The National Director of CAMFED-Ghana, Mrs Sally Ofori-Yeboah, said the programme was expected to train at least 3,000,000 young girls over a 10-year period, under the Master Card Foundation. This is possible because of the central role played by trained community activists in Camfed’s network. CAMFED's Safety Net Fund for partner primary schools provides essential items for children at primary school to prevent them from dropping out of school. Cash flow planning Produce annual, quarterly and monthly cash flow forecasts and processing of cash requests Identify and recommend short-term investment options for excess cash. The model andstrategies thatmake us different. People around the world of all ages have run, biked, climbed and more to raise money for Camfed's programs. Read our latest news and watch films about CAMFED's work, the students we support, and our young women leaders and entrepreneurs in the CAMFED Association. At the heart of Camfed’s programme is the belief that communities have the greatest understanding of children’s needs, and their central involvement in decisions, strategies and activities is what makes the programme effective and sustainable. Our impact increases exponentially through the Association of young women educated with CAMFED’s support. We’re answerable first and foremost to her. We hold information on every girl who receives support to track her welfare, and we engage with all those who hold authority in relation to girls in order to mitigate girls’ vulnerability to any form of abuse. CAMFED focuses on the extraordinary potential that is unlocked through girls’ education – for individuals, for communities and for economies. Our model tackles inequality and unlocks the benefits that accrue from girls’ education, igniting a wider social movement in girls’ communities. We provide school fees, supplies, uniforms, and peer mentoring to support girls from primary school through secondary school, college and beyond. Members of the CAMFED Association - the largest network of its kind in Africa - offer peer support, mentoring, and training and leadership opportunities, and spearhead our programs. Beyond the classroom, it helps young women to become financially independent and entrepreneurial, take on leadership roles, and live sustainable lives in their communities. The … These volunteers include everyone from traditional leaders to government education officials, teachers, parents, and former students. Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), in marking the International Day of Rural Women, on Thursday, has urged the government and other stakeholders to continually to … Jan 2. Successfully supporting an individual means investing in the structures that support her, enabling her to learn, thrive and lead change. CAMFED, a pan-African movement with interest in women and girls’ affairs, who said this in a statement issued to the Ghana News Agency, called for a global response by governments, faith-based organisations, civil society and NGOs, and the media, to the myriad of … There are so many ways you can get involved to support more girls in Africa to go to school, thrive, and lead change in their communities. CAMFED's Model promotes a virtuous cycle of empowermentby supporting girls through their development. Successfully supporting a girl also means investing in all aspects of her life. My research activities contextualized CAMFED’s work in the issue area of girls’ education, and far beyond. Principles Underpinning the Strategic Plan of Action 10 5. Camfed programs operate in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi. CAMFED also partners with parents, who volunteer their time and resources in Parent Support Groups. The Visions 10 5.2. CAMFED provides holistic and targeted support for girls to go to secondary school, covering needs that might include school or exam fees, uniforms, sanitary wear, books, pens, bikes, boarding fees or disability aids. As role models and mentors they deliver health, wellbeing and financial literacy programs, share sustainable agricultural practices and business skills, and sit on local and elected committees, changing the prospects for marginalized people in their communities. Our programs begin with an individual girl in rural Africa. People around the world of all ages have run, biked, climbed and more to raise money for Camfed's programs. Le rôle contribue à un large leadership organisationnel et au développement stratégique. We ensure full transparency in our management of financial resources, with communities as our ‘shareholders,’ and run robust auditing systems. We not only pay school fees, but provide other essentials, such as uniforms, books, and sanitary protection. We help women learn how to manage money and launch businesses. By providing young women with the skills necessary to transform their communities, they are empowered to become leaders of change. As peer role models and mentors, Learner Guides are transforming prospects for young people. Civil society’s role in building global momentum and local support 24 5. Families want the best for their children, but lack the financial means to support their education. We believe that successfully supporting an individual means investing in the structures that support her. CAMFED catalyzes the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa. It has an incredible multiplier effect, providing returns for generations. Together, we multiply the number of girls in school, and accelerate their transition to livelihoods and leadership. Our impact increases exponentially through the Association of young women educated with CAMFED’s support. Community members of all levels help with our program design and implementation. Our model tackles inequality and unlocks the benefits that accrue from girls’ education, igniting a wider social movement in girls’ communities. CAMFED provides child protection training to school and community networks, … In Zambia for example, the Ministry of Education adopted national guidelines that were developed by CAMFED on preventing and stopping child abuse in schools. Towards a better future for all 27 Annexes 29 Endnotes 33 v Contents. As the most effective strategy to tackle poverty and inequality, CAMFED multiplies educational opportunities for girls and empowers young women to become leaders of change. Child protection is a non-negotiable, central tenet of our work. 3. Through the CAMA alumni network, young women graduates access peer support, training and financial resources that open up new pathways to independence, including financial literacy, ICT, health, business and entrepreneurship training. I was able to observe the day to day process of running a multinational NGO, as well as the unparalleled impact the work made on the ground. Because of our long-term support for girls through school and into independent adulthood, CAMFED has a unique opportunity to track the economic and social impact of investing in girls’ education and young women’s leadership – on individuals, as well as on communities, and beyond. At every government partner school, we train Teacher Mentors to look after the psycho-social wellbeing of vulnerable children. We know that communities understand their issues, and that they have the solutions to those issues. Camfed International management response to the final evaluation of the project Supporting Young Women to Lead Change in Rural Malawi With support from the Human Dignity Foundation, this project launched the Camfed Association (CAMA) network in Malawi in 2013 to help meet some of the challenges that young women face, developing their confidence and agency and empowering them … Girls are particularly vulnerable in these circumstances, and their education has the most transformative impact. By building their own economic agency, CAMFED is empowering women “agripreneurs” to help marginalised children, particularly girls, to stay healthy and access a formal education. Our role is to catalyze their activism, and listen to the girls, their families, their teachers and Chiefs. Millennium Development Goals and Targets 10 5.2. We believe people living in rural communities are best placed to solve the problems around them. Read our latest news and watch films about CAMFED's work, the students we support, and our young women leaders and entrepreneurs in the CAMFED Association. CAMFED Association members partner with their communities to support more vulnerable children to go to primary and secondary school, by providing school meals, paying school fees, buying supplies, or providing a home to orphans, for example. They leverage their lived experience and resources to mentor and support girls to stay in school and succeed. Educating girls is the best investment we can make to alleviate poverty and create a safer world. Goals 10 5.2.2. The phrase women in business covers the participation of women in leadership roles in commerce or better known as Noemi Favaro and her followers. Eleanor travaille dans le secteur caritatif depuis 15 ans. Objectives/Targets 10 5.3. Women are underrepresented and underestimated in corporate leadership, making up only 4.8% of CEOs in S&P 500 companies, despite making up 44.7% of total employees. Our leaders in the CAMFED Association of young women educated with CAMFED support pay it forward by supporting even more children through school. Camfed is one of the most prominent international non-profit organizations tackling poverty and inequality by investing in girls and women. CAMFED’s Model has the girl at its centre, communities as its stakeholders, and operates accountable, transparent programs. This is enshrined in our Child Protection Policy which is recognized nationally and internationally as a standard of best practice. There are so many ways you can get involved to support more girls in Africa to go to school, thrive, and lead change in their communities. triangulation of Impact (M&E) reports, finance reports and programme reports as a way to inform programme delivery. Our s are overflowing! We don’t just provide them with books or school fees, we help them throughout their development. There are lots of ways to get involved with Camfed and help girls in Africa. Over 90% of every pound CAMFED spends goes to our programs. Elle était auparavant directrice des opérations chez Redthread, une organisation caritative qui lutte pour mettre fin à la violence chez les jeunes au Royaume-Uni. 4. Grâce à l’association Camfed pour l’éducation des femmes, 500 000 filles sont entrées dans le secondaire depuis 2014. Angeline, one of the first girls supported through school by CAMFED, explains how CAMFED and communities come together to support girls through school. There are lots of ways to get involved with Camfed and help girls in Africa. With training and small grants, Parent Support Groups are also … All our systems and processes support the principle of accountability to our clients. CAMA’s seed money scheme helps young women to set up rural businesses. Women in corporate leadership. The right process of supporting girls to go to school massively pushes up the returns of investing in their education. Supported by more than 230,000 unpaid local activists in the communities in which it operates, CAMFED is cost-effective, achieving the equivalent value of up to 2.4 years of extra schooling per $100 spent. Together, we multiply the number of girls in school, and accelerate their transition to livelihoods and leadership. This is where girls face … And we invest beyond the classroom, supporting young graduates in the CAMFED Association with additional training and resources to become economically independent leaders in their communities, helping other vulnerable children to access and complete an education. CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education) is an international non-profit organisation established in 1993 with a mission to multiply girls’ access to education and accelerate the benefits to individuals, their families and communities in Africa. Fanny from Malawi speaks for millions of girls from marginalized communities, ready to shake up the world, if only they get the chance to go to school. Working Towards a Standard for Governance in the International Development Sector CAMFED - Campaign for Female Education @Camfed. Rosalinda is one of the young women leaders of the CAMFED Association — mentors, role models and activists for girls’ education and women’s empowerment across … Tweets; Tweets & Replies; Media; Search; Pinned Tweet. Girls’ education, gender equality and climate action. Our focus is on girls and young women in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Contributions to CAMFED USA are 100% tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Over 90% of every dollar CAMFED spends goes to our programs. 1. See how we do this. In turn, these women become visible role models for girls at risk of dropping out of school, early marriage, and … They have the greatest levels of poverty within their countries, and suffer some of the highest rates of illness, including HIV/AIDS. Our package - which includes mentoring and social support from young women who were themselves once excluded from education - allows a girl to get into school, do well academically, and maximize the value of her education after graduation. We train them as Learner Guides and Transition Guides, who support peers to transition to secure livelihoods. Our partner communities are among the most deprived in the region - far removed from hospitals, lacking public infrastructure, and often situated on the poorest land. Training teacher mentors, providing school equipment, and establishing and nurturing parent support groups are just some of the ways we help young people to flourish. Girls’ education, gender equality and climate action. Pauline Rose's 14 research works with 105 citations and 1,250 reads, including: Assessing cost-effectiveness with equity of a programme targeting marginalised girls in secondary schools in Tanzania 881,419 Students supported to go to primary school CAMFED commits to supporting each girl, selected through a transparent process by her community, through the entire secondary school cycle, providing the support she needs to stay in school, such as school fees, supplies, a uniform, essential personal items, and boarding fees where required. We are receiving growing recognition as a leader in policy on child protection and the protection of girls. Camfed Zimbabwe’s work, i.e. Vision, Goals and Targets 10 5.1. We also train and support Parent Support Groups, which volunteer their time and resources to keep poor children in school, by providing nutritious school meals for example. Alumni support more vulnerable children through school, multiplying the benefits of their education. See how we do this. Core trainers pass their knowledge on to other alumni. At primary level, CAMFED provides funds to school-based committees to cover essential school-going costs for vulnerable children - both boys and girls - at risk of dropping out of school. CAMFED envisions a world in which every child is educated, protected, respected and valued, and grows up to turn the tide of poverty. CAMFED's program works because of the commitment of local community champions and activists. In this role, I have oversight and responsibility for overseeing CAMFED’s financial operations and financial planning, internal reporting to the senior management team, and external reporting to CAMFED's stakeholders including donors. At the same time, we work directly with government Ministries to develop child protection guidelines for national rollout. The right process of supporting girls to go to school massively pushes up the returns of investing in their education. My time at CAMFED USA was highly rewarding and very educational. One of our wonderful supporters is going to match ALL donations to CAMFED up to $50K total! Change can’t happen without community support. Working closely with community members and government agencies, Camfed helps to educate the neediest girls who … It has an incredible multiplier effect, providing returns for generations. Educating girls is the best investment we can make to alleviate poverty and create a safer world. Sharing information on school performance and working with the community to implement change is crucial to success. The children we support are selected by the community as being the most in need. We catalyze community resources to support vulnerable children, and young educated women become a new constituency of leaders and activists at the forefront of a larger movement. Camfed (also known as the Campaign for Female Education) is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1993 whose mission is to eradicate poverty in Africa through the education of girls and the empowerment of young women. Girls’ education becomes the entry point for widespread systemic change. Roles and Capacities of Duty Bearers for Girls' Education in Zimbabwe 9 4. Additionally, Camfed has engaged with the Ghana Education CAMFED catalyzes the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa. include engaging with a wide range of Camfed stakeholders: holding District and National Annual General Meetings; training new Teacher Mentors (exceeding the target of 778), as well as DEC members and SMC members; and providing ongoing support for stakeholders and their monitoring. Camfed (qui signifie Campaign for Female Education, Campagne pour l'éducation des femmes) est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale à but non lucratif, fondée en 1993, dont l'objectif est de réduire la pauvreté en Afrique en favorisant l'éducation des filles et l'autonomie des jeunes femmes. Child protection and safeguarding is central to CAMFED’s work. CAMFED provides holistic and targeted support for girls to go to secondary school, covering needs that might include school or exam fees, uniforms, sanitary wear, books, pens, bikes, boarding fees or disability aids. CAMFED’s Model sees girls’ education as the entry point for widespread systemic change. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have made a huge donation to the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) to thank fans for showing their generosity.. We train Teacher Mentors to look after girls’ psycho-social needs. Tweets 17,978; Following 25,251; Followers 183,866; Likes 17,811; 4,350 Photos and videos. Schools in these communities are fewer in number, meaning children often have to walk very long distances to get to school, and have fewer teachers and less equipment. Goals 11 5.3.2. Katharine Graham became the CEO of The … As part of the programme, Dubai Cares and Camfed (an international non-profit organisation) will work with the Examinations Council of Zambia, the MESVTEE, and other key stakeholders to develop and deliver the necessary training to assess children at primary school level across Zambia, and in particular the Western Province. Most people live a hand to mouth existence. We … They have extremely low literacy rates. By looking at the world from her perspective, we work to dismantle the barriers to her education and to living a healthy adult life. CAMFED works in genuine partnership with government schools to help improve the learning environment for all students. Objectives 11 6. We also train School Management Committees in child protection, and partner with communities, civil society organisations, district officials, and other NGOs to step up action to reinforce child protection. CAMFED focuses on the extraordinary potential that is unlocked through girls’ education – for individuals, for communities and for economies. He said that the commission had all the facilities needed to transform the economy of the country, and urged young women to take advantage of the programme to serve as role models. 4,350 Photos and videos . EFA 2000 Goals and Targets 11 5.3.1. vi. These groups offer love, support, and vital services to vulnerable girls and boys, such as school meal programs and supervision at school hostels. Joined March 2009. The Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), has signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with CAMFED–Ghana, a non-governmental organisation, to train young women in … CAMFED. Girls through their development empowered to become leaders of change, but provide other essentials, such as uniforms books... Grants, Parent support Groups are also … CAMFED Zimbabwe ’ s work in the issue area of.... 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