for Binomial Distribution, no example for using second method could spent more time about how to use those tables Overall the book is quite solid. There is an introduction chapter (chapter 1) that sets out the main definitions and conceptual foundation for the rest of the book. The normal approximation to the binomial distribution with continuity correction factor is not presented. few things: The material is presented both as a standard textbook and as a multimedia presentation. This work is in the public domain. Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study is a resource for learning and teaching introductory statistics. The review section for the course at the end of the book is very appropriate for the students at our institution and the answers are easily located. Neither of the pdf or html versions has an index. This textbook is highly modular, such that instructors combine or use different sections to teach the class and the students will still understand the material at a higher level. The content is accurate. Whether this approach is appropriate for an introductory course, depends on the plan for the further study. For example, issues (climate change, population growth, etc.) An emerging trend is to make heavy use of computer simulation and even physical simulation techniques to aid learning. The online version of the text contains a detailed and functioning hyperlinked Table of Contents for the Chapters and Section headings. Text concepts are current and could easily be tweaked in the future to prevent becoming a rather "dated" tool. The quality, layout, terminology, sections and overall value of each chapter are all internally consistent. Ultimately, however, these subjects are applied in real-world contexts, so it is equally important that students … This textbook does a great job transitioning from statistical topics and provides a robust discussion on each topic with a plethora of example problems and practice problems along with answers. As mentioned above, instructors who want to follow first three of the six recommendations in the GAISE guidelines will be able to do so using this text. read more. The text is highly modular. Undergraduate Education through grants DUE-9751307, DUE-0089435, and DUE-0919818. Otherwise, it is a standard introductory statistics book with standard problems. For example, in hypothesis testing the level of significance is included as part of the alternate hypothesis rather than as a separate step in the testing process. Collectively these topics form a useful (and standard) foundation for learning statistics. Each section includes a... The text is very clear but my recommendation would be to stick to traditional notation for some ideas. The Math Forum @ Drexel maintains an Internet Mathematics This is commonly the flow of many comparable textbooks currently being used in the field. The Chapters are self-contained and can be re-ordered down to the Sections level to suit the needs of the instructor/curriculum.


Each section includes a sufficient number of exercises. SPSS: Stats Practically Short and Simple. There is, however, nothing exciting or novel in the the manner in which the topics are covered or the pedagogical approach. His research activities in Statistics have been supported by National Science Foundation, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Naval Research, and National Institute of Health. Topics are well motivated and discussion usually includes useful diagrams or graphs when appropriate. There is an introduction chapter (chapter 1) that sets out the main definitions and conceptual foundation for the rest of the book. "Statistics is the branch of scientific method which deals with the data obtained by counting or measuring the properties of populations of natural phenomena. This Introductory Statistics textbook by Shafer and Zhang is no exception. Introdotory Statistics Concepts, Models, and Applications (David W. Stockburger) Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics … It does not discuss how to build histograms because software will do that. Users can conduct a word search but that can be awkward. When the authors refer to topics covered in previous sections they include links to those sections for easy reference. This work is in the public domain. no normal approximation for Binomial and Poisson distribution The use of formulas is demonstrated well. Topic 2 is chapters 3 through 7. The text is clearly intended to be used in a sequential manner as it builds upon the prior knowledge chapter by chapter. would appreciate a citation where possible. Shafer and Zhang wrote Introductory Statistics by using their vast teaching experience to present a complete look at introductory statistics topics while keeping in mind a realistic expectation with respect to course duration and students' maturity level. On the other hand BCCampus might consider having the textbook translated into other languages as its contribution.


This is a problem with similar introductory statistics textbooks that assume no prior knowledge of algebra.


The links appear to be working correctly. Home As another example, residuals in regression analysis are referred to only as "errors." Blast Into Math! The text is not culturally offensive in any way. Topics are well motivated and discussion usually includes useful diagrams or graphs when appropriate. This Introductory Statistics textbook by Shafer and Zhang is no exception.... slides. This probability textbook … An Introduction to Statistical Learning. This statistical core is up-to-date. In each chapter, there are use of figures, illustrations, and numerous example problems that walk the reader through step-by-step problem solving strategies. no permutation/combination Therefore, it can be copied and reproduced without limitation. These topics would be of interest to students and are appropriate for demonstrating the usefulness of statistics. The text does not cover bar charts or pie charts. The contents in the book is very consistent from beginning to the end. The text has some inconsistencies in the layout of its components: 1. The Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics is a collection of topics of current research interests in both pure and applied statistics and probability developments in the field … For example, experimental design was not well covered in chapter 1 which introduction to Statistics. There is a good index and glossary. Section, 7.2 maybe mention t distribution as the name of the section As always in a text of this size, some errors would still creep in despite the best efforts. I used it as a pdf, I am not sure whether there is an interactive version. Shafer and Zhang believe that the students in this course are best served by a focus on that core material and not by an exposure to a plethora of peripheral topics. It covers the basic descriptive statistics, probability, and inferential statistics of an introductory course. Correlation and regression are at the end; that is where I cover it even in texts where it is chapter 4. Written by-Robert S. Witte and John S. Witte. Use the information below to generate a citation. There is no evidence that the text is culturally insensitive in any way. read more. Probabilities 2. Lane, Rice University. Reviewed by Debra Hydorn, Professor of Mathematics, University of Mary Washington on 5/21/18, The text includes the usual topics for a one-semester course in the same order as many introductory statistics texts. The textbook is very clear. The authors have gone great lengths towards ensuring error-free and unbiased content. Mathematical Modeling I - preliminary. It would be very different if it were the other way around. In addition to his teaching and research duties at the university, he consults actively to industries and governments on a wide range of statistical issues. This textbook is written in an extremely simplistic manner. A Refresher Course in Mathematics. I did not see any index or glossary. This book allows for me to have this flexibility since there many sub-sections or units. I would suggest the homework exercises be numbered if possible so if a student had a question, it would be an easy reference point. Douglas Shafer is Professor of Mathematics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. read more,

Reviewed by Leslie Burkholder, Senior lecturer, University of British Columbia on 10/9/13, The consensus introductory statistics curriculum is typically presented in three major units: (1) Descriptive statistics and study design (first third of course), (2) Probability and sampling distributions (second third of course), and (3)... The book is very consistent with mathematical notations and the framework seems to follow the same format from chapter to chapter. I did not see any index or glossary. There are no permutations and combinations. If the book is to be used for a student population outside of that context, then some changes (either by the authors or instructors) in the diversity of examples will be needed.


The online Table of Contents also provide a consistent means to access these materials in an easily accessible way.


In order to avoid any confusion in the minds of students, it would have been useful to focus the Descriptive Statistics chapter on mean, median, mode concepts. Examples are easy to update, but would benefit from reduction of their count. The clarity in the book was very good for an intro to statistics course. Topics are well motivated and discussion usually includes useful diagrams or graphs when appropriate. Thus, it is better suited to truncation at the end rather than re-organization or dropping of the intermediate subunits.


Statistics came well before computers. The text presents a good attempt at presenting the introductory statistics topics for students with little previous experience with statistics and probability.

An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R. An Introduction to Statistical … It contains material presented in textbook format and as video presentations. There isn't color and there aren't images. However, it should be noted that the online version of the material seems to be of the highest quality - the printed version of the book (of which I had access) had some symbols missing (Section 10.3) which might be due to the printing/conversion of certain of the Greek symbols used to represent statistical parameters.


Both the table of content and index was... Version in PDF Aesthetically, the book could use a few modern edges to make it easier for the student. The coverage in each topic is very competent and clear. Understanding Statistics. However, the reader in most cases has to trust the word of the text as not a single proof is presented - even when this would be easy to achieve (Chebyshev theorem). There is no evidence of grammatical errors. For example, an introduction chapter (Chapter 1) begins immediately to define core statistical concepts and to start familiarizing students with data presentation. It says you can use the normal distribution instead of the t-distribution if n > 30 (It has the standard table of the t-distribution for up to 100 degrees of freedom). Overall, this is a useful book. The book is organized into seven chapters: “Probability,” “Modes of Inference,” “Regression,” “More Probability,” “Special Distributions,” “More Models,” and “Mathematical Statistics.” and makes extensive use of R. Here is a favoring review the book … The text includes the usual topics for a one-semester course in the same order as many introductory statistics texts. The text is internally consistent. The text is very easy to read and the authors have provided good motivations for why and how the statistical methods are used. Students may like that the solutions to exercises are provided immediately after the exercises, but I think most faculty would prefer that they were less accessible. read more. It would be very simple for a faculty member to select portions of the text and reorganize as needed. This version uses formatting that works better for mobile devices. The textbooks in this section cover subjects such as sampling, statistics … There is some color used throughout the text and this adds to improve the readability and contrast of the images and texts. In addition to journal articles and this statistic textbook he has co-authored with V. G. Romanovski (Maribor, Slovenia) a graduate textbook in his research specialty. It is a comprehensive text, but goes light on (or omits) some topics which some instructors would like to cover. Throughout the text the authors provide explanations of how data is presented and used. It does a good job at covering the breadth and depth of the topics one would expect for an introductory course. of Study ( It is a basic introductory statistics text, but you should be prepared to supplement it if it misses a topic you like to cover. Approved by the, If you are an instructor using these materials, I can send I was pleasantly surprised how easily it was to navigate, click on tables and refer back to formulas. Spot for the month. videos. Instructors who want to cover correlation and regression earlier in the course, however, would be able to do so by skipping the section on inference for the slope. The topics are presented in logical order as necessary for an introductory statistics course. The text covers some of the areas of the subject, albeit not in-depth. This would make a very good supplement to another text and is very reader friendly. But in other respects it looks good. document.write("David Lane. Each chapter is arranged in a very similar manner where the learning objectives are clearly stated followed by definitions, theories, or formulas and then a robust narrative. Another aspect of the content is the heavy reliance on the use of a calculator to perform many of the statistical calculations. The text looks like a professionally published textbook. The language in the book is easily understandable. Elementary statistics books Our free elementary statistics books will help you acquire a better understanding of the core concepts of statistics. Therefore in writing Introduction to Statistics they have sought to present only the core concepts and use a wide-ranging set of exercises for each concept to drive comprehension. The writing style is quite accessible. Glossary is not provided other than chapter-by-chapter.


The binomial distribution is presented as a formula without motivation for where the formula comes from. Therefore, it can be copied and reproduced without limitation. The authors have done a very good effort towards producing an easily readable and accessible text. The text is quite consistent in its terminology and structure. There is no investigation of causal studies. Mathematical statistics … When I look for an introductory statistics textbook, I look for a book to include topics beginning with introductory descriptive statistics and transitioning into population sampling distribution and basic probability, and concluding with nonparametric and parametric inferential testing. Like these examples, most of the other unusual features are minor in impact so that instructors can work around them. As noted before, illustrations are heavy on the Gaussian distribution images, even where the Student distribution images are needed. When comparing this book with other introductory statistics textbooks, the manner in which content is presented and the reading level utilized within each chapter is very comparable and in some cases even more simplistic than other textbooks. This is awkward but not too problematic. There appear to be no major problems with the theoretical information provided and the example problems associated with each chapter are error-free and consistent with the types of example problems in other textbooks. And by 2023, hotel booking statistics will grow to 700 million people making an online hotel booking. For example, experimental design was not well covered in chapter 1 which introduction to Statistics. Elementary Algebra Exercise Book … CC BY-NC-SA, Reviewed by Zhifang Yin, Instructor, Bunker Hill Community College on 6/8/20, Overall the book is quite solid. The interface is well designed and organized to enable easy access and pleasing display of the materials. The book is organized so well that it would be extremely easy to add new information or modify existing information very easy without disturbing the flow of the content that is currently presented. No attention is given to non-parametric methods, Bayesian estimation, multivariate distributions, to name a few areas. e-Pub. Over time the core content of this course has developed into a well-defined body of material that is substantial for a one-semester course. He earned a PhD in mathematics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. There are more chapters on the third topic. read more,

Adult fiction showed a decrease of 1.2% in the same time, while sales of young adult books … Statistics 10th Edition. The NCERT Class 11th Statistics textbooks are well known for it’s updated and thoroughly revised syllabus. read more,

As previously noted many examples and exercises are US-centric. Some immediate updates that are needed would be: (1) modify chapter 1 to show the links between statistics and real world solutions, (2) directly introduce computer software into the exercises, (3) adapt the questions and examples to be more relevant to an international audience.

Additionally, the chapters have a list of robust practice problems. read more. Should holders wish to contact the Publisher, we will be happy to come to some arrangement with them. In particular: 1. This text does none of that.


The drawback is that statistical computing is not adequately emphasized and that students in Canada will find it a challenge to relate to some of the US-context questions and examples. no index , no glossary, definition is accurate and well explained. The text will not become obsolete any faster than similar introductory statistics books.


Descriptive statistics … Yes, it is consistent (including reliance on the computationally efficient formulae which I do not like). The topics are arranged in the standard statistical workflow process of Descriptive/Probability/Inferential/Modeling stages. It is a statistics text, which is not highly dependent on culture. And like other texts, the authors don't provide as much detail about inference for a proportion as they do about inference for a mean. also I found most instructions in the book to be very detailed and clear for students to follow. The text is written in simple and clear prose. The Data Science Textbook was formerly known as StatSoft's Electronic Statistics Textbook. many others have made substantial contributions.

Instructors will find the many exercises are US-centric. Section, 7.2 maybe... The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction by Trevor Hastie, … They may find they want exercises that are not that.


Reviewed by Amit Verma , Adjunct Instructor , University of North Carolina at Greensboro on 12/5/16, When comparing numerous statistical textbooks to this book, the level of comprehensiveness is consistent with other material published and in some cases such as the use of examples it is actually more comprehensive than many of the published... It is fair to say that figures (especially graphs) are used extensively to illustrate the concepts being discussed.


Lastly there was no set of instruction teaching students how to use technology to perform some of these computations. If you are a beginner in statistics, then, this book is for you. Access our elementary statistics book online for free. There are no permutations and combinations. Grammar has been very well proof-read.


2. A particularly useful feature is the learning objective that has been given for each Section.


The book … This textbook offers training in the … for Binomial Distribution, no example for using second method "Statistics for Research has other fine qualities besides superior organization. This something some although not all introductory statistics cover.

There are some large gaps between the numerator and denominator in some formulas that might cause confusion. This review originated in the BC Open Textbook Collection and is licensed under CC BY-ND.

. The authors have done a good job in the first chapter of setting the stage to learn statistics. quite standard, of course could add some interactive links. Access for free at; Citation information. Some topics are missing (e.g., midrange and midquartile for measures of center, how to find percentiles other than quartiles) but it is not uncommon to find lack of coverage of some topics in similar texts. Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Division of Additionally, the authors have done a good job to list an index and glossary to assist in locating various sections within the text with ease. This is not applicable. Whilst this may have some value in terms of flexibility for the instructor as stated by the authors in the Preface, the reality is that once students pursue further statistics and other related courses they will be confronted with the needed to use computer software tools. The consensus introductory statistics curriculum is typically presented in three major units: (1) Descriptive statistics and study design (first third of course), (2) Probability and sampling distributions (second third of course), and (3) Statistical inference (final third of course). I especially like the answers to problems being easily accessed with the click of a button rather than flipping to the back of the book. One aspect of the content that might be useful to include is the bigger picture notion of: How is statistics used in the real world? I currently use many textbooks for introductory statistics that are over 5 years old to write lecture slides and generate example problems and have found that many changes were not needed when using older books. Each chapter comes with plenty of exercises and exercise answers. Often times I like to teach a few topics out of order or merge topics within various chapters together in order for me to explain material better. Using the textbook outside of that geographic context may prove to be a limitation in terms of asking students to grasp an understanding of the problem domain before attempting a statistical solution. The writing in this text is clear and the organization of material is logical


maybe more software technology Many of the exercises and examples use concepts (SAT scores for example) and data that are best understood within the context of the United States. I appreciate the face that you can download the book in a PDF format. This might include an idea such as highlighting important formulas so it stands out. The text covers some of the areas needed for an Introduction to Statistics or Elementary Statistics. Princeton Review AP Statistics Prep, 2021: 4 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Str… that appeal to a wider background of multidisciplinary students can make the entire book more relevant. Reviewed by Sarah Clifton, Instructor, Southeastern Louisiana University on 6/20/17, This text covers all the necessary points in an introductory Statistics glass with a well organized, user friendly index. When it comes to book statistics, adult nonfiction showed the largest growth with a 5.4% revenue increase from 2016 to 2017, according to the StatShot Annual Report from the Association of American Publishers. Making these changes to the existing online HTML files would be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.


Topics in the text are presented clearly but require a leap of faith on the part of the reader in every instance a new formula is presented.


The statistical core that the textbook focuses on is relatively stable and so changes would be few and far between. The content in textbook is up to date. Instructors who are familiar with the American Statistical Association's Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) will find this text appropriate for meeting the first three of six recommendations and all of the goals set out in this report. While technically correct for large N, this gives a wrong impression about the shape of the Student distribution.


all. To add to the difficulty, many textbooks contain an overabundance of material, which not only results in the need for further streamlining, but also in intimidated students. Secondly I would recommend the authors to add a table of content and an index to the textbook. I found the contents in the book to accurate and unbiased. The modularity of the textbook is one of the best features that distinguish this book from others in the subject content area.

Descriptive statistics is covered in one chapter (chapter 2). "Statistical Methods in Online A/B Testing" is a comprehensive guide to statistics in online controlled experiments, a.k.a. resource features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab. I actually looked at a few other math books online and decided to review this one. Formulas and text typeset in LaTeX on occasion import into Word with a loss of resolution (see the example 21, page 93). Pages 224, 614: pictures and text inside are presented as mirror images of proper orientation. This review originated in the BC Open Textbook Collection and is licensed under CC BY-ND.

, Reviewed by Shivanand Balram, Senior Lecturer, Spatial Information Science, Simon Fraser University on 10/9/13, Most introductory statistics texts use the logical structure of descriptive statistics, probability, and inferential statistics to deliver the materials to new students. Navigation through the parts imported as images is visibly different from navigation through the parts entered as text.


This This text was not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way but I do think it could have been a little more culturally diverse in it's examples. The text covers some of the areas needed for an Introduction to Statistics or Elementary Statistics. This adds confidence in the quality of the materials. But like any good statistics book, each chapter is broken down into sections for each topic. This site is the homepage of the textbook Introduction to Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes by Hossein Pishro-Nik. introductory statistics. So they have integrated the learning of statistics into the understanding of science. labs. The interface of the book is very good, however the graphics could have been improved by adding some good images and diagrams. Inferential statistics (chapters 7-9) and their applications to statistical model building and testing (chapter 10-11) form the remaining parts of the content. Including this explicitly would have made the book more comprehensive and relevant to the modern statistics student. I didn't notice any offensive example, actually this book seems to have less word problem/example than other books. The textbook is broken into smaller chunks. Please cite as: Online Statistics … Whether this approach is appropriate for an introductory course, depends on the plan for the further study. It should be noted that in the Large Data Set Exercises sections of the book there are some links to digital spreadsheet data that can be articulated as computer-based data analysis practice for students.


Solutions for the exercises at the end of each section appear to be error-free. Given that this is an introductory statistics textbook, many of the theoretical topics such as formulas, definitions, concepts, etc. Including these issues and a connection to the statistical tools that can provide solutions to these problems would help make statistics fun for multidisciplinary students who often perceive statistics as boring and irrelevant. OpenIntro Statistics. Webutation, Hot The text is not culturally offensive or insensitive, and makes use of inclusive examples.


Reviewed by Mamfe Osafo, Mathematics Instructor, Centrral Lakes College on 1/7/16, The text covers some of the areas needed for an Introduction to Statistics or Elementary Statistics. Both the table of content and an analysis lab 'natural phenomena ' includes all the necessary points in an course... Topics form a useful ( and standard ) foundation for the rest of the text would issues., however, nothing exciting or novel in the same problem instructors have with other similar.... Through this textbook is broken up into smaller pieces allowing for easy within... Authors expect the student to use technology to perform some of the images diagrams. One would expect for an introductory course, it can be awkward which some instructors would like to inference! A word search but that can be awkward four chapters ( chapters 3-6 ) not well covered chapter... Of statistics statistical calculations Cataloguing in Publication data a modern introduction to statistics content.... 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