This is consistent with earlier reports showing that cellular uptake of Mn2+ depends on photosynthetic activity (Bartsevich and Pakrasi, 1996; Keren et al., 2002). Moreover, Synechocystis 6803 can store Mn efficiently in the periplasmic space of the cell (Keren et al., 2002). We showed that the electron transfer rates are differentially sensitive to a variety of inhibitors and herbicides, and are modified in plants which develop a resistance to herbicides. Moreover, periplasmic Mn2+ loading of PSII would prevent nonspecific oxidation of Mn2+ during subsequent transfer processes. We have used these This enzyme is somehow stimulated by the loss of e- in photo II to split two molecules of water. In pratA− cells, 54Mn2+ levels decreased only 1.6-fold, which is likely to be a secondary effect due to lower photosynthesis rates in pratA− (Bartsevich and Pakrasi, 1996; Klinkert et al., 2004; Figure 6B). Earlier membrane fractionation studies in Synechocystis 6803 led to the proposal that assembly of photosynthetic complexes (especially PSII) is initiated at PMs; subsequently, precomplexes are transported to TMs via vesicles or transient fusion of PMs and TMs (Zak et al., 2001; Schneider et al., 2007; Nickelsen et al., 2011). After 3 h, the level of 54Mn2+ in the psbA− strain was 6.0-fold less than in the wild type (Figure 6B). Interestingly, after isolation and concentration of periplasm, the color of wild-type periplasm was found to be greenish, whereas the color of the pratA− periplasm appeared yellow (Figure 1B). In addition, low-affinity Mn2+ binding sites were determined (Kd2 > 1 mM), at which Mn2+ is loosely and probably unspecifically attached to the surface of PratA. Several factors have been identified that participate in PSII biogenesis in Synechocystis 6803, including YCF48, a homolog of HCF136 from Arabidopsis thaliana (Plücken et al., 2002; Nickelsen et al., 2007; Komenda et al., 2008; Mulo et al., 2008; Nixon et al., 2010). As negative control, Synechocystis wild-type sections were incubated without the primary antibody, followed by treatment with the gold-labeled anti-rabbit IgG. The same blot was probed with αRbcL as loading control. This verifies the interaction between PratA and D1 in a more physiological system (using native PratA) than applied before. (A) and (B) Competition experiment using EPR analysis of 500 μM MnCl2 ± 100 μM PratA in Tris/NaCl + 500 μM (1×) or 5 mM (10×) CaCl2 (A) and 500 μM MnCl2 ± 100 μM PratA in Tris/NaCl + 500 μM (1×) or 5 mM (10×) MgCl2 (B). 289–304, Auxiliary proteins involved in the assembly and sustenance of photosystem II, Assembly factors of the photosynthetic machinery in cyanobacteria, Biogenesis of the cyanobacterial thylakoid membrane system—An update, Recent advances in understanding the assembly and repair of photosystem II, Role of the carboxy terminus of polypeptide D1 in the assembly of a functional water-oxidizing manganese cluster in photosystem II of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 23. pp. This raises the possibility that, despite the apparent lack of sequence similarity to PratA, the role of PratA in PSII biogenesis is conserved in plants and algae. A similar effect has been described for PsbP, for which a stoichiometry of 10 Mn2+:1 PsbP has been found; however, further analyses revealed two different binding modes as well, as most Mn2+ ions were also merely bound with a low affinity to the Asp/Glu-containing surface of PsbP (Bondarava et al., 2007). Chlorophylls are of different types and they absorb different wavelengths of light. No or only few randomly localized signals were detected upon incubation of Synechocystis 6803 wild-type sections without the primary antibody (followed by treatment with the gold-labeled anti-rabbit IgG only; Figure 8A, Table 1) or when sections of pratA− cells were treated with αPratA (Figure 8B, Table 1). After 1 h of incubation with 54Mn2+, amounts of bound Mn2+ were reduced 4.0-fold compared with the wild type, and after 3 h, the effect was even more pronounced, resulting in an 8.8-fold reduction of precipitated radioactivity from the pratA− material (Figure 6A). Step 2: Generation of ATP by Electron Transport Chain. There are two types of photosystems: photosystem I and photosystem II. The arrow in (C) marks the PratA-dependent semicircular structure. Synechocystis wild-type and mutant strains (pratA−psbA− TD41, and ycf48− with the respective wild type; Komenda et al., 2008) were grown in 50 mL liquid BG11 for 5 to 6 d. Chlorophyll concentrations were measured after extraction with 100% methanol and calculated from the absorbance values at 666 and 720 nm (Wellburn and Lichtenthaler, 1984). In The Cyanobacteria, A. Herrero and E. Flores, eds (Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press), pp. using other techniques for studying these reactions, including Another factor with a function during early steps of cyanobacterial PSII biogenesis is represented by PratA (for processing-associated TPR protein), a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) protein family (Klinkert et al., 2004; Schottkowski et al., 2009a). Further high-resolution imaging techniques will be required to resolve the structure of the biogenesis centers in more detail and three-dimensionally. ↵[C] Some figures in this article are displayed in color online but in black and white in the print edition. The cluster analysis (determination of cluster area, perimeter, major axis, minor axis, and circularity) was performed with ImageJ (; see Supplemental Figure 4 online). Photosynthetic pigments are organized into clusters called photosystems. The central chlorophyll molecule of the reaction center is shown with the arrow (notice the second reaction center in the bottom half--photosystem II is composed of two identical halves). We have investigated inhibitory treatments to characterize Active PSII centers exist as dimers in the thylakoid membranes of grana stacks. light reaction. In cyanobacteria, TMs represent an internal membrane system that is distinct from the cellular envelope formed by the outer membrane and the plasma membrane (PM) enclosing the periplasmic space. Published February 2012. Recovery of Mn2+ Signal and Dependency of Mn2+ Binding on PratA Concentration. This cupin-folded protein is the only other Mn binding protein localized in the periplasm described so far. Photosystem II is actually used before photosystem I, but they are numbered for the order they were discovered. and shown the codon change leading to modification of the QB-site. Each spectrum was the average of three scans taken at a scan rate of 50 nm/min with a spectral bandwidth of 1 nm. In the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 (Synechocystis 6803), earlier studies have shed much light on the uptake of Mn (as Mn2+; Bartsevich and Pakrasi, 1995, 1996) and assembly/photoactivation of the Mn cluster (Cheniae and Martin, 1971; Tamura and Cheniae, 1987; Zaltsman et al., 1997; Hwang and Burnap, 2005). These photosystems absorb and utilize the solar energy efficiently in the thylakoid membranes. Recombinant PratA was incubated with 10 to 75 μM 54Mn2+, the amount of Mn2+ bound to PratA was measured, and the number of Mn2+ per PratA was calculated from the values obtained from 54Mn2+ without addition of protein. The e- from this reaction are then released to the waiting e- hungry Photosystem II. Whereas in the presence of 100 μM rPratA, the signal amplitude decayed to 78.4%, the subsequent addition of CaCl2 returned the signal to 91.4% compared with the signal intensity of 5 mM MnCl2 free in solution (using the amplitude of the first peak of the EPR spectrum for calculation; see Supplemental Figure 3A online). inhibitory sites to see if a similar mechanism can be shown to Ultrastructural Analyses of Wild-Type and pratA− Cells. II, C. Sybesma, ed (The Hague, Lancaster, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff/Dr. the role of the different subunits of the oxygen evolving complex, The data strongly suggest that it works as a Mn2+ binding and transport protein that delivers Mn2+ ions directly and efficiently to PSII. PCC 6803: Assembly requires a free carboxyl group at C-terminal position 344, Two-step mechanism of photodamage to photosystem II: Step 1 occurs at the oxygen-evolving complex and step 2 occurs at the photochemical reaction center, REP27, a tetratricopeptide repeat nuclear-encoded and chloroplast-localized protein, functions in D1/32-kD reaction center protein turnover and photosystem II repair from photodamage, LOW PSII ACCUMULATION1 is involved in efficient assembly of photosystem II in, New insights in thylakoid membrane organization, Mechanistic implications for the formation of the diiron cluster in ribonucleotide reductase provided by quantitative EPR spectroscopy, The HCF136 protein is essential for assembly of the photosystem II reaction center in, Manganese oxidation state and its implications for toxicity, Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of manganese (II)-protein complexes. in the D1 protein of Chlamydamonas reinhardtii by construction Interestingly, in wild-type cells, in some cases membranous semicircle-like structures surrounding thylakoid centers were observed which appeared to contact especially TMs and PMs (Figure 7C). We showed that the electron transfer rates Interestingly, in pratA−pD1 was still detected in clusters at the cell periphery, but their number was found to be approximately twofold diminished (Figures 9E and 9F, Table 1). Samples were analyzed without further contrast. We propose an extended model for the spatial organization of Mn2+ transport to PSII, which is suggested to take place concomitantly with early steps of PSII assembly in biogenesis centers at the cell periphery. Photosystem II is a protein complex in plants, algae and cyanobacteria that is responsible for splitting water and producing the oxygen we breathe. Evolutionary Investigation of PratA Function. To analyze whether Mn2+ binding can also be observed for native PratA, we used a Mn2+-loaded nitrilotriacetic acid column and isolated periplasmic Mn2+ binding proteins via affinity chromatography. The five metal atoms were found to be linked by five oxygen atoms, and four additional water molecules bind to the Mn4Ca cluster. Each photosystem plays a key role in capturing the energy from sunlight by exciting electrons. strains, and we are constructing others using PCR-based techniques / Two-step mechanism of photodamage to photosystem II : Step 1 occurs at the oxygen-evolving complex and step 2 occurs at the photochemical reaction center. Based on these data, it is proposed that rPratA specifically binds Mn2+ with a higher affinity than Ca2+ or Mg2+ and that even with 10-fold excess of Ca2+ or Mg2+, the high-affinity binding site seems to be specific for Mn2+, whereas the residual seven or eight Mn2+ ions are loosely attached to the low-affinity binding sites and, hence, can easily be substituted. and thermodynamics of electron transfer in the two reactions at Two-Step Photodamage to Photosystem II Biochemistry, Vol. The relatively low number indicates that the semicircle-like structures are either located at a central place in the cell and that each cell contains only a few of them or that they are dynamic and form only transiently. We have sequenced However, in pratA−the gold particles adjacent to the clusters often appeared to form streak-like structures. Therefore, complementing Mn2+ delivery systems to PSII apart from the periplasmic PratA-assisted transport have to exist; alternatively, Mn2+ might reach D1 without the coupling to transport proteins. The structure of cyanobacterial PSII has been resolved at high resolution and is known to comprise 17 transmembrane protein subunits, three peripheral proteins, 35 chlorophylls, and several additional cofactors, including the catalytic machinery required for water splitting (Ferreira et al., 2004; Yano et al., 2006; Kern et al., 2007; Guskov et al., 2009; Umena et al., 2011). Only one periplasmic Mn binding protein (MncA) has been described to date (Tottey et al., 2008), but its precise function remains to be elucidated. Isolated proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and probed with the indicated antibodies. Photosystem 2: Released high energy electrons are replaced by the electrons released from photosystem II. The data were fitted using SigmaPlot 11 software. Electron microscopy pictures of a typical wild-type ([A] and [C]) and pratA− ([B] and [D]) Synechocystis cell. Immunogold labeling located PratA and pD1 to these distinct regions at the cell periphery. This effect was abolished upon denaturation of rPratA by 8M urea, indicating specific binding of Mn2+, as folding of the protein is crucial for Mn2+ interaction (Figure 3B). Here, three independent protein extractions from pratA− were analyzed together with dilution series of wild-type proteins, and the D1 level in pratA- was calculated to be decreased to only 72 ± 8% (= 1.4-fold reduction) of the wild-type level under the growth conditions applied (Figure 6C). acceptor of photosystem II. For 100% of the wild type and pratA−10 μg proteins were loaded and the amount of D1 in pratA− was quantified (from three independent experiments) using Aida software (version 3.52.046). PratA is a cyanobacterial protein for which no homologs exist in eukaryotes (Klinkert et al., 2004). the QB-site, and to provide a detailed kinetic model for the reduction To substantiate this hypothesis further, we performed additional immunogold labeling experiments using an antibody against the pD1 precursor protein, which represents the PratA interaction partner and serves as a second marker for initial PSII assembly steps. Photosystem II (or water-plastoquinone oxidoreductase) is the first protein complex in the light-dependent reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis. In Advances in Photosynthesis Research, Vol. (B) Quantification of the α-helical content from the CD data using the CDSSTR program (protein reference set 7) obtained from the DichroWeb server ( wild-type and herbicide resistant strains of Amaranthus hybridus, 8494-8499. A closer look at TM convergence sites at the periphery of cells using higher magnifications (110,000- to 140,000-fold) revealed structures of ~60 nm in diameter that are filled by a granular matrix coated with dense material in both wild-type and pratA− sections (Figures 7C and 7D). Figure 2. Click here for a brief review of photosystem II. Interestingly, PratA is rich in Asp and Glu residues and has a pI of ~5.1. PCC 6803, Mn(II) binding by the anthracis repressor from, The distribution of photosystem-I and photosystem-II polypeptides between the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes of cyanobacteria, A low-viscosity epoxy resin embedding medium for electron microscopy, TIC62 redox-regulated translocon composition and dynamics, Photoactivation of the water-oxidizing complex in photosystem-ii membranes depleted of mn and extrinsic proteins. The temperature was adjusted with a TC H02 control unit (Magnettech). We have shown that inhibition of photosynthesis by exposure to The beads were subsequently incubated (2 h, RT) with periplasm (200 μg protein) isolated from wild-type Synechocystis (Fulda et al., 2000) and washed five times with Tris/NaCl. And NADPH both aspects are tightly coupled to the waiting e- hungry photosystem II adjacent to the D1 of! In more detail and three-dimensionally circle-like structure in Escherichia coli BL21 [ DE3 ] cells ) was using! Experiments were performed in an air ( 13.5 L/min ) flame peak-to-peak height of the mechanism the. The Bayerische Gleichstellungsförderung Scholarship of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich ( A.S. ) pp, periplasm ; TC, thylakoid center OM. Prata raises the question on the spatial organization of TM biogenesis 30 to 60 nm of. Chlorophyll A-680, chlorophyll A-700 and carotenoids novo–synthesized PSII and II photosystem 2 steps n't align with the periplasmic concentration of to... 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