Prereq: None G (Fall) The website also offers a job search engine, a blog, and tools related to computer research policies and advocacy. Interconnect models and parasitics, device sizing and logical effort, timing issues (clock skew and jitter), and active clock distribution techniques. Not offered regularly; consult department3-0-9 units, Same subject as 2.830[J]Prereq: 2.008, 6.041, or 6.152[J] G (Fall)3-0-9 units, Same subject as 2.391[J]Prereq: (2.710, 6.152[J], or 6.161) or permission of instructor Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered Laboratory and computer exercises illustrate the concepts. Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Spring)3-0-9 unitsCan be repeated for credit. They may also offer access to journals, blogs, magazines, and newsletters that examine innovative computer science topics. They also observe computer systems for signs of attacks and help companies build emergency protocols for when breaches occur. Doctoral candidates must pass a general exam, present an oral defense of their thesis, and complete a minimum of four terms of full-time research in residence at MIT. Enrollment may be limited. IIR and FIR filter design techniques. Specific focus varies from year to year. Topics include specifications and invariants; testing, test-case generation, and coverage; abstract data types and representation independence; design patterns for object-oriented programming; concurrent programming, including message passing and shared memory concurrency, and defending against races and deadlock; and functional programming with immutable data and higher-order functions. This class teaches students how to create and analyze algorithms for different computerized tasks. Master's students can pursue a thesis or non-thesis format. Not offered regularly; consult department2-2-2 unitsCan be repeated for credit. Basic electric machines introduced including DC, induction, and permanent magnet motors, with drive considerations. Same subject as 2.796[J] He worked as a professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley until 1999. Prospective students can find more guidance on choosing the right school at the link below. Emphasis on Haskell and Ocaml, but no prior experience in these languages is assumed. Subject meets with 6.866Prereq: 6.003 or permission of instructor Acad Year 2020-2021: U (Fall) Solutions to Maxwell equations and physical interpretation. CMU also offers a Ph.D. in computer science, with an optional specialty track in neural basis of cognition. Power flow using Poynting's theorem, force estimation using the Maxwell stress tensor and Principle of virtual work. Advanced study of topics in signals and systems. Prereq: 6.008, 6.041B, or 6.436[J] G (Spring)4-0-8 units. ), hierarchical modeling, (continuous and discrete) nonparametric Bayesian approaches, sensitivity and robustness, and evaluation. Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Fall)3-6-3 units. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science jointly offers a Master of Engineering in Computation and Cognition (6-9P) with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9). Prereq: None U (IAP) Students working full-time for the Master of Science degree may take as many as four classroom subjects per term. Consult department for details. Not offered regularly; consult departmentUnits arranged [P/D/F]Can be repeated for credit. Subject meets with 6.936Prereq: None U (IAP)4-0-2 units. Introduces noise models for semiconductor devices, and applications of optoelectronic devices to fiber optic communications. Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems, in low- and high-dimensional spaces. Limited to students participating in the 6-A internship program. Focuses on developing working software that solves real problems. Covers topics complementary to 6.801. Rate-distortion theory, vector quantizers. Course requirements for computer science master's degrees vary by program, but most programs include technical coursework in areas like programming languages, algorithms, cryptography, data processing, and network security. Graduate students may choose from eight specialization subfields, including computer science theory, network systems, and programming languages and systems. The program is described in more detail under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. Subject meets with 2.791[J], 6.021[J], 9.21[J], 20.370[J]Prereq: (Physics II (GIR), 18.03, and (2.005, 6.002, 6.003, 10.301, or 20.110[J])) or permission of instructor G (Fall)5-2-5 units. Covers the techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations, using principles from graphic design, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. Quantization, wavefunctions, and Schrodinger's equation. Prereq: Physics II (GIR) or permission of instructor U (Fall, Spring)2-8-2 units. Decimation, interpolation, and sampling rate conversion. Prereq: 6.013, 6.630, or 8.07 Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered Students may choose from 11 research/study areas, including computer engineering, networking, and software systems. Subject meets with 6.819Prereq: 18.06 and (6.041B or 6.042[J]) G (Spring)3-0-9 units. Offered under: 6.913, 16.667 The Joint Program with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) is intended for students whose primary career objective is oceanography or oceanographic engineering. Applicants must submit transcripts, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. Analyzes seminal work directed at the development of a computational understanding of human intelligence, such as work on learning, language, vision, event representation, commonsense reasoning, self reflection, story understanding, and analogy. Mathematical definitions of information measures, convexity, continuity, and variational properties. Individual laboratory assignments culminate in the construction of a fault-tolerant and scalable network file system. Before enrolling, students must have an employment offer from a company or organization and must find an EECS supervisor. Subject meets with 6.814Prereq: (6.033 and (6.006 or 6.046[J])) or permission of instructor G (Spring)3-0-9 units, Prereq: 2.12, 2.165[J], 6.141[J], or permission of instructor G (Spring)3-0-9 units. 6.0001 Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python. Measures of control performance, robustness issues using singular values of transfer functions. Recommended prerequisite: 6.036 or other previous experience in machine learning. Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and (6.0001 or 6.01) U (Fall, Spring)4-0-8 unitsCredit cannot also be received for 6.862. Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Spring) Includes occasional guest speakers or panel discussions. Master's students must complete at least 34 course credits, including a thesis. This program builds on the Bachelor of Science in Computation and Cognition, providing additional depth in the subject areas through advanced coursework and a substantial thesis. Topics include computer crime; intellectual property restrictions on software; encryption, privacy, and national security; academic freedom and free speech. Emphasizes expressing all hardware designs in a high-level hardware language and synthesizing the designs. For first year Course 6 students in the SM/PhD track, who seek weekly engagement with departmental faculty and staff, to discuss topics related to the graduate student experience, and to promote a successful start to graduate school. Limited enrollment; priority to Statistics and Data Science minors and to juniors and seniors. Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring, Summer)Units arranged [P/D/F]Can be repeated for credit. Enrollment may be limited. Ranked highly among national programs, the computer science department under Columbia's School of Engineering and Applied Science offers a variety of unique master's and doctoral degrees. See description under subject HST.582[J]. Subject meets with 6.816Prereq: 6.006 G (Fall)4-0-8 units, Prereq: (Calculus II (GIR) and 6.031) or permission of instructor U (Fall)3-0-9 units. To complete the minor, students must take at least six subjects (six-unit subjects count as half-subjects) totaling at least 72 units from the lists below, including: Additional information about the department’s undergraduate programs may be obtained from the EECS Undergraduate Office, Room 38-476, 617-253-7329. Topics include Fourier series, Fourier transforms, the Discrete Fourier Transform, sampling, convolution, deconvolution, filtering, noise reduction, and compression. To satisfy the independent inquiry component of this subject, students expand the scope of their term project. Support is granted competitively to graduate students and may not be available for all of those admitted to the Master of Engineering program. Prereq: 6.002 U (Fall, Spring)4-0-8 units. Same subject as IDS.012[J] Professional perspective options include: internships (with industry, government or academia), industrial colloquia or seminars, research collaboration with industry or government, and professional development for entry into academia or entrepreneurial engagement. Subject meets with 6.047Prereq: (Biology (GIR), 6.006, and 6.041) or permission of instructor G (Fall)4-0-8 units. Topics include protein-DNA interaction, chromatin accessibility, regulatory variant interpretation, medical image understanding, medical record understanding, therapeutic design, and experiment design (the choice and interpretation of interventions). Special focus on results of asymptotic or algorithmic significance. Additional topics in image and video processing. They may research solutions to problems or explore more efficient ways to complete computerized tasks. Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Spring)5-5-2 units. So as you would expect, competition for enrolment is fierce, with an acceptance rate of 10%. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. Each student plans a program in consultation with a faculty advisor. Topics include combinational and pipelined arithmetic-logic units (ALU), in-order pipelined microarchitectures, branch prediction, blocking and unblocking caches, interrupts, virtual memory support, cache coherence and multicore architectures. Learn about the best online colleges and universities that allow you to earn your degree from anywhere. Departmental approval required. Students may pursue financial support through teaching assistantships and fellowships specific to graduate study at Purdue. Computer programmers need strong communication, analytical, and troubleshooting skills. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Simple models for metals, semiconductors, and devices such as electron microscopes, scanning tunneling microscope, thermonic emitters, atomic force microscope, and more. Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Summer)Units arranged [P/D/F]Can be repeated for credit. Acceptance Rate . Estimation and minimization of energy consumption. Students finish the program with two MIT degrees: an MBA (or SM in management) and an SM from one of seven engineering programs, some of which have optional or required LGO tracks. Prereq: 6.UAT G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)Units arrangedCan be repeated for credit. This can make the course material challenging for some students. The university provides full financial support for Ph.D. candidates and offers internship opportunities with high-profile industry partners, like Intel, Cisco, and IBM. Includes a sequence of assigned projects, followed by a final project of the student's choice, emphasizing creativity and uniqueness. Fundamental concepts, functions, and structures of compilers. Covers discrete geometry and algorithms underlying the reconfiguration of foldable structures, with applications to robotics, manufacturing, and biology. Build autonomous poker players and aquire the knowledge of the game of poker. Optical waveguides and optical fibers. Engineering School-Wide Elective Subject. Key issues in the design of engineered artifacts operating in the natural world: measuring and modeling system behaviors; assessing errors in sensors and effectors; specifying tasks; designing solutions based on analytical and computational models; planning, executing, and evaluating experimental tests of performance; refining models and designs. S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, V. Vaikuntanathan. Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring) The first 6-A assignment may be used for the advanced undergraduate project that is required for award of a bachelor's degree, by including a written report and obtaining approval by a faculty member. Geometric problems in higher dimensions: linear programming, closest pair problems. Prereq: 6.031 and 6.042[J] U (Fall)4-9-2 units. Emphasizes physical understanding of device operation through energy band diagrams and short-channel MOSFET device design and modern device scaling. Introduces the principal algorithms for linear, network, discrete, robust, nonlinear, and dynamic optimization. Prior experience unnecessary as instructors and industry professionals teach both basic and advanced material. Adaptive and non-adaptive processing of signals received at arrays of sensors. While on 6-A assignment, students receive pay from the participating company as well as academic credit for their work. Enrollment limited. Same subject as 18.400[J]Prereq: 6.042[J] U (Spring)4-0-8 units. Third, each student conducts research under the direct supervision of a member of the faculty and reports the results in a thesis. For Course 6 students participating in curriculum-related off-campus internship experiences in electrical engineering or computer science. Applications may include face recognition, multimodal interaction, interactive systems, cinematic special effects, and photorealistic rendering. Biases against women in the workplace have been documented in a variety of studies. Not offered regularly; consult department2-2-2 units. Focuses on the essential results in the area, taught from first principles. Subject meets with 6.215Prereq: 18.06 G (Fall)4-0-8 units, Same subject as 18.456[J]Prereq: 6.251[J] or 15.093[J] Acad Year 2020-2021: G (Spring) The Ph.D. program primarily accepts applicants with a bachelor's degree. CMU also ranked first in artificial intelligence graduate programs and among the top four in programming languages, systems, and theory. Students pursuing a specialization culminate the degree with an independent study project. Prereq: None G (Fall)Units arranged [P/D/F]. Acad Year 2021-2022: G (Spring)4-0-8 units. The association also publishes journals, magazines, and books on computer topics. USC offers some specializations online. Students apply concepts introduced in lectures and online assignments to design labs that include discussion-based checkoffs. Superior achievement in relevant technical fields is considered particularly important. Individual research project arranged with appropriate faculty member or approved supervisor. Develops leadership, teamwork and communication skills by exposing students to leadership frameworks, models, and cases within an engineering context in an interactive, practice-based environment. Analysis of distributed effects, such as transmission line modeling, S-parameters, and Smith chart. Same subject as 8.371[J], 18.436[J]Prereq: 18.435[J] G (Spring)3-0-9 units, Prereq: 6.011 Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered Prereq: (6.061 or 6.690) or permission of instructor Acad Year 2020-2021: Not offered Includes frequent engineering industry-guest participation and involvement. Institute LAB. Prepares students to lead teams charged with developing creative solutions in engineering and technical environments. Introduces basic electrical engineering concepts, components, and laboratory techniques. The MEng degree is normally completed by students taking a full load of regular subjects in two graduate terms. Introduces the theory and technology of micro/nano fabrication. Introduces fundamental concepts of programming. Topics include the simplex method, network flow methods, branch and bound and cutting plane methods for discrete optimization, optimality conditions for nonlinear optimization, interior point methods for convex optimization, Newton's method, heuristic methods, and dynamic programming and optimal control methods. Techniques of nonlinear optics with emphasis on fundamentals for research and engineering in optics, photonics, and spectroscopy. Not offered regularly; consult department3-0-9 units. Same subject as 16.37[J]Prereq: 6.041 or 18.204 G (Fall)3-0-9 units. Emphasizes methodology and the underlying mathematical structures. Considers what separates human intelligence from that of other animals. Semester-long project and paper. Fosters deep understanding and intuition that is crucial in innovating analog circuits and optimizing the whole system in bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) technologies. In addition to its Ithaca campus, the university hosts a Manhattan location for graduate students called Cornell Tech. Presents a wide range of basic tools, including software and development tools, programmable system on chip, peripheral components such as A/D converters, communication schemes, signal processing techniques, closed-loop digital feedback control, interface and power electronics, and modeling of electromechanical systems. Senior project fellowship opportunities, dispersion, finite blocklength bounds full program description Interdisciplinary... Consult syllabus or instructor for specific details admissions cycle, university of South Carolina had acceptance... Opposed to a scan site for human intelligence from that of other students and personal. As openings are limited curves, characterizing rigidity, characterizing rigidity, characterizing rigidity, rigidity... Programs are offered in the MEng program to gain professional perspective in research teaching! 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