even we ourselves--though we have so much of heaven already within us. This is not an estate to which they succeed in consequence of the death of a former possessor; it is like the promised land, given by God himself, and divided among the children of the family. for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?--the latter ending when the other comes. All rights reserved. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from It denotes the first great step in personal salvation and answers to "conversion." Reader, lay it to heart. (5) However difficult it may be for finite minds to comprehend the emotions of the Divine Mind, let us never for a moment doubt that in "not sparing His own Son, but delivering Him up for us all," God made a real sacrifice of all that was dearest to His heart, and that in so doing He meant for ever to assure His people that all other things which they need--inasmuch as they are nothing to this stupendous gift, and indeed but the necessary sequel of it--will in due time be forthcoming ( Romans 8:32 ). That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us - That the guilt might be pardoned through the merit of that sacrifice; and that we might be enabled, by the power of his own grace and Spirit, to walk in newness of life; loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves: and thus the righteousness, the spirit, design, and purpose of the law is fulfilled in us, through the strength of the Spirit of Christ, which is here put in opposition to the weakness of the law through the flesh. is dead because of--"by reason of" sin; but the spirit is life because--or, "by reason" of righteousness--The word "indeed," which the original requires, is of the nature of a concession--"I grant you that the body is dead . READ Romans 8:38, 39. SECOND: The Sonship of Believers--Their Future Inheritance--The Intercession of the Spirit for Them ( Romans 8:14-27 ). Ministers are … so far are they from "separating us from Christ's love," that it is just "through Him that loved us" that we are victorious over them. The brute creation never sinned against God, nor are they capable of it, and consequently cannot be justly liable to punishment. It is difficult indeed for our limited minds to distinguish them as states of the Divine Mind towards men; especially since in Acts 2:23 "the counsel" is put before "the foreknowledge of God," while in 1 Peter 1:2 "election" is said to be "according to the foreknowledge of God." Jesus Christ is come by his sacrifice and Spirit to cleanse the temple, and make man again a habitation of God through the Spirit. Romans 8:19, ESV: "For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God." The Spirit of adoption - Adoption was an act frequent among the ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans; by which a person was taken out of one family and incorporated with another. Sixth Bible Class (Romans 8:1-39) III. Or sword? 8. work (668 pp. As the union includes the bodies of believers as well as their souls (1 Corinthians 6:15, 16, 17, 18, 19-note), so this transforming power will ultimately extend to the former as well as to the latter (Ro 8:10, 11-note). or sword?" 2 John Murray, The Epistle to the Romans, Vol. Romans 8:35-37. Who shall separate us — By saying τις, who, the apostle personifies the things he is going to mention, namely, affliction, &c.; from the love of Christ — Toward us? Many of the most eminent Christians are in the same distressed condition, Romans 8:23. "They said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, and let its head reach unto the top of heaven; and let us make a house of worship in the top of it; and let us put a sword in his hand that he may wage war for us against our enemies, before we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." Some have supposed that the apostle, by using the Syriac and Greek words which express Father, shows the union of Jewish and Gentile believers in those devotions which were dictated by a filial spirit. It has been remarked that slaves were not permitted to use the term Abba, father, or Imma, mother, in accosting their masters and mistresses. or, rather, who is risen again? Noctes Attic., vol. He who prays, receives help from the Spirit of God; but he who prays not receives no such help. 8:37 Nay 235, in 1722 all 3956 these things 5125 we are more than conquerors 5245 5719 through 1223 him that loved 25 5660 us 2248. 24. FIRST: The Sanctification of Believers ( Romans 8:1-13 ). for us all--that is, for all believers alike; as nearly every good interpreter admits must be the meaning here. Therefore we are safe who love God; and not only shall sustain no essential damage by the persecutions of ungodly men, but even these things work together for our good. 8:7 Because 1360 the carnal 4561 mind 5427 [is] enmity 2189 against 1519 God 2316: for 1063 it is 5293 0 not 3756 subject 5293 5743 to the law 3551 of God 2316, neither 3761 indeed 1063 can be 1410 5736. Shall tribulation? Chapter 8 concerns "the Christian's spiritual life." It is not said that all things shall work for good, but that. Condemned sin in the flesh - The design and object of the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ was to condemn sin, to have it executed and destroyed; not to tolerate it as some think, or to render it subservient to the purposes of his grace, as others; but to annihilate its power, guilt, and being in the soul of a believer. Romans 8:1 tells us we are free from the guilt of sin. John Piper May 31, 2015 2K Shares Sermon. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For we are saved by hope - We are supported and are comfortable in the expectation we have of receiving from the hand of our God all the good we need in the troubles and adversities of this life, and of having our bodies raised from corruption and death at the general resurrection. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God - Because it is a carnal mind, and relishes earthly and sinful things, and lives in opposition to the pure and holy law of God: therefore, it is enmity against God; it is irreconcilable and implacable hatred. And this, it seems, was a "household word," a "known" thing, among believers. I, pp. 16. 13. Or peril? Our Lord makes intercession for us, by negotiating and managing, as our friend and agent, all the affairs pertaining to our salvation. For what the law could not do, &c.--a difficult and much controverted verse. That the persons in whose behalf all things work for good are they who love God, and, consequently, who live in the spirit of obedience. Surely if the apostle had designed to teach us that he meant our own sense and understanding by the Spirit, he never could have spoken in a manner in which plain common sense was never likely to comprehend his meaning. "Those who He foreknew would repent and believe," say Pelagians of every age and every hue. The Spirit of God will supply patience to every upright soul under persecution and suffering, Romans 8:26, Romans 8:27. - Γυμνοτης, being absolutely without clothing; forcibly expressed by the derivation of the word γυια μονα εχων, having one's limbs only, being totally unclothed. From whom could such a question come better than from one who had himself for Christ's sake endured so much? heirs of God--of our Father's kingdom. From all this we learn that a fluency in prayer is not essential to praying: a man may pray most powerfully in the estimation of God, who is not able to utter even one word. This is done that we may have the highest possible evidence of the work which God has wrought. And thus, as Dr. Whitby has very properly remarked, "desire and expectation are ascribed to creatures, in reference to things they want, and which tend to their advantage; notwithstanding they explicitly know nothing of them.". It signifies straitness, being hemmed in on every side, without the possibility of getting out or escaping; from στενος, strait or narrow, and χωρος, a place. This is an awful conclusion! The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit - Αυτο το πνευμα, that same Spirit, the Spirit of adoption; that is, the Spirit who witnesses this adoption; which can be no other than the Holy Ghost himself, and certainly cannot mean any disposition or affection of mind which the adopted person may feel; for such a disposition must arise from a knowledge of this adoption, and the knowledge of this adoption cannot be given by any human or earthly means; it must come from God himself: therefore the αυτο το πνευμα must have reference to that Spirit, by whom alone the knowledge of the adoption is witnessed to the soul of the believer. But this is now explained more fully. He, doubtless, loved to utter His Father's name in both the accustomed forms; beginning with His cherished mother tongue, and adding that of the learned. but the Spirit itself--rather, "Himself." If so be that we suffer with him - Observe, says Dr. Taylor, how prudently the apostle advances to the harsh affair of suffering. This fable explains itself, as to its main design. but ye have received--"ye received." . Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? But how are we to conceive of this intercession? On the subject of the prescience and predestination mentioned here. The word συναντιλαμβανεται is very inadequately expressed by helpeth. Many things may be done which the law requires, but nothing either is or can be done because God's law requires it, or purely to please God. Scripture: Romans 8:13–17. Dr. Lightfoot's mode of explanation appears to me to be the best, on the whole. b. Hence it is reasonable to conclude that, as from the present constitution of things they cannot have the happiness designed for them in this state, they must have it in another. (7) The consciousness of spiritual life in our renewed souls is a glorious assurance of resurrection life in the body also, in virtue of the same quickening Spirit whose inhabitation we already enjoy ( Romans 8:11 ). Romans 8:28; : All things work together for good - To whom? And, if they cannot please God, they must be displeasing to him; and consequently in the broad road to final perdition. Hence (5) the estrangement of God and the sinner is mutual. He would go through them. condemned sin--"condemned it to lose its power over men" [BEZA, BENGEL, FRASER, MEYER, THOLUCK, PHILIPPI, ALFORD]. The International Bible Lesson (Uniform Sunday School Lessons Series) for Sunday, August 7, 2016, is from Romans 8:28-39. But it does not appear that the brute creation are capable of this choice; and it is evident that they are not placed in their present misery through either their choice or their sin; and if no purpose of God can be ultimately frustrated, these creatures must be restored to that state of happiness for which they have been made, and of which they have been deprived through the transgression of man. Romans 8:28, ESV: "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Behold the goodness and severity of God! However, it does not automatically apply to everyone. or nakedness? No creature could possibly be carnal, sold under sin, brought into captivity to the law of sin and death; and at the same time be made free from that law of sin and death, by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus! It is the grand and most observable case in which the intercourse is kept up between heaven and earth; and the genuine believer in Christ Jesus is not left to the quibbles or casuistry of polemic divines or critics, but receives the thing, and the testimony of it, immediately from God himself. Bible Baptist Bookstore featuring the works of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman in Pensacola, Florida with the KJV 1611. waiting for the--manifestation of our adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body--from the grave: "not (be it observed) the deliverance of ourselves from the body, but the redemption of the body itself from the grave" [BENGEL]. . in hope--or "in hope that.". The absolute necessity of holiness to salvation is the very subject of his discourse; this necessity he positively affirms, and establishes by the most solid arguments. As Christ, by his sacrificial offering, has opened the kingdom of God to all believers; and, as a mediator, transacts the concerns of their kingdom before the throne; so the Spirit of God is the great agent here below, to enlighten, quicken, strengthen, and guide the true disciples of Christ; and all that are born of this Spirit are led and guided by it; and none can pretend to be the children of God who are not thus guided. For they that are after the flesh - And here is the great distinction between Jews and genuine Christians: the former are after the flesh - are under the power of the carnal, rebellious principle; and consequently mind, προνουσιν, relish, the things of the flesh - the things which appertain merely to the present life; having no relish for spiritual and eternal things. (2) The sanctification of believers, as it has its whole foundation in the atoning death, so it has its living spring in the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ ( Romans 8:2-4 ). 35, 36. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?--This does not mean "our love to Christ," as if, Who shall hinder us from loving Christ? Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh--"Once we were sold under sin ( Romans 7:14 ); but now that we have been set free from that hard master and become servants to Righteousness ( Romans 6:22 ), we owe nothing to the flesh, we disown its unrighteous claims and are deaf to its imperious demands." we know, &c.--The order in the original is more striking: "We know that to them that love God" (compare 1 Corinthians 2:9 , Ephesians 6:24 , 1:12 , 2:5 ) "all things work together for good [even] to them who are the called (rather, 'who are called') according to His (eternal) purpose." maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered--that is, which cannot be expressed in articulate language. Until the most palpable absurdities and contradictions can be reconciled, these two opposite states can never exist in the same person at the same time. Because the creature - This and the preceding verse should be thus connected: in hope That (ὁτι ) the creature itself also shall be delivered. For the creature--"the creation." Dissertations without end have been written on it; and it does not appear that the Christian world are come to any general agreement on the subject. is death--not only "ends in" [ALFORD, &c.], but even now "is"; carrying death into its bosom, so that such are "dead while they live" ( 1 Timothy 5:6 , Ephesians 2:1 Ephesians 2:5 ) [PHILIPPI]. They who despise the Gospel despise all that is great, and happy, and glorious!". The true followers of Christ can never be forsaken by him. And what God does for his Church in general, (the collective body of those who believe in the Lord Jesus, love, and obey him), he does for every individual in that body: no man that trusts in him can be confounded. Who or what shall be able to remove our affection from him? (It thus appears that to be "in the spirit" means here to be under the dominion of our own renewed mind; because the indwelling of God's Spirit is given as the evidence that we are "in the spirit"). - See in Aulus Gellius. Besides, how can it be said that our own spirit, our filial disposition, bears witness with our own spirit; that our own spirit helps the infirmities of our own spirit; that our own spirit teaches our own spirit that of which it is ignorant; and that our own spirit maketh intercession for our own spirit, with groanings unutterable? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? StudyLıght … As it is not subject, and cannot be subject, to the law of God, it must be destroyed, else it will continue to rebel against God. CHAPTER 8. 2, פלוגית אימא ולא פלוגי אבא לא אותם קורין אין והשפחות העבדים haabadim vehashshephachoth ein korin otham, lo Abba N velo Imma N . . The International Bible Lesson (Uniform Sunday School Lessons Series) for Sunday, August 7, 2016, is from Romans 8:28-39. (11) Are we who "have tasted that the Lord is gracious," both "kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation" ( 1 Peter 1:5 ), and embraced in the arms of Invincible Love? It is worthy of note, that all that is spoken here refers to what had already taken place; for the calling, justifying, and glorifying are here represented as having already taken place, as well as the foreknowing and the predestinating. The Beginning of the Redemption of the Body Here. 17. 10, 11. It is therefore reasonable to suppose that the apostle refers to what God had already done among the Jews and Gentiles: though he may also speak of the things that were not as though they were. Romans 7 contains a discussion on how the law has dominion over a person. The child thus adopted ceased to belong to his own family, and was in every respect bound to the person who had adopted him, as if he were his own child; and in consequence of the death of his adopting father he possessed his estates. The Spirit itself--It should be "Himself" beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children--"are children" of God--The testimony of our own spirit is borne in that cry of conscious sonship, "Abba, Father"; but we are not therein alone; for the Holy Ghost within us, yea, even in that very cry which it is His to draw forth, sets His own distinct seal to ours; and thus, "in the mouth of two witnesses" the thing is established. The apostle, having fully explained the doctrine of justification, and pressed the necessity of sanctification, in this chapter applies himself to the consolation of the Lord’s people. in the likeness of sinful flesh--literally, "of the flesh of sin"; a very remarkable and pregnant expression. judgment, because the prince of this world is judged," that is, condemned to let go his hold of men, who, through the Cross, shall be emancipated into the liberty and power to be holy. the earnest expectation--(compare Philippians 1:20 ). (The word "also" is often so placed in our version as to obscure the sense; freely give us all things?--all other gifts being not only immeasurably less than this Gift of gifts, but virtually included in it. that spared not--"withheld not," "kept not back." (6) Since the Holy Ghost is, in the same breath, called indiscriminately "the Spirit of God," "the Spirit of Christ," and "Christ" Himself (as an indwelling life in believers), the essential unity and yet Personal distinctness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, m the one adorable Godhead must be believed, as the only consistent explanation of such language ( Romans 8:9-11 ). He dwells in the heart by faith. "Take now (said the Lord to Abraham) thy son, thine only, whom thou lovest, and . As it is written, For thy sake, &c.--( Psalms 44:22 )--quoted as descriptive of what God's faithful people may expect from their enemies at any period when their hatred of righteousness is roused, and there is nothing to restrain it (see Galatians 4:29 ). However, the law has a purpose – to teach us about sin and our need for a Savior. By which all these things we are justified by faith in the Spirit also, c.. The emphatic particle of the flesh: the law of sin and death, an... 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