There are different ways of thinking about tank size. A very affordable fish is the molly and since it can be acclimated to saltwater, you can fill your tank with them. Thus, prevention is better than cure. The most practical saltwater fish tank setups for beginners are the FOWLR and fish-only tanks. So find a spot that can support the weight. If you think to get large angelfish, triggerfish, or sharks, you’re going to need a bigger tank than if you just want some small damselfish or clownfish and live rock, 20 gallon aquarium is perfect for starting your first reef aquarium. link to Best saltwater aquarium for beginners. There are luckily way to keep the algae under control. The biggest difference with this tank setup is that it has corals, which are living organisms with their own set of needs. Cheaper quality lighting, for example, can have higher power consumption, producing more heat, and thereby increasing water temperature gradually whilst left switched on. Just like in the wild, there are species that will be compatible, and others that will not. You can test it yourself or even take it to your local fish store. Aquarium setup for beginners and kids Get your fish tank water sample Tested. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This article examines all these points in more detail, ensuring that you can get started at this new hobby with minimal difficulty. Saltwater Tank Setup For Beginners. If you are looking for a guide on starting a saltwater aquarium, you have come to the right place. Setting up a saltwater aquarium is similar to setting up a freshwater tank and is simple if you know what you are doing. Cheers! There are some other considerations that are less essential, though it is worth being aware of them. Beginner Skills and Experience. This Seaclear 50-gallon system is a great setup and will definitely stand the test of time if you are willing to put in the effort to keep it running. It is necessary because the PH of the water does affect the overall health of your fish. Reef Builders was established in 2006, and is the oldest running website providing news and helpful information regarding the saltwater aquatics industry. Reef Builders will take you step by step on how to setup a reef tank from scratch. When starting a saltwater aquarium at home, the rule of thumb is not to rush things. But, for the reef aquarium lover, it's well worth the effort. My first week cycle in my saltwater aquarium things were great now the second week pH and nitrite starting to change a bit. Add saltwater to the tank. What’s more, marine diseases tend to be highly infectious. If you are planning to keep a fish-tank and you have all the gears and fish-tank accessories, you are ready for your new aquarium setup. Saltwater fish tanks have their own unique qualities and demands. I wanted not only to add a highlight to the house, I wanted it be a bigger part of everyday life than just sitting along a wall in one of my rooms. Tackled quickly, any issues with the tank needn’t have an impact on the health of your fish. With a good filter in place, this should be an issue that you never really have to experience or manage. Beginners often come under the impression that a smaller tank is easier to manage, as there is less space to manage, less to clean, or less fish to look after. Also, take into account easy access to electrical outlets, locations of heating/cooling vents that could affect the temperature of the tank, windows that could cause the tank to get direct sunlight which can cause algae blooms, and closeness to water sources. This ensures that any issues that do develop are easier to spot, and more time is available to resolve them before they can impact the health of your fish. The time and effort that can go into creating the perfect saltwater ecosystem is no small feat, so you’ll want to be sure that this hobby is for you. Similarly, you don’t want to move around an aquarium once it has been set up and filled. Reef Tank. Saltwater aquariums are different to freshwater varieties, though many of the steps required to get one going are the same, or at least similar. This can be achieved through the addition of a specialized liquid to the tank, though it can also be achieved through the addition of a couple of resilient fish. Though setting up the tank and equipment you need isn’t always a quick process, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t easy to do. Next, put all the equipment – sump, heater, filter, powerheads, etc. 1. Buy a tank stand rather than relying on a piece of furniture you already have. ... View My Reef Setup. When it comes to saltwater fish tanks, it’s better to go bigger – especially when you’re a beginner. Add Your Salt Water Aquarium Fish/Corals, New: Fluval EVO 13.5 Gallon Aquarium All In One Marine Kit, Best Aquarium Thermometers 2019 – Reliability and Durability, Finnex PX-360 Compact Canister for Nano Tank, Goldfish Diseases, Symptoms and Possible Cures, Saltwater System Backup – Battery Backup for Aquarium. Water can become cloudy or yellow in color when a build-up of fish detritus occurs, comprised of stale food and waste by-products. But I have a question, do I need a protein skimmer to start or can be added when am ready to ad fish? This is because larger marine fish tanks are more forgiving of typical beginner mistakes. If you plan a reef aquarium, a calcium reactor may also be necessary for the corals. Step 3: Fill Your Tank. For more information please check our Disclaimer, Copyright FishTankWorld @ 2016-2021. Saltwater reef tank setup For most people, A reef tank is very likely the single most beautiful “decoration” most people have in their homes. This system features a … Location, Location, Location! Nonetheless, you may cheat this by having a sump tank - specifically a water reserve pumped into the primary tank. Coral is not a decoration that can simply be thrown into a tank and used as a centerpiece. Is that ok or what should I do?? Research must be conducted to understand where these boundaries lie, otherwise you could end up with an aggression problem between different fish within your saltwater aquarium. The truth is that saltwater fish are less resistant to changes in their environment when compared to freshwater fish, and thus not keeping on top of tank changes can have detrimental effects on the health of saltwater fish that would perhaps not be such a problem for tanks filled with freshwater species. Don’t just assume that an aquarium tank is clean straight out of the box, as it could have been sitting in storage for a long period of time, picking up dust, dirt or bacteria. For the bigger tank, you can try this beautiful reef tank Red Sea Aquarium Kit. Setting up a new aquarium for the first time shouldn’t be a difficult task, providing you follow the reams of information available on the correct steps to follow, as mentioned at the top of this guide. Prime the filtration pump. Though not a necessity, something called ‘live rock’ can be added to tanks, which acts as a natural filter for the tank. If the water quality is good, introduce the fishes. The more water volume the more stable your new saltwater aquarium. There are a few things you’ll want to keep a close eye on as your reef tank corals cycles. You can either mix this in buckets before putting it in the tank or add the water to the tank first and then add the salt mix to the tanks. Aquariums are usually purchased as 'combos' which means a glass top and a light fixture are sold with the aquarium. Ask them to test it for you. Though these kits limit choice around individual components, they often work out cheaper. Examine the water condition once again after cycling. The tank setup needs to be carefully chosen and put together, and the fish that live within it need to be suited to that environment. The last thing you need is to fill your tank with salt water and then have it leak all over the floor because of a small crack (I had this happen with a 55-gallon freshwater tank once – it was a mess with freshwater and saltwater would be infinitely worse!). Most aquarium hobbyists like to maintain around an inch to two-inches of gravel at the base of the tank. The CAD Lights 42 Versa is a good fallback if the SC Aquariums 50 is unavailable. Low quality filters may provide less powerful filtration than more expensive counterparts, or require cartridge changes and cleaning twice as often as pricier models. See more ideas about saltwater tank, saltwater aquarium, salt water fish. They also consume a lot of algae, which is why many breeders will place them in their saltwater tanks to control algae growth. This can eventually lead to illness and death among the fish living within the water. Hello, my name is George and I have had a fresh water tank for years and it is time to set up a salt water tank. Need a list of what to get? Best saltwater fish for beginners is the clownfish. is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Service LLC Associates Program. Let the water ‘cycle’ around the tank for some time. When it comes to saltwater aquariums for beginners, you couldn’t do much better. A rough monthly budget to run a saltwater aquarium is a 15 gallon tank = $15/month, 25 gallon tank = $25/month, 50 gallon tank = $35/month, 100 gallon tank = $65/month. If problems do occur within the aquarium, then it’s essential that they’re taken care of as soon as possible; this is especially important in a saltwater aquarium environment, where problems can spiral out of control much more quickly than in a freshwater tank. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. For the bigger tank, you can try this beautiful reef tank Red Sea Aquarium Kit. When your tank is cycled for a day or 2 then its time to test your fish tank water. Let’s start by discussing your skill level and what kinds of aquariums might be suited to your personal experience and the time you can commit to caring for your saltwater aquarium setup. The Best Guide for Starting a Reef Tank. This is due to the relatively unchanging environment that surrounds coral reefs within the ocean. Minimum 40 Gallon. A reef tank with some fish and corals? You might have never owned an aquarium or just starting the move from freshwater to saltwater tanks now is the perfect time to dive headfirst into the saltwater. Factors that can help to alleviate such problems include maintaining a tank environment that is not overly crowded, as well as including decorative pieces that have places to hide, such as cavernous rock or artificial habitants. Your fish will thank you for the extra room and more stable water parameters. If you are a first-time visitor we suggest you, Starting a Saltwater Aquarium for Beginners. Please include attribution to with this graphic. Here we discuss guide to starting a saltwater aquarium. The location is another important decision on saltwater tank setup for beginners. It’s better to take it slow and let the filtration build up to be able to handle the new inhabitants in your reef tank adequately. And as it is a living organism it has certain requirements to survive. The water that the fish were stored in when purchased should not be poured in. Should you choose to use this setup, also known as a FOWLR environment (or Fish Only With Live Rock), then you should research the additional requirements when setting up the aquarium. Your tank is done cycling once the levels of ammonia and nitrite are at 0. First, watch the temperature and salinity levels carefully. Jul 1, 2017 - Explore Lisa Jacobs's board "Saltwater Tank", followed by 10133 people on Pinterest. It’s worth noting that common mistakes made by beginners can quickly run out of control in small aquariums, so it may be better to start with a large tank while learning the ropes. A 40-gallon tank is a good minimum size for beginners. This type of saltwater aquarium is the most striking and what many people first think of when they hear the words “saltwater aquarium”. Coral is an element that you won’t find in a freshwater aquarium – if you do, it’s artificial – but one that can function well as part of a saltwater ecosystem. Once you select a place, it’s not going to be easy to move. There are a few ways you can help the process along. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In summary, it’s worth considering whether you’re willing to pay more upfront for a better component when first starting out in the hobby. Wait to plug them in until your tank setup is complete. Doing this can disrupt the gravel and cause it to float. During the planning stage, you’re going to want to decide what type of marine aquarium tanks you want. These components can be picked up separately, though as mentioned earlier, there are many aquarium starter kits that provide most if not all of the equipment required, at a reduced cost when compared to buying all of the components individually. Fish and live rock? As a result, a saltwater aquarium setup must “recreate the conditions of the environment where the inhabitants have originated”. Another reason why I don’t like this type of setup is because you lack room for carbon and other chemical filtration media that you might want to use later on to help clean the water. Will it be fish only? The size of the tank chosen will depend on the size of the fish that you wish to keep and in what quantity, as much as the location that you use. No soap or chemical cleaners should be used, as residue could remain on the glass when it is being filled and potentially harm your fish. The bulbs are purchased separately. A saltwater tank setup is not always difficult, it just to learn and know what it takes to have a healthy saltwater aquarium. Size aside, the choice of whether to purchase individual components or an entire starter kit is entirely down to your preference. This article provide more insights on keeping coral. The cycling process of a new saltwater aquarium can take up to 6 weeks. If you plan on running a simple FOWLR tank for a cheap price, this type of setup is fine. After all, you’re looking after a tank full of living organisms, many of which have lifespans in the double-digits. While your tank water is clearing, it is a good time to install your saltwater aquarium lighting system. How To Set Eco-Friendly Marine Aquarium and Looks Amazing! Now that you’re up and running with a new saltwater aquarium, and once you’ve added your new inhabitants, it’s time to understand what problems to watch out for. When it comes to choosing new fish for the aquarium, you cannot just drop any combination of species into the tank and expect them to get along. You can’t set up a new aquarium and throw in a large group of fish, then expect them to survive. Once you select a place, it’s not going to be easy to move. When choosing a saltwater tank make sure that it is big enough for you as over stocking the tank will cause stress on your fish. 1. Tap water should be avoided where possible, but if it is the only option, it should be left for 1 to 3 days to settle, to allow any chemical additives to disperse. 8. To learn more check out our guide on Aquarium Heaters. The lighting requirements for a fish-only tank are fairly flexible. The day and night periods can be adjusted to suit your lifestyle but make sure you give tank critters at least eight hours of darkness so they can sleep. A saltwater fish tank can be a reef tank or a fish only tank. Maintaining a clean tank can help to safeguard against the likelihood of fish contracting marine diseases, as can purchasing any new fish from reputable sources. Test kits – Saltwater fish are very sensitive to water parameters, so it’s important on saltwater tank setup to stay on top of things and monitor water quality on a regular basis. When starting a saltwater aquarium at home, the rule of thumb is not to rush things. The interior of the tank should be rinsed with a new, clean cloth and plain, fresh water. It goes without saying that the only fish that should be selected for the aquarium is saltwater fish. The first step in the lengthy process of setting up your own saltwater aquarium is choosing the right location for it. To keep this from happening, start with about 2-3 inches of water. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. Your email address will not be published. With the wires, pumps and other equipment that can exists within these units, it is easy to understand why. saltwater aquarium for beginners ultimate guide for best fish tank setup , lighting and filters Install Equipment Add Decorations and Fish start the best saltwater aquarium for beginners, Setting up a new aquarium is often a hard task, but it's totally worth it once it gets ready.Many people are tempted by the colorful fish and the perfect looks of corals which are … It is not always a quick process, but each step – and the timeframes noted – are essential in ensuring the health and survivability of your fish. What Size Saltwater Tank Should A Beginner Get? One way is to add one hardy fish like a damsel to the tank to get some biological activity going on. Also, if you’re planning to add corals and anemones, it’s considered better by many to wait at least a few months and let the tank mature a bit before adding them to the mix. The most important step in how to make a saltwater aquarium is planning. Fill the tank to the top with fresh water and leave it outside or in a bathtub, in the garage or shower for a few days and make sure the water stays on the inside of the tank! First, an aquarium filled with water can weigh hundreds of pounds. This is mostly the result of two different phenomena; stratification and depletion of oxygen. In contrast, fish living in freshwater rivers and lakes experience a large variance in their surroundings throughout the year and various seasons. Your aquarium requires certain types of ‘good bacteria’ to help convert ammonia to nitrites and then into nitrates, maintaining the homeostasis of the tank. Also make sure you have the funds to support your new-found hobby as it can tend to be costly and a 75 gallon tank … The bacteria break down the nitrites into nitrates. You'll get many hours of enjoyment without hassle if you get your salt water fish tank setup correctly. Plan Your Tank. Required fields are marked *. All of the equipment needed for a saltwater tank is designed to simulate the original environment. These Are Great Characters! Put the tank in its permanent location and make sure it’s level. The stages below should help any beginner to get started in this new hobby with minimal difficulty. Now that you have the marine fish tank prerequisites (aquarium, lighting, and filtration) figured out, you can proceed with the setup and assembly. Pre-mixed solutions can be expensive, but there are plenty of instructions available online, or often on the back of sea salt mix packages that are bought from specialty aquarist stores. The following article "Fish Tank Setup For Beginners" is a simple guide to those who are planning to keep a fish as a pet in their home or workplace. If diseases manage to make it into your aquarium, then treatment can be very difficult. Switch on the filtration system and powerhead. I’d recommend getting the biggest size aquarium you can afford. If it does, then the filter likely needs cleaning, or the cartridge changing. The latter is simple; increased oxygen consumption by the algae can reduce levels of the gas in the tank water during certain periods of the algae’s life cycle, which can starve the fish of oxygen. With saltwater tanks, a 55 gallon larger tank is the popular recommendation, especially for beginners. Be sure to use a hydrometer to make sure the salinity is at the right level. Final Thoughts. When your tank is filled between 1/2 to 3/4 of the way up, add saltwater substrate to the tank, whether it’s crushed coral or live sand. This guide for anyone interested in learning how to make a reef aquarium. Step by Step Saltwater Tank Setup for Beginners, 2. You’ve reached the lengthiest stage of setting up a new aquarium and this part is going to require some patience. Make sure not to overfill the tank, allowing room for any decorative items or equipment. Last update on 2021-02-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Figuring this out is going to set the table for the rest of what you do during the setup process. Let it all run for 72 hours and make sure it’s functioning correctly. As mentioned above, by-products can develop in tank water, which can act as nutrients to algae. View Post. Hi George, Protein skimmers can be added after the initial setup. Check out this article we have on this if you want to learn more on how control algae. You may want to add a cleaning crew first (snails, crabs, etc.) Additional space will also be required to store the tank’s filter system, and access to plug sockets will be required to power filters, lighting systems, or heaters. When ammonia is added to the tank, it is broken down into nitrite and bacteria. Saltwater Tank Lighting Lighting for a saltwater aquarium can be type as that used on a freshwater fish tank. Once the water is in, turn on your filter, heater, skimmer, powerheads and any other equipment you have. There are many useful starter kits available on the market, which typically include all of the equipment a budding aquarist needs to get a first-time setup running, so it’s worth shopping around. Your email address will not be published. The expression goes that ‘a dog is for life, not just for Christmas’, but the same can be said for a living, breathing aquarium. Once filled, the stand will be bearing the weight of many gallons of water, in addition to any coral, rockery or other equipment, and of course, the tank itself. All rights reserved, We started Fish Tank World to share the knowledge and insights that we have gained through a lifelong passion for fish keeping and aquariums. Below we are going to guide you systematically on how to go about this. Or you can put some frozen fish food in the tank as well (if you have live rock, you don’t need to do this). The location is another important decision on saltwater tank setup for beginners. Choosing Saltwater Fish. It is also going to dictate what type of filtration and lighting systems to use in your aquarium. Saltwater System Backup - Battery Backup for Aquarium, 17 Essential Equipment for Saltwater Fish Tank Setup. For more information, visit my disclosure page. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary recommendation or advice. There is never a bad time to jump into the world of reef aquariums. Algae can develop in a fish tank because of unclean water. The following five issues are not an exhaustive list of all of the problems that you might face, but they are some of the most commonly seen by new or less experienced aquarists. ... How to setup a canister filter on a saltwater tank for beginners. Once your water has settled, it’s time to aquascape, which involves the placement of any decorative items you have chosen for the tank. It can kick up bacteria quicker than you want as well. The first step to setting up a new saltwater aquarium is choosing a tank. The latter option is less popular with many people, as it is seen as unfair on the fish, who can have a less than pleasant time whilst water levels are unbalanced for this initial period. There are different types of Coral and can include: Check out this article for the details of any type of coral above. You don’t want to purchase equipment that won’t fit your housing situation. Heaters are your best friend when it comes to stabilizing tank temperature, as most can be pre-set to a specific level. By now, you should know the rough outline of steps required to set up a saltwater aquarium, as well as some of the most common problems that can occur with them. When adding water to your saltwater aquarium, you are not expected to retrieve it from natural sources. Best saltwater aquariums for beginners and how to set them up. As an Amazon Associate we earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Very nice article, you help me to fine what I need for my setup. Make sure they stay in the acceptable ranges (1.023 to 1.026 for salinity and roughly 75F – 80F for temperature) and that they remain stable. With all this information, you should be able to set up an aquarium, cycle the tank and introduce your first fish. If you’re planning on adding any particularly large structures as part of the decorative aspect of the tank, then it’s a good idea to do so at this stage, making sure to secure the base of them within the layer of gravel. 10 Gallon Saltwater Tank with Hang on Back Filter, photo by Ornesto It’s a common misconception within the aquarist world that saltwater aquariums are harder to maintain than their freshwater equivalents; however, this is not strictly true. A stand with a solid base to bear the weight of all of the equipment is ideal, whereas shelves – that would place the weight of the load on the screws or brackets holding them – are much less secure. The first thing to do is plan – planning out your ideal setup thoroughly will help the whole process go smoothly. A Beginners Guide to Setting Up a Sump Tank Adding a sump tank to your aquarium can be one of the most intimidating parts of starting your saltwater aquarium. There is no one-fits-all temperature, as optimum levels vary from species to species. Finish your saltwater tank setup – Once your tank cycled, it’s ready for the livestock. Provided that you avoid locating your tank in areas of direct sunlight or breezes, then it should be easy to keep this factor under control. Step 6: ... For information about the best fish to add to your now-ready saltwater aquarium, see the 10 Best Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners. In summary, it is not more difficult to set up and look after an aquarium full of saltwater fish, it simply requires better time management and the need to stay on top of tank maintenance. This post contains affiliate links. The process of setting up an aquarium with live rock is slightly different to normal and requires a process called ‘curing’ to remove toxins; however, live rock can also be bought ‘cured’ for immediate insertion into your aquarium during the setup process. And, once you’re all set up, we have the information you need to keep your tank thriving. The above information covers all the introductory steps for getting your first saltwater aquarium up and running. This is a factor that isn’t always considered by new aquarists, but one that should be kept in mind. A common mistake for a fish tank setup for beginners is adding water too quickly. It is a living organism. Surface Dimensions(inches) New tank Established tank 24×12 3 6 (This size nor recommended for beginners) 36×12 4 9 48×12 6 12 60×18 11 22 72×18 14 28 When introducing fish, temperatures must be equilibrated by floating the bag in the tank for about fifteen minutes. Limit choice around individual components, they often work out cheaper etc. fish! Guide for anyone interested in learning how to make sure not to add too much quickly. Of time and money to set them up check out this article for the livestock use this site we assume. 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