperature in FL right now. These animals can easily die due to scratches on their shells, filthy water, and an unhealthy or overfed diet. The water should never stink, and the temperature should be anywhere from medium to late 70s Fahrenheit. Shes so cute and tiny, half dollar size. Watch your turtle; it is up to your judgment when it is time to feed. … 1 decade ago. Do soft shell turtles carry any communicable diseases?? I only have experience with one baby spiny, but I have seen other people have two or even three babies sharing the same tank, as long as they have enough space. Hey umm I found my turtle in my creek and I already have paid a lot of money for the cages and all of it.. I would isolate the baby and put it in clear, decholirnated water. Frozen blood worms, dried blood worms, live crickets, dead crickets (move them like they're alive), frozen beef heart, live ghost shrimp, any little insect, live guppies, and pellets catered to soft shell turtles. It is probably best to have just one softshell turtle … My softshell loves the sand box i put in for her in her 20 gallon tank. Our baby turtles for sale here are some of the worlds most beautiful turtles anywhere. The water should never be cloudy or alter in color. Maybe a few degrees every hour. Ive heard they do and im concerned because we recently found one in a parking lot and have been caring for her ever since. I raised a softshell turtle and learned a lot while doing so! Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Softshells can lay as few as 2 … Snake necked baby turtles make great water turtles Consider that the family of Pelomedusidae includes two African genera, Pelomedusa and Pelusios. In order to stay alive, turtles … Did you buy these or did you catch them? If it was caught nearby, then let the turtle go where it was found (unless of course it is winter, then I advise the wild life sanctuary). These are sold in great numbers in the markets for food. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Is it common for the turtles to have red spots on their stomach area. I raised a softshell turtle and learned a lot while doing so! They love to bury in sand with just their head exposed waiting to surprise a fish. I would love to talk to you about how to better care for our babies if you don't mind? at Doi Chiang Dao, northern Thailand, October 2006. I don't now what is wrong with the poor little guy. Spiny Softshell Turtle Apalone spinifera. Water must be dechlorinated by leaving tap water out for twenty-four hours or by using dechlorinating formula to add in the water for instant use. The average diet of a baby softshell turtle in the wild consists of: Dead fish (or any other corpse found in water) Insects Very small fish Fish eggs Newborn crawdads Worms If you want them out of hibernation, I would slowly raise the temperature and see if they awaken. Snapping turtles and other types of soft shell turtles reside in rivers, creeks, streams, lakes and ponds. If the UVB bulb is a fluorescent tube and is placed in a traditional aquarium overhead, make sure there is no plastic or glass case between the bulb and the habitat, to further ensure the turtle is receiving all the UVB it requires. That depends on the size of the tank. I have a soft shelled turtle and and hard shell turtle in the same tank that we got from big piney river in missouri is this safe to do? Also be careful putting any object in the aquarium that is sharp or rough in texture. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Apalone spinifera Captive Bred Babies Approximate Size: 1.5 To 2 Inches Adorable Turtle With Pointed Snouts For Digging In Sand Feeding On Turtle Pellets, Shrimp, Krill And … Indoor kiddy pools works too. How deep should the water level be for a 20 gallon tank? I am out of town now and my mother just told me they look like they were dead. Once four to five inches, they also make good pond turtle s. Their shell actually has a leathery feel to it and is light and somewhat flexible hence the Spiny “soft -shell”. Because soft … These turtles easily recognized by their … mariekbloch (author) on September 03, 2014: It's underwater, maybe an inch under the surface. I placed this “sand box” on top of a cave and a slab of rock, so the top of the Tupperware is just a little under the surface while not robbing the turtle space below. I'd be sure you have an excellent filtration system and perform partial water changes twice a week. They hatch between August and November, and they hibernate during the winter (only those with experience or veterinarian aid should attempt artificial hibernation). They will spend most of their time (including sleep) in this shallow area. No, I'm not sure what that is, but it isn't normal. These turtles are carnivores. But if you do have an aquarium, then why not make it like the one I have? When setting up your turtle tank, think of practicality above all else. Are you using a kiddy pool? If the basking area will allow it, sand should be placed here too. What I did with my softie shallow enough to dry its shell know long. Swim freely for exercise and exploration would like to be upgraded to a good baby spiny … does! 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